I heard a rumor about a new Kemper Reverb that compete BIG SKY or IMMERSE type of reverb

  • On youtube you can find a video titled: "Kemper Evolution Reverb - First Look at all 10 Presets!! - Namm 2018".

    The 10 presets in the demo are: chorus. slow, bloom, strings, ice, breath, tender, formant1, formant2 and formant3.

    The latest beta includes presets with the same names as the first 7, but none titled "formant". So that could lead one to speculate that there's at least one reverb type yet to be released. There's 29 new presets though, so it's also possible that they've been renamed and maybe slightly changed to fit working models. NAMM is only a week away, so we might hear more about it. If I remember correctly, the new delays were released over 2 separate updates.

    As I understand it, those ToneJunkie previews were basically 2 reverb algorithms: Natural and Evolution. And all the presets are built on the two. With Spring being it’s own algorithm as well.

    So are you saying that since the Formant presets are not in this beta, it’s possible they may have been moved to yet a new additional reverb algorithm that’s yet to be released?

  • riggles I'm saying it's possible alright, but I wouldn't put money on it either way :) I've given the new presets a quick run and don't hear anything that sounds exactly like the formant presets. I'll confess that I haven't changed my strings in a while though.

  • Sorry, but the old reverb presets were dedicated to the REV module and not compatible with the new flexible structure. If those were/are important to you, you have probably used those in your Rigs and could create new presets from those. You just need to open the module, press STORE, and assign a name. It's probably an excellent opportunity, to check if you can raise these presets to a new level by leveraging one of the new reverb types.

  • Yes, the scale of the Spring Reverb's Mix control has changed compared to 5.6.2 and requires readjustment.

    Check out the latest Public Beta, which fixes a couple of issues.

  • Sorry, but the old reverb presets were dedicated to the REV module and not compatible with the new flexible structure. If those were/are important to you, you have probably used those in your Rigs and could create new presets from those. You just need to open the module, press STORE, and assign a name. It's probably an excellent opportunity, to check if you can raise these presets to a new level by leveraging one of the new reverb types.

    Thx Burkhard, that clears it up and I think it was same when delays came out. So, little work to do.

    Btw: The old mixed parameter where I could ad the reverb level to guitsr sound or to delay is replaced with??? That was a cool feature. Is it hidden?



  • - When I load my saved presets they sound nothing like they used to. The legacy reverb is totally different from the old reverbs. I tought the new legacy reverb will automatically load at parameters that would give an equivalent sound. It doesn't.

    I was just reading through the 5.7 Addendum. The Legacy reverb section says:

    The main purpose of this reverb type is to maintain full backward compatibility with Rigs that have been created before the advent of PROFILER operating system 6.0.

    The 6.0 should probably read 5.7. But it seems like the point was for the Legacy reverb to maintain the sound of the previous reverbs. That’s what “full backwards compatibility” means to me. If they sound different, and they are located in the REV slot, that sounds like a bug, not an intentional change.

  • Thank you soooo much once again Kemper team!

    Saw the tread yesterdaymorning and couldn't believe that by the time I finally able to install it this afternoon, the first bugs were already fixed!

    I owm a Lexicon PCM81 and an Orville for my verbs and these new Kemper Verbs are getting in those territories. Hard to believe this was squeezed out of this already packed box.


  • Freeze is MIDI control change # 35. Any value toggles. It affects both delay and reverb effects.

    It still affects Delays but doesn't appear to affect the reverb freeze (with reverb in its own slot or loaded into the delay slot)

  • Yeah, that's the kind of thing I was thinking of.

    Don't forget to burn incense and sacrifice a couple of chickens. Very important for technical troubleshooting.

    And for the love of mercy, don't skimp out and buy generic chickens! Use the name brand ones, folks! Nothing screws up a voodoo ritualistic sacrificial offering like using cheap a$$ chickens and blood! #makevoodoogreatagain 8o


    Shred 'til yer dead,

    Jeff in Houston

  • Having the same issue here, legacy reverb presets dissapeared from saved effects list , and when i copied them in manually , they sound nothing like they used to .

    I even downgraded the fw to compare, the legacy reverb parameters are different , the time parameter used to go to 0 , now it bottoms out at 200ms . so if I had a preset with a 0 setting how can I enter this on the new fw legacy reverbs when the minimum is 200ms ?

  • Having the same issue here, legacy reverb presets dissapeared from saved effects list , and when i copied them in manually , they sound nothing like they used to .

    I even downgraded the fw to compare, the legacy reverb parameters are different , the time parameter used to go to 0 , now it bottoms out at 200ms . so if I had a preset with a 0 setting how can I enter this on the new fw legacy reverbs when the minimum is 200ms ?

    I’d file a bug report.