M Britt Profiles what am i doing wrong?

  • Hey guys,

    many claim that M Britt profiles are among the better profiles out there.
    I have already bought a few of his packs and came to the conclusion that these profiles
    sound pretty garbage. At least out of the box.

    On his site the previews sound pretty good or else i would never have
    bought them. But as soon as I start using them oder figure out which profiles suit me the best
    is can't find a single one that at least sounds decent enough to spend more time working on it.

    Yesterday I got myself the 800 Pack,
    Because I want a good JCM800 or 2555X the preview sounded very good and i was all exited and shit.
    But i went through all of the profiles and really tried to dial them in but in the conclusion they ALL sound
    complete shit.

    What am i doing wrong here ? Are M Britt profiles any good ? why do people claim they are good ?
    Do I need to dial them in and master them before they start to sound closer to his previews ?

    Thats the second pack in a row that was a complete disappointment.
    I never played a real JCM800 or 2555X and they just sound crap at least those profiles. The previews
    on the other hand sound totaly amazing.

    I compared them to the free Friedman Browneye profiles from Thomas Dill from Rig Exchange.

    I know its a different amp but the quality of the profiles are like black and white. The Dill profiles

    sounds absolutely amazing out of the box without an tweaking. But these Britt profiles I'm just done with

    this crap.

    Or tell me if I'm just to stupid to use them correctly.

  • We all obviously have different tastes so what is nirvana to one is utter shit to another. All I can say is I spend most of my time using either my own profiles or Michael Britt profiles. I like some of the Bert Meulendijk stuff too. I pretty much never tweak any profiles ; just plug’n’play and get great results. If the profile doesn’t grab me straight out the box I just select another that does.

    What is it about Michaels profiles that you don’t like?

  • I'm pretty sure you're using the wrong guitar to test these profiles . M Britt uses a P90 guitar for most of his profiling sessions. They also sound great on my P90 semi hollow. P90 are really different from Hi gain active pickups for instance.

    Also : most of M Britt's profile use a single Cab , if you don't like this cab , you won't like the profiles , whatever the amp.

    Why did not give a test to the demo profiles from the official rig packs, available in the rig manager , before buying the packs ???

  • "Garbage", "complete shit", "complete disappointment" aren't the best way to describe what they lack, what you expect, what you hear.
    If you just want to vent, ok. Message received.
    If you're asking for help … provide better information (or even better demo sound clips).

    Well can't argue with that ;) My Bad should have been a bit more specific here.

    So what really bothers me with those profiles is that they sound thin and distant.
    I would say that these two word describe the best whats wrong with those profiles.

    As Wheresthedug said he just use them plug'n'play without any need to dial them in.
    But if i go through them every single on of those profiles sound distant like he put a
    mic in a corner of the room and hope the mic picks anything from the amp. Thats the main
    issue with them. What leads to them sounding thin and undefined. Were other free profiles
    or commercial ones sound well defined and present. The Britt profiles just sound totaly
    off to me there is no power coming through.

    I don't know if you can imagine what i mean. And thats a basic problem with them.
    There is so much missing that won't come when i screw around with the EQ or other

    We all obviously have different tastes so what is nirvana to one is utter shit to another. All I can say is I spend most of my time using either my own profiles or Michael Britt profiles. I like some of the Bert Meulendijk stuff too. I pretty much never tweak any profiles ; just plug’n’play and get great results. If the profile doesn’t grab me straight out the box I just select another that does.

    What is it about Michaels profiles that you don’t like?

    thats what i would expect from those profiles the plug'n'play factor.
    Look above i hope i could make clear what is the most disappointing part for me.

    As is said there are plenty of free to use profiles that sound very direct and defined.
    For me the Britt profiles sound like very poorly miced up profiles. They are so thin and
    lack so much character and definition.

  • I'm pretty sure you're using the wrong guitar to test these profiles . M Britt uses a P90 guitar for most of his profiling sessions. They also sound great on my P90 semi hollow. P90 are really different from Hi gain active pickups for instance.

    Also : most of M Britt's profile use a single Cab , if you don't like this cab , you won't like the profiles , whatever the amp.

    Why did not give a test to the demo profiles from the official rig packs, available in the rig manager , before buying the packs ???

    Hey mate,

    ok that might be one problem that i'm just using the wrong pickups.
    What suprises me is that there are so many different guitarist with very diffent
    guitars that said they are good and i heard some demos that convinced me
    that the profiles might be good. And i already listened to to demos and previews.

    Sure using the demo packs might be a good starting point. Don't get me wrong I'm not
    bitching about losing money here thats not what bothers me. It's more the frustration
    that others seem to get good results where as i'm just getting nothing from it.

  • Do you experience the same effect (distant, thin, undefined) when you listen through headphones on the Profiler headphones out?

    Yes absolutely currently i'm using headphones mainly and especially when trying new profiles in order to get a better feeling for them.
    Btw. I'm monitoring the Kemper with Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro and a Presonus 1824 Interface into M-Audio M3-8 monitors.

  • Thin and distant are the opposite adjectives I'd use to refer to MBritt's profiles, actually! It seems weird to me that you're getting that 'crappy' sound you describe, and the most surprising is you only get that with his profile but not with freebies or other vendors'.

    I've experienced the feeling of buying a pack from a commercial seller (not talking about MBritt here) and being quite dissapointed of the tones I was getting (taking into account everyone seemed to love those profiles), but I could not say the tones were that bad. Out of that around 30 profiles pack I bought, I'd use between 2 and 4.

    From MBritt I've his free official pack and a couple of single amps and I like 'em.

    To me they sound darker than average but quite beefy, definitely not thin at all! Actually very suitable for a live performance at loud volumes.

    What guitar are you using?


  • Dark - yes , but solve that with minor tweaks, Thin - no they sound sollid and beefy with my Strat !! I have all his packs since i find them so damn good sounding . I only use his packs , Tone junkies and Bert Meulendijks. The

    other packs / vendors ( a mighty lot of them !!! ) never get used again . M Britt is a great guy and very helpfull - I would pm him and see what he comes up with. No way that so many people are wrong liking his profiles ???

    Hope you get this thing solved !!!

    (I use his profiles low volume at home with JBL monitors)

  • Hi sercho,

    thanks for your comment. I was expecting exactly that. This full and direct sound that is suitable for live setups.
    When i hear people playing britt profiles they sound very good and even the previews on his site sound way more direct.

    Like you i already bought several commercial profile packs. I mainly search for good profiles of specific amps.
    I buy a pack and test it and many basically end up in the trash because I'm just not satisfied with them. Other packs may
    suit me better.

    Maybe its just a thing of personal taste here. And maybe the Britt profiles start to shine in a specific setup maybe played
    through an actual cab. But thats basically not the point of the Kemper. So i feel I'm missing something here.

    You say your Britt profiles sound dark and beefy. Thats is basically the opposite from what i just got with the 800 pack.
    These profiles sound so light and thin there is no punch no repsonse and nothing that sound close to a real amp.
    Other free profiles sound so good and beefy i don't get it why the Britt profiles in particular don't deliver that to me.

    Im using a Sterling by Music Man JP100D

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    The Petrucci signature pick ups may not be suited for the britt profiles.

  • Ok, so we can rule out monitoring or signal path issues.
    Next in line is the guitar(s) you're using. Michael Britt mostly uses a Tom Anderson Hollow T Contour Telecaster style guitar for tweaking and profiling. Waraba mentioned P90 equipped guitar but that's what Michael Britt uses on stage, not so much for profiling. The telecaster is a pretty bright guitar (basicaly all Telecaster style guitars are much brighter than e.g. Les Pauls). This preference leads to slightly "warmer", more mellow results in his profiles. Not exactly perfect for Les Pauls or other "darker" sounding guitars.

    Keep in mind that as a gigging artist, Michael Britt might have a tendency to keep the treble "under control". At high volumes, guitars (especially Telecasters) can get pretty harsh in the trebles. So in this regard I do agree with you that his profiles lack a bit of the clarity and brilliance you'll find in profiles specifically made for studio/recording use. That's not necessarily a downside, just depends on your application what's best for you.

    Now what can you do about this? Of course there's always the option to try other cabs with the amp profile. But before you start doing this, you might want to try "High Shift" and/or "Character" in the CAB block. I wouldn't recommend to start using lots of EQ trying to compensate for what you miss. It's well possible that Michael Britts profiling style just isn't made for you. :)

    One last remark:
    Michael Britt typically has the reverb block engaged with a pretty low mix setting. This adds to the impression that a sound seems to be "thin". Others often use quite a bit more reverb or even delay. Best advise in this regard is to setup a reverb (and delay) that you enjoy with other profiles and then lock these slots so they stay the same whenever you load a Michael Britt profile.

  • Thin and distant are the opposite adjectives I'd use to refer to MBritt's profiles, actually! It seems weird to me that you're getting that 'crappy' sound you describe, and the most surprising is you only get that with his profile but not with freebies or other vendors'.

    To me they sound darker than average but quite beefy, definitely not thin at all! Actually very suitable for a live performance at loud volumes.

    MBritt's profiles all tend to sound a bit darker because they're tweaked for a live setting and therefore have treble under control.
    Also his profiles often make use of his favourite cab and therefore tend to sound more similar than other vendors' profiles that use several cabs and mics.

    As you have made an opposite experience than what’s common sense here why not make a recording?

  • I LOVE the MBritt Vox pack. It's my go to clean sound. Melts my heart every time and it's super dynamic and responsive.

    Also a big fan of the mesa boogie profile.

    MBritt does a great job of adding great effect with many of his rigs which act as a great starting point for tweaking.

    No complaints here.

    I'm using humbuckers.

  • Hi ZSchneidi,

    I don´t know if you are aware that your first posting is quite disrespectful!?

    I think he was just REALLY frustrated and was venting a bit. We've ALL been there with gear at one point or another. :)

    I use Mike's profiles with both single coils and humbuckers, and they aren't thin or distant sounding at all with my gear (QSC K10s). I'm thinking maybe something is tweaked in the global settings in OP's Kemper that is messing with his sound. We've seen that many, many times around here.

  • Riding an old horse.

    Month ago I asked also what‘s the magic behind Michaels profiles, because for me they are too dark and I also got no useable sound right out of the box.

    The answer from one of the mods was, that I have to buy a tele......Lol

    After checking again I must say that Michael has also done some brighter profiles. A big gamechanger for me was the cab. I tried the profiles with a 1960AV from deadlight studios and the profiles where ok for my taste, but i must say I have a bunch of Miachels profiles and i dont use one.

    If you are from the JP fraction, you find more gems in other packs. What’s your experience with the Lars Lüttge pack from kemper?