Free Modded Marshall JMP 2203 Merged Profiles (Friedman/Cameron/Jose) on Rig Exchange

  • Hi guys, after being a Kemper owner and forum member for four and a half years I’ve finally got round to uploading my profiles of my modded Marshall amp.

    A little background on the amp.

    It’s a 100 watt Marshall 2203 JMP Super Lead Mark II made in 1980 that been quite heavily modified by Steve Dawson of Root 2 Amplification and formally R&D Design Engineer for Marshall between 2005 to 2014.He is the guy that designed amps such as the Vintage Modern, JTM45/100 reissue, Super100 Jimi Hendrix, JMP1W head and combo, 1962 Bluesbreaker combo reissue and the Astoria to name just a few.

    The pre amp circuit has been modified to very closely resemble the Friedman BE-100 but has the negative feedback circuit modified to similar values as the Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier, giving the amp quite a bit more modern thump and thickness in the bottom end.This negative feedback is also adjustable by a pot on the rear which softens or tightens the feel of the amp almost identical to how the definition control works on within the Kemper itself.

    It has a resonance pot on the rear to dial in how much bass you want in the power amp.

    It has an extra valve gain stage and second gain control pot on the rear that allows you to dial in how much gain you would like on the extra stage.The 4th gain stage is footswitchable via a relay.This pot also doubles up as a push pull to engage the “Fat” boost, which as you can guess increases the bass in the pre amp.

    It has two post phase inverter master volumes on the front which can operator as a footswitchable solo boost or just a way to tame the amps volume while being able to crank the master volume to distort the phase invertor making it easier to get “power valve” saturation at manageable volumes.

    It has a valve FX loop added with an effects return pot.

    Finally it also has a push pull pot also on the rear (this is also the variable negative feedback pot) which when pulled out enables zener diode clipping, think the Friedman SAT Switch or some Jose Arrendondo or Cameron mods.When enabled, two 24 volt zener diodes clip the peak to peak signal going into the tone stack by 25%.This gives a more compressed feel, a little more distortion and hair without colouring the tone like an overdrive in the front would.It also has a high pass filter wired to it to keep the lows tight with the extra distortion and compression.

    Although the profiles are fully tagged with as much info as I can fit, here is what the naming convention means anyway. JMP 2203 followed by:

    3GS = 3 Gain Stages

    4GS = 4 Gain Sages

    TS9 = Boosted with a Ibanez TS9DX

    Zener = Zener diode clipping enabled

    Pre Amp = Pre Amp only, no power section, profiles from the FX Loop Send

    L = Low Input was used

    + = Cranked Master Volume

    The distorted profile settings were:
    Presence = 2, Bass = 8, Mids = 6, Treble = 6, Master Volume = 3, Gain 1 = 8, Gain 2 – 10, Variable Negative Feedback = 0 Tight, Resonance = 6

    Clean profile settings were:
    Low Input, Presence =7, Bass = 10, Mids = 6, Treble = 6, Master Volume = 3, Gain 1 = 2, Gain 2 – 10, Variable Negative Feedback = 0 Tight, Resonance = 8

    The cab used was my Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier horizontal 2X12 with V30’s, miced around 2” from the cap edge with a SM57 on the speaker and a MD421 on the other, both on axis, blended about 60/40 in favour of the SM57 with a low pass filter applied around 10kHZ on the distorted profiles only.

    I’ve uploaded them all to the rig exchange just search for Liam Thompson and they’ll appear.

    Hope you enjoy them!


    Edited 2 times, last by LiamThompson (May 12, 2018 at 10:06 PM).

  • You're a star, Liam, as I think I've told you privately before (no folks, it wasn't in a rented motel room!).

    So generous of you to share your special Marshall. Methinks it'll be worth that 4 1/2 year wait for all of us, mate!

    Thank you so much again, man! :thumbup:<3


    In case you'd like to edit the names, Liam, the final two Rigs in the list are:

    JMP 2003 4GS Zener (Pre Amp)
    JMP 2003 4GS TS9

    Should be 2203, obviously.

    Also, if you're interested in consistency to the nth degree:

    The 3GS Zener Rigs use "ZENER" in capitals, whereas the 4GS ones don't.

    Please forgive my attention to detail; it's the bane of my life, man.

  • Thanks Nicky haha. So much for checking 5 times over to make sure I hadn't made those exact type of mistakes when I was tagging. Do you know if these can be edited by me in the exchange or would it take another upload? Believe me I am bothered to the nth degree consistency has to be key on these things haha.

    EDIT: It's OK @Monkey_Man found the options!

    Edited once, last by LiamThompson (May 13, 2018 at 3:29 PM).

  • Thank you so much Liam! I have dl'ed them and will try soon- cant wait as your explanations on them sound just wonderful!!!


    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Hi Liam, thank you very much for free rigs: nice job!
    In my opinion, it miss some presence and it sounds a little bit compressed: did you cut some frequences?
    I'm talking about distortion rigs...
    Thanks again! :)

  • Hi Liam, thank you very much for free rigs: nice job!
    In my opinion, it miss some presence and it sounds a little bit compressed: did you cut some frequences?
    I'm talking about distortion rigs...
    Thanks again! :)

    Yeah, the amp settings also on the higher gain ones are my live settings that I use with the real amp, so may be a touch dark for some. Once Fletcher–Munson does it's thing when playing loud it sits just right for me. The presence setting I use use on the amp is only 2 out of 10, I could do a few profiles with the presence set a bit higher for more bite and cut when I get time this week?

    I'll also do a few crunch and edge of breakup tones with and without a TS9 boosting.

    Edited once, last by LiamThompson (May 14, 2018 at 1:02 PM).