Can I sell my line 6 m9 because of the effects on the kemper ?

  • Hey y'all,
    I want to sell off equipment to raise money for the kemper, one of the things I was hoping I could replace was the delay, reverb and modulation effects from the line 6 m9 with the build in effects on the kemper, my guitar teacher told me the kemper can model any effect really well but then I looked at this forum and people were saying they used the kemper with the line 6 m13 and other pedals, I just want to buy the kemper head for 1700 euro. Will I be able to use the looper without the footswitch controller ?

    I'm selling JVM410h, 850 euro, line 6 m9 , 200 euro, mim stratocaster 300 , route 66 overdrive 70 - 80 euro, boss cs 3 compressor 50 euro, keeley mod pro co rat 80 euro, leaving me needing just 150 euro more to buy the kemper. Can I sell all that stuff off and replace them all with the kemper. From what I've seen I think I will be happier with the kemper.

  • The Kemper effects are very good, still missing a little bit on the reverbs (spring reverb for example) but better sounding than the M13, imo .
    I would recommend you get the Remote pedal if you want to use the looper. The looper does work with other foot switches but some not all functions, it varies. For hassle free looping get the Remote footswitch.

    No the Kemper can not model effects. You can profile a distortion/OD/fuzz along with a profiled amp and capture that sound. But not any sort of delay, modulation kind of effects.

    Hope that helps

  • Thanks for your response, Ok, so your saying I should keep the line 6 m9 for the modulations which I like because I do like the phaser, flanger, chorus and delays but I'm not in love with them so I thought I could sell it and the looper is great. I thought the kemper had everything.

  • The Kemper has great flanger, chorus, phaser and delays. You can get rid of your line6. There are many that keep effect units and use them with the Kemper as well. Personally I would sell the line6. Hopefully once we get the new reverbs, the Kemper will have everything, lol. But the reverbs we have are decent as they are now too.

    The only external effects I use outside of my Kemper are an acoustic sim pedal, overdrive pedal and talk box. Everything else comes from the Kemper.

    Treat the Kemper as an amp first and you will be a happy Kemper camper.

  • The Kemper can't model effects in the sense that you can't plug in a flanger pedal and copy the effect--but it does have built-in effects that are very good.

    I own an M13 but I've never used it with the Kemper. The built-in effects are more than enough for me.

  • I still have my M9, but don't use it very often. The Kemper effects sound better to my ear, with the exception of the reverbs as mentioned above. But I'm not head over heels in love with the M9 reverbs either. I'm keeping my M9 since I don't need to sell it, but have been focusing on analog effects for the Kemper including real spring reverbs.

    If you end up selling the M9 and miss it later, pick up a used one or a used M5. It's not like they're getting any more expensive.

  • Thanks again for the responses, thats a really good idea about picking up the m5 if needed in the future. Unfortunately I don't think I'm going to be able to try the kemper first without selling the stuff, I don't know anyone who has one but from what I've seen on the internet, I know its packed full of amazing tones.

  • I don't think you'll give away any effect quality by selling it, but... I sometimes wish the Kemper could provide a couple more effects at one time.

    I consume a stomp slot for wah, an effect slot for a high pass filter, and an effect slot for Rotary, so that leaves me with 3 stomps for everything else except delay and reverb.

    Add a compressor and a noise gate and that leaves 1 stomp (extra delay OR phaser OR flanger OR octave, etc).

    I've toyed with the idea of a separate effects unit to do chorus/flange/phaser/etc to enable more flexibility, but that's a nice to have and would only affect a few songs for me.

  • I would HIGHLY recommend you keep the M9 until you are thoroughly up to speed with the Kemper and how it manages Presets (which includes all Stomps and Effects). That is not a statement about quality; it is a statement about customization, workflow, usability and being able to use the Kemper technology to accomplish what you need.

    Trust me on this one or ask questions if you want to know more.

  • I used to use a POD HD500 as controller for my Kemper; that has all of the M Class effects in it. At some point I used it for effects too but in quickly decided that none of the Line 6 effects sounded better to my ears, despite being told that the Kemper is lacking on the effects side. I now accept that it may lack some variety with the reverbs and you don't get some of the very specific modelled effects pedals like the Jet Flanger but I don't miss them and the effects in the Kemper are of excellent quality.

    As for a looper, you definitely need a footcontroller to use it. If you can't raise funds for one, I'd suggest a cheap looper pedal instead.

  • Welcome Anthony, If you need the scratch to buy the Kemper then you really should do it man ;) If you totally miss the M9 then buy it down the road, but seriously, I'd doubt it! Besides, a used M5 is cheap! If you think your JVM is versatile, just wait till you get your hands on a Kemper LOL :D

    You haven't mentioned how your going to be using it? Recording at home? Studio? Live? Using a cab, FRFR?

  • Welcome!

    I had the Line6 M9 but sold it...don't remember for what, but it was long before the kemper.

    Since you mentioned the looper:
    The M9 has some really nice features like overdub level (which the Kemper does not have) and it is very easy to control. No need to tripple step to start a new loop. I have always liked line6 loopers for their intuitive design.
    I find the functionality superior to the Kemper looper. If I remember right you could also assign the playback and overdub level to expression pedals.

    But: I always felt that general sound quality through the line6 was not great. Especially in combination with other digital devices.

    The Kemper looper is great. Hopefully it will receive a little update one day ;)
    - overdub level footswitch/exp assignable
    - playback level (with an increased range 0% - 200%), footswitch/exp assignable
    - delete loop, assignable to footswitch

    Sound quality is great, no additional AD/DA conversion.

    The effects of the Kemper are all better in my opinion.

    I would still keep the M9 if you like the looper because the Kemper might not offer what you are used to.
