M Britt Profiles what am i doing wrong?

  • Have you tried to turn off Pure Cab globally as suggested earlier? This alone or combined with some Input settings can make a big difference. Still I don't believe that your guitar and pu makes that big difference. Just post a recording without any tweaking to show us. Even if I use my cheapest guitar with ultra hot ceramic humbucker (Jackson JS11) I can get close enough to the demo sound, without calling the result "thin, distant, bad, shit" or anything. Weird case?!

  • M BRITT profiles are flawless. professional players and the consensus of better hobby players know this is true. If you go to MOMA in NYC, stand in front of a Jackson Pollock painting and think it’s crap, it’s not the painting that is being judged. Search for some major technical SNAFU in your set up, or begin to readjust your ability to perceive what a good amp profile in fact sounds like.

  • M BRITT profiles are flawless. professional players and the consensus of better hobby players know this is true. If you go to MOMA in NYC, stand in front of a Jackson Pollock painting and think it’s crap, it’s not the painting that is being judged. Search for some major technical SNAFU in your set up, or begin to readjust your ability to perceive what a good amp profile in fact sounds like.


  • M BRITT profiles are flawless. professional players and the consensus of better hobby players know this is true. If you go to MOMA in NYC, stand in front of a Jackson Pollock painting and think it’s crap, it’s not the painting that is being judged. Search for some major technical SNAFU in your set up, or begin to readjust your ability to perceive what a good amp profile in fact sounds like.

    I'm not saying you are wrong. That like I said was my initial confusion why i'm getting no good results. Like a painting profile are a thing of personal taste. Maybe the Britt profiles are made to be as universal and flat as possible to
    allow major adjustments in any direction. Where other profiles are made for a specific purpose.

    If nothing else is really wrong, I'm wondering if 800s and Jubilees just aren't his thing, and if he would be happier with a thicker, darker amp, in general.

    It might also be that the Marshall aren't just my type of character. I tried the Friedman BE-100 profiles and these are absolutely amazing.
    The Friedman has more presence in many frequency ranges. So maybe thats just more my kind of Amp.

  • I’m a little confused now as you previously said, “Would be possible but i freaking love the sound of those amps. Maybe i just heard mastered versions of it so far.” , when someone suggested you might not be into JCM800’s and Jubilee’s. You also said that other profiles of JCM800 sounded great , just not the MBritt pack.

    However, now you are saying that “It might also be that the Marshall aren't just my type of character. I tried the Friedman BE-100 profiles and these are absolutely amazing. The Friedman has more presence in many frequency ranges. So maybe thats just more my kind of Amp.“

    That’s quite a change of heart ;)

  • I’m a little confused now as you previously said, “Would be possible but i freaking love the sound of those amps. Maybe i just heard mastered versions of it so far.” , when someone suggested you might not be into JCM800’s and Jubilee’s. You also said that other profiles of JCM800 sounded great , just not the MBritt pack.

    However, now you are saying that “It might also be that the Marshall aren't just my type of character. I tried the Friedman BE-100 profiles and these are absolutely amazing. The Friedman has more presence in many frequency ranges. So maybe thats just more my kind of Amp.“

    That’s quite a change of heart ;)

    Yeah that may sound a bit inconsistent here ^^
    Lets say i love the British Rock and Roll type of tone. The Marshalls are good examples of that.
    But as i said i love the tone i'm hearing in many records but i never had played one myself. So maybe what i'm used to hear from records
    has not much to do with what the bare amp sounds like. maybe its the mastered mix thats pleasure me ;)

    The Friedman itself come way closer to what pleases my ears. So yeah i love the Marshall sounds but maybe i'm a bit misled by records i'm used to hear.

  • All I can say is that almost all of my favourite profiles were made my Mr Britt. Regardless of the style of amp or music. I hope you figure out what's going on for you.

    I'm pretty sure he'd prefer to give you a full credit rather than having his name dragged through the mud unfairly.

  • What I learned from this thread: Communicating with someone who does not try out any given hint and suggestion (Pure Cab still activated?), is to lazy to learn the basic operation of the Kemper or to try small tweaks, has no clue at all what he is talking about (almost all sentences make no sense here- just re-read - really no sense), is lost in ridiculous contradictions - this is pointless.

    Not a big problem - community here tries to help everyone. But I fear, in this case it leads to nothing.

  • Let me try to help ZSchneidi a bit. :)

    Compare the following 2 sound demos and you should get an idea what makes the MBritt profiles sound less "alive" compared to others. Yes, it's different amps, yes it's different guitars. But still it's very easy to hear the different profiling style (and result):

    External Content soundcloud.com
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    Acys take on a Marshall sounds way more "alive" and "open" and "right here in front of you". I wouldn't be surprised if this comparison perfectly shows what ZSchneidi means by "thin" or "more distant" in Michael Britts profiling style.

    PS: You might have to turn down the Youtube volume slider to about 50% to even out volume difference.

  • I use the britt profiles live and they sound awesome. I've never had better tone. I use IEM's on most gigs and supplement stage volume with a cheap Tech 21 Power Engine. The XiTone Britt cab is also a great live cab. I have not changed a single parameter on the profiles. They really work great for me.
    Here's an iPhone video from last weekend. I really like the sound. Excuse the wrong notes please.
    Heart Tribute Band

    My name is Chris & I'm a guitar-a-holic!

  • What I learned from this thread: Communicating with someone who does not try out any given hint and suggestion (Pure Cab still activated?), is to lazy to learn the basic operation of the Kemper or to try small tweaks, has no clue at all what he is talking about (almost all sentences make no sense here- just re-read - really no sense), is lost in ridiculous contradictions - this is pointless.

    Not a big problem - community here tries to help everyone. But I fear, in this case it leads to nothing.

    Hey mate i don't get it why the hate. I tried turning off pure cab. But that made it even worse.

    Thank you. That is a good representation of what i meant.
    The Britt profiles seem to lack in certain frequencies i like especially the upper range.
    The Acys profile seem to be way more in your face. That is indeed what i mean with distant on the Britt side.

    That may be personal taste but i prefer profiles that have everything and i cut off what i don't want. I just can't bring back what the Britt profiles are missing.
    The Kemper isn't very good in trying to guess what might be missing. I you tweak to much the profiles start to sound artificial. Thats my opinion.

  • My M.O. when listening to almost all of Michael's Profiles is to lower the bass knob to 10 o'clock or thereabouts. Done.

    I'd be interested to hear what effect this has for the OP.

    I know my suggestion might've sounded simplistic, but did you try lowering the bass (using the bass knob)?

    I get the feeling you've been trying to raise the frequencies you'd like to hear more of, but the logical, IMHO best-engineering-practice way to go about this is to first reduce the ones you don't like. This has the effect of leaving the ones you do in-place and more-natural-sounding than if you attempt to raise them in the presence of the ones you don't.

    Once the bass has been reduced, you can take it from there, but you'll find that treble and mid boosts won't need to be as-drastic now.

    If this doesn't work for whatever reason, raising Definition and then if you get desperate, the Clarity as well, should help.

  • I know my suggestion might've sounded simplistic, but did you try lowering the bass (using the bass knob)?
    I get the feeling you've been trying to raise the frequencies you'd like to hear more of, but the logical, IMHO best-engineering-practice way to go about this is to first reduce the ones you don't like. This has the effect of leaving the ones you do in-place and more-natural-sounding than if you attempt to raise them in the presence of the ones you don't.

    Once the bass has been reduced, you can take it from there, but you'll find that treble and mid boosts won't need to be as-drastic now.

    If this doesn't work for whatever reason, raising Definition and then if you get desperate, the Clarity as well, should help.

    Hey mate thats a good approach to keep in mind.

  • Hey mate thats a good approach to keep in mind.

    Good advice from MM I'd say. I'm puzzled though - many have said they don't need to tweak anything and use Michael's profiles right out of the box. The very first thing I do with all of his medium to higher gain profiles is to add a noise gate. They (as many other commercial and non-commercial rigs do for me) hum big time, at least with my humbucking PRS's, and I can't stand hum. I also add delay and a higher reverb mix as others have mentioned. So in summary - I DO use some of his in my performances and they are very effective, but never without some tweaks.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • It's your pickups, wiring or interference for sure, Gary; the Profiles are definitely not noisy, mate.

    Yeah, I too have a "standard" approach to using Michael's Profiles, which I've mentioned many times on the forum - lower the bass-knob setting to 9 or 10 o'clock and... done.

    Never had to resort to Pure Cab™ as I do for many other Profiles 'cause Michael's as-allergic to phase cancellation as I am; I've confirmed this privately with him.

    Hey mate thats a good approach to keep in mind.

    Thanks bro', but the question still remains, have you tried it? That is, lowering bass to 9 or 10 o'clock and then if it still isn't doing it for you, raising Definition, and finally, as a last resort, Clarity?

  • That may be personal taste but i prefer profiles that have everything and i cut off what i don't want. I just can't bring back what the Britt profiles are missing.

    I actually think the opposite. The MBritt profiles have everything left in so you can take away what you don't like whereas the AGL one sound a bit more EQ'd at outset. Nothing wrong with that by the way. I've never heard the ACL ones before but they certainly sound impressive.

    As @Monkey_Man suggested, cutting the bass (and possibly mids) is probably a better option than trying to boost other stuff. Definition is also a key control but don't forget the Cab block - a little tweak on the High Shift and Low shift can transform the sound in a very natural way. I just tried tweaking the MB Mars J800 1 5 2 profile that comes in the free rig packs (I don't own any JCM 800 profile packs as it probably one of my least favourite amps ever). It is definitely a very full frequency profile with a lot of bottom and lower mids.

    I cut somewhere between 200hz and 300hz a little and it should remove some of the mud. You can use either the GEQ or Studio EQ.

    Also, I think some of that Kerrrrannngggg sound from the ACL profiles might be from turning the guitar volume down just a little. This not only reduce the amount gain but also affects the tone.