Running On Empty-Beat it solo-70's Dumble ODS pack

  • it's taken a while folks but here it is.…on-70-s-50w-ods

    EDIT: 30-9-2018.

    direct downloads available now from the 'kemper Profiles' section of

    perfect recreation of the 1970's Dumble overdrive special 50w combo.

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    This pack contains profiles from an exact recreation of a 1970's 50w Dumble ODS combo. This is the same period amp that David Lindley used with jackson brown 'Running on Empty'. His amp has the classic snakeskin covering, but underneath it's the same amp as this one.
    the original combo had an Altec Alnico speaker. This has a celestion high powered Alnico cream which is a great fit for the amp.
    The amp was mic'd with a combination of a (£10,000) vintage 1960's U67 serial #116, a classic Sure SM57 and a custom made Ribbon mic similar to the royer 121.

    EDIT: It seems this is the same amp Andy Brauer rented out in LA and was used on the classic solos for 'Beat it' Dancing on the Ceiling' and 'Rosanna' among others

    there are 40 profiles in this pack including Studio and DI

    There are Clean settings with various pre amp volumes, that will be the number on the profile.
    there are some profiles with 'Deep' switch in; DP 'Bright' switch BR.
    Then there are 'Overdrive' settings: OD
    There are also settings using the FET, this is what David Lindley used as his sound.
    the FET is basically a very high quality clean boost, it also adds a little high end too.
    there are FET versions of both clean and OD, on clean it makes for a nice SRV strat tone.
    there are two 'jazz' setting as well. One is a classic clean deep jazz setting the other is an unusual setting with the 'jazz' and OD.
    Also there are the profiles done with the dumbleator, the buffered FX loop which adds another valve stage to the chain and also has bright caps.
    I've also done some profiles without the sm57 and re balanced the 67 and ribbon for a different ,softer tone.
    There's a lot here and I've tried to give you a really broad spectrum of tones, some of which are not my own personal taste but I'm sure would be great for others.
    Most profiles have a studio and a DI profile.

    Jo Bonamassa 2018:

    finally if you're one of the first 100 I have included a special 'Jo Bonamassa' profile.
    after seeing his recent rig rundown(2018) I saw he was using two 50w 80's Dumble's set in the 'Jazz' mode on Overdrive (very unusual) with two fender tweed amps and blending them together using the lehle P split and a chorus.
    I have recreated that using my #102 dumble and a newly acquired Dumble tweed amp.

    I had to add the chorus, which is very subtle in the FX slot as I couldn't profile two amps with the stereo shift. apart from that though I used the amp settings from the rig run down

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    about 37:02....and the same P split so a pretty convincing recreation of joes current sound.


    Edited 2 times, last by norburybrook: new info came to light about Andy Brauer's 2nd generation ODS combo the same as this which was rented out to session players in LA. (November 12, 2018 at 1:01 PM).

  • Wow, that must be the best high end signal chain and most expensive one & amp used on a profiling session to date !

    Pretty impressive Marcus :)

    edit : bought in the minute , as I highly respect all the work & passion involved , even If I've not plugged a guitar in 10 days as I'm still in the process of moving to a new house. Another Dumble for 12€, how can one resist ?

  • Marcus,the JoBo Profile itself is worth the money. Omg what a great sound.

    thanks, yes that was a real surprise for me too. I've had the 80's Dumble amps for a few years but never thought about the Jazz setting much. I've experimented mixing the ODS with other amps but it was seeing his settings using the 'Jazz' setting and OD mode that made me think.

    I replicated his settings and was knocked out with the sound, really great. So I thought I'd try and see if I could capture that with the kemper.

    I couldn't profile the delay/chorus setting but I could definitely capture the two amps together, then adding the delay/chorus in stereo in the FX slot afterwards got me 99% of the way there, so I was pleased with the result.

    It had nothing to do with the 70's amp but as I had everything set up profiling the 70's amp I thought it would be a great little 'addition' to the pack.

    I didn't make the most form the sound demo but it's really responsive to the volume control on your guitar, just wind it back and it cleans up lovely, just like the real thing.

    here's the Dumble Tweedle Dee :D..thats the Dumble version of the Tweed deluxe


  • With out the Kemper technology none of us would be able to access these tones. They would be lost.(say what you want about kemper, but its a fact) Good job. Thanks for doing Joe's rig man. Some of the best blues and slide sounds i have heard. Plus its all done on Strat's , Tele's and an LP. Thanks for looking after every one Marcus

    They all sound good enough to allow you now to just keep your kemper rigs and put the amp on ebay and become rich :rolleyes::thumbup:


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

    Edited 2 times, last by ashtweth (September 21, 2018 at 3:51 AM).

  • thanks, yes that was a real surprise for me too. I've had the 80's Dumble amps for a few years but never thought about the Jazz setting much. I've experimented mixing the ODS with other amps but it was seeing his settings using the 'Jazz' setting and OD mode that made me think.
    I replicated his settings and was knocked out with the sound, really great. So I thought I'd try and see if I could capture that with the kemper.

    Imho its a combination of the attack and the jazz growl that make these profile special. When i add an od (green boost ) in the chain, with a little bit drive , i also get a kind of santana sound with his endless sustain who doesn't loose the full tone after a while.

  • I don't understand, is this a true Dumble or a clone ?

    As it say's, it's a recreation, as close as possible to the original 1970 #40 ODS, some people call them clones yes :D

    the original didn't have a full FX loop or the FET level control on the front. This amp can use the dumbleator which later ODS can too, which adds to the palate of sounds. Having the FET control on the front makes for a controllable clean boost. Both these things don't alter the original tone but add later functionality.

    here's gut shot of the amp in it's construction. and the original