PRINTED Reference Manual?

  • I know it's undoubtedly come up before, and I do also understand the 'advantages' of an online, downloadable, PDF Manual being more easily kept up to date or corrected...

    I can't be the only one who'd really like to have the option of purchasing a printed hard copy of the Reference Manual (currently 5.1), as opposed to having to dig through a PDF and carry a computer to have access to it, etc.

    can I?

    I find the idea of printing 196 pages at home to b a bit off-putting.

  • I know it's undoubtedly come up before, and I do also understand the 'advantages' of an online, downloadable, PDF Manual being more easily kept up to date or corrected...

    I can't be the only one who'd really like to have the option of purchasing a printed hard copy of the Reference Manual (currently 5.1), as opposed to having to dig through a PDF and carry a computer to have access to it, etc.

    can I?

    I find the idea of printing 196 pages at home to b a bit off-putting.

    There is no rule that says you have to print them all at once. Print a couple of chapters, read and understand them, then print a couple more. Soon enough, you'll have the whole thing printed, and read.

  • Although I agree a printed manual could be useful, I have the PDF on my iPhone and computer, and use the Search function to find what I need faster than I could with a book.

    It might be worth checking into the cost of Printing a PDF at Staples/Kinkos/someotherhomeofficeservicestore.

    I don't find searching the PDF to be as easy or as user friendly, for ME.

    But I did in fact end up getting Kinkos/FedEX to print it.

    Not cheap, but worth it.
    To me!

  • Unfortunately, you might need to go to Kinkos again. :(

    We have a Main Manual available now on our download page, which is up to date and integrates former Basic Manual, Profiling Guide, and Reference Manual. The PDF includes hyperlinks and you could search the whole document for terms like "Looper Location" or "Clean Sense". And in a couple of month there might be another revision...

  • Call me an old fuddy-duddy, but I'm in the hard-copy camp as well. Unfortunately I've never had, nor do I have the space for, a printer.

    As a "veteran" Digital Performer user, I can tell you that the vast majority of those using the app appreciated the hard-copy manual. A digital version didn't even exist 'til recently. The consensus was that it acted as a sort of dongle 'cause pirates would have to jump on the MOTUNation site to ask questions, thereby exposing themselves through their ignorance of the fact that there was no digital copy. Many would ask in their first post, "How do I download the manual?". First-posters would also be given page numbers to check out if they sounded "suspicious". That sorted 'em out "real good".

    The main benefit for we users 'though, and this is how I feel about buying a Kemper one, is the ability to read it where and whenever I like. During ad breaks on the TV, on the can... whatever. I cannot do "devices" due to extreme microwave and EMF sensitivity, so the only option for me right now is to use my whopping-big Mac cheese grater. Seems a helluva waste of hundreds of watts of electricity just to read a friggin' manual, especially on my budget.

    If Kemper never offers one, I guess I'll have to get one professionally printed. I wouldn't care if it soon went out-of-date 'cause changes to the FW are typically-peripheral; the core functionality remains.

    So... I'm so with you, William! 8o