Axe FX III vs Kemper Profiling Amp

  • So what's the big deal about a heated debate about hotly debated discussion topic? If you're unable to handle it or willing to participate, common sense would suggest that you can ignore it instead of whining or crying about it.

    If I participate in a thread, I start by actually reading the posts and when I contribute I like to contribute more than just one word "Welcome" as you do without addressing any of the questions.
    I'm far less redundant than your single "Welcome" . I'm surprised you haven't put in your signature yet !!

    That's the extent of what you learned due to the extent of your bias and inability to handle contested topics, so you simply not only chose to ignore, you try to bully others into ignoring the topic you don't like/

    Of course you are entitled to derail threads you don't like by even attacking the topic. You're a guitar player right? I know how big of an ego some of those guys can have, many of my friends are guitar players. :)
    However, you might want to get back to the topic of this thread and maybe explain some of the advantages that the kemper has that made you buy the Kemper, even if you had bought it just because it was actually significantly cheaper That would actually count as some respect to forum rules and also those who started this thread who are also entitled to discuss whatever they feel like as long as it doesn't violate forum rules and guidelines.

    1. I'm neither whining nor crying. Just stating that this thread is utterly useless. Can you actually read?

    2. Where I come from and with the education I got, 'Welcome' is never redundant. In a thread used for new Kemper users to introduce themselves my 'Welcome' helps establish a warm welcome culture for new participants. Clearly you seem to lack the social skills to realise that.

    Otherwise please point me to some other thread where I used 'Welcome' or any redundancy for that matter.

    All in all I have a track record of 15.000 posts in the Kemper forum since 2012, for more than six years, and I'm proud to say that I helped a lot of users by trying to post (mostly) thoughtful and balanced posts and helped this forum become a fountain of information and a home for Kemper enthusiasts all the same.
    I'm afraid the same cannot be said about you.

    3. As for the 'derailing a thread' issue, please go ahead and count again, alone in this thread, how many posts you did which were not on topic.
    I did only one, stating that this thread is utterly useless, which is an opinion I'm entitled to. You already responded to it, but found it obviously necessary to cite and try to jump on me again several times (otherwise I wouldn't even have posted again).
    So you clearly derailed this topic more than me.

    4. BTW I think @fredrikn is man enough to get over my sentiment that 'this thread is useless' which I stand by. You like to heat things up, don't you?

    5. And just because you cited me for the THIRD time in this thread the same should be said to you: Get over it already.

    6. @barefly: Thanks for your defence, much appreciated. ;)

  • 4. BTW I think @fredrikn is man enough to get over my sentiment that 'this thread is useless' which I stand by. You like to heat things up, don't you?


    The only things that are useless and off topic are your comments so I will ignore them all except this one so your childish conduct and lack of respect for others are clearly in focus.

    Fortunately you don't get to decide what's useless but you certainly try by hurling insults at others attempting to get this thread closed because you don't like the topic. Get over yourself buddy and please get back to topic as I won't discuss off topic posts with you any further.

    This topic is of interest and value to many. regardless of how you feel. The inclusion of "other gear" by Kemper Amps is to be open and can do without your supervision and attempts as censoring content that doesn't fit your personal desires.

    Maybe it's time you learned about "context" and proper etiquette starting by reading this forums rules in the email you received in 2012, Since it has been a while, you seem to be in desperate need of a refresher. :)

  • Dean_R The issues you pull out have been discussed by others at length with you over the years. They have been patient and clear in their explanations. As the thread with Ingolf above shows, people go out of their way to accommodate you but but the one thing we can’t do is understand it for you.

  • The only things that are useless and off topic are your comments so I will ignore them all except this one so your childish conduct and lack of respect for others are clearly in focus.
    Fortunately you don't get to decide what's useless but you certainly try by hurling insults at others attempting to get this thread closed because you don't like the topic. Get over yourself buddy and please get back to topic as I won't discuss off topic posts with you any further.

    This topic is of interest and value to many. regardless of how you feel. The inclusion of "other gear" by Kemper amp is to be open and can do without your supervision and attempts as censoring content that doesn't fit your personal desires. Maybe it's time you learned about "context" and proper etiquette starting by reading this forums rules in the email you received in 2012, as you seem to be in desperate need of a refresher.

    So please do ignore my comments in the future.

    I will continue to post as I see fit.
    BTW I'm not trying to get this topic closed, this is a conspiracy theory made up by yourself. ;)

  • @'Dean_R Maybe you can follow the advice you gave me back in February on the thread “Axe Fx III” I don’t know how to link directly to it but your exact quote was:

    “Well, couldn't you have put me and the others that offend you on ignore and then you wouldn't see any of my or their posts?”

    If Ingolf and I are so offensive to you then ignore us?

  • Lots of people, myself included, have spoken to why we like the Axe. You are not “puzzled”. You simply refuse to accept that anyone can have an opinion that differs to yours.

    This is what I already wrote not in response to you but it clearly shows that I totally understand "different strokes for different folks"

    I guess that explains why some will like the AXE FX, others will like Helix, and some Kemper. while some are still entrenched in real world tube amps.

  • This is what I already wrote not in response to you but it clearly shows that I totally understand "different strokes for different folks"

    I can type it slower for you in case you are not a good reader? U n f o r t u n a t e l y I c a n ’ t u n d e r s t a n d i t f o r y o u.

  • My thoughts on this:

    The annoying part is not the "Axe fx III" or "kemper", it's the "VS". Why make it a competition if not to declare a winner?
    And why would you want to find out a winner in this in the first place? What's the purpose?

    To find out which is the "better unit". Ok fair enough. What's your criteria on which you want to decide the "winner"?
    Unless this is specified the whole discussion is, as others have stated, useless.
    And if your criteria is "sound" then you might as well stop talking because that is an unbelievably subjective matter.

    So what is the point? Is your gear a religion to you and you want to "convert" other people to it? If so you might want to get your prioritys straight.
    It's gear, they are TOOLS. Tools to do what you want to do.

    There is no: this or that is better. It highly depends on what you want, what you need.

    We could have the same discussion about amps. About cars. About guitars. About bread. About brands of sausages. And we would come to the same non-conclussion as here.
    So this is utterly unproductive.

    Productive would be:
    I am a musician that does that kind of music. I have these needs. I'm looking for a solution that can do this and that.
    What are my options? What are the pros and cons of these options? Has anyone experiences in similar situations as I will encounter them?

    Then you can have a discussion about two or more different pieces of gear.
    Everything is else is kindergarden.

  • ...
    So what is the point? Is your gear a religion to you and you want to "convert" other people to it? If so you might want to get your prioritys straight.
    It's gear, they are TOOLS. Tools to do what you want to do.

    There is no: this or that is better. It highly depends on what you want, what you need.

    This is specially true for digital guitar gear.

    What I miss in the discussion of the last week's a bout the new fractal product is the "whole picture"..conception/specs,sound and most of all price/value.

    Costing double as much as a KPA or a helix I would think that it is only fair to expect top performance in all areas.It has also (like the AF2) a synth block..upgrades;Things like this is what I want to hear about.

    It does not help any potential customer to hear the two usual sides we have usually in all these kind of threads:The ones who own another product and bash anything else or the other ones who obviously don't have any financial limits to get all the great gear out there in a minute with the only limit the time they have to wait because of the "waiting list" ie delivery time..

    Both of these groups are in my eyes not very fit to give good advise to people which have limited financial resources and need a real life tool (stage & studio) for "best bang for buck"..

    So a tool which is in the price class of the AF3 ( and it's new FCs) should not be reviewed very generously..I expect from such a digital tool top class performance in every aspect and enhanced audio performance in every field.
    All this immediately from the moment it hits the market.Not after a week, a month or 5 years when the developer has the follow up in his laboratory and the countdown for the obsolence of the current model begins..

    What we have here is a super expensive digital audio gear which delivers the basic hardware for "great software updates in the next few years" for customers which obviously have no big problem to spend over 3000 € for this.Including the "agony" of how much the new almost weekly upgrades will change the sounds already in use.

    I don't see myself in this group of customers.

    If this is bickering or be it..

  • What I used to like about this forum is the logical discussions and debates.

    I was always surprised that people did not bash other products to prove the Kemper was the best. Can we please not lose this as we will lose peoples engagement. I personally have gained so much from this forum including @Ingolf and I'd like to keep learning from you all.

    It seems sad we are getting very "excited" over all of this.

    There is no doubt the Axe FX stuff is great sounding.

    There is no doubt that the Kemper also sounds great.

    There is no doubt you can make one sound better than the other.

    There is no doubt some people will prefer one unit over another, either based on features or sound.

    A logical discussion between the capabilities and limitations of each device should be possible without it descending into

    Sermon over...

    Back on topic - any back to back comparison has a limited value because set up is key. You can make the Kemper sound better or worse than the Axe and vice verse. Yes there is some interest but it will be littered with " ah but this didn't sound as good because..."

    For me this is why this thread could be described as useless because it's difficult to see how any conclusions can be reached/logical output. Not to offend those that posted but to say to will serve to confuse anyone looking to understand the differences. Sound clips have their place but have limited value.

    Having said that I'm always interested in how each device handles speaker emulation etc..but that is probably better served outside of a sound clip.

    Just my view..