Kemper 2 expectations

  • Sub menus for fx.

    Having to scroll through all the different kind of fx to get to the type you're looking for is tiresome beyond belief!
    Especially after four years of having to do it.
    I know they could change it on the current unit, but seem not to want to.
    I'd buy a kemper 2 if this was the only upgrade.

    Stupid bloody thing X(

  • And I am not "judging" anyone but just stating the obvious.Like for example an extra laptop on stage for the editor..not something a professional musician "needs".The same is true for stressy recording sessions.

    As I said.Till yet I did not see professional musicians argueing about if the KPA needs an editor..but I did see the opposite:Professional musicians being happy to have direct control over the most important parameters at any given time live and in the studio.Just like using a real tube rig.

    Just for clarity, I would really like an editor, but that is not for on stage, its to make set ups at home quicker and easier.

    Rig Manager for me a start but I want to be able to see effects, morph etc. That way, when I set up a new performance its quicker.

    At the moment I have to plug in my Kemper, laptop and remote etc. and use all of them in combination. whilst I want to audition sounds, its not much of a problem because you need all of that anyway, but sometimes I just want to change something quick...for example I want to change my current lead would be nice to just click and drag and set my effects etc. The process now is just a little messier than it needs to be.

    So its not essential ( for me) but desirable.

    However, I'm not a professional so can't speak for them.

  • It would be a lot easier to copy and paste between multiple rigs if the copy didn't disappear as soon as you make one paste. Am I missing something in the preferences that could make this happen?


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • @V8guitar

    You dont need to have played hundreds of gigs and to have done recording jobs to grasp "what is important"..the editor is a nice thing to have for people sitting all day at home trying to achieve "their personal 100%" result..

    On stage & in the studio people need a tool which "works" in every thinkable real life this good also for people who are only playing at home and never play live gigs or never do recording sessions with (often enough) creepy SOBs-producers & engineers;Not really,for sure they have different needs..but everyone wants what the "pros are using" because this makes them feel is and it will never be the other way round..

    Obviously Kemper decided at some point to go for a "serious buisness concept" which speaks first and most of all to the guys who need a serious real life tool..does this mean that they will ignore all the people who dont go out and play;I dont think so..I believe that it is all about "first things first".Making it clear to everyone what the concept is all about and that they believe that this concept is what will bring their product on stage with the big acts and better recording studios.

    We should also appreciate the fact that Kemper obviously is aware about the fact that musicians who earn a dime with music are not the very wealthiest type of customers out there..the price for this product is more than just fair.For years now..

    I have the feeling that the development of the profiler is almost on the "very mature"-level and that we will see maybe now some more "extras".An editor would be fine for home(no doubt!) and I would like to see the KPA exist as it is for some more years to come..BUT I would like to see also some developments for supplement..some "smart solutions" for all of us who already have an profiler:A remote style floorboard which can load profiles for small gigs,rehearsals etc..or maybe an 1HE Kemper synth for guitar or an additional 1HE effects processor with state of the art effects/OD-pedal simulations..some kind of "modular concept" of tools to use with the profiler.Stuff like this.

    What I would not like to see is a Kemper2 which costs 3000euros and needs also a new 1000euro Remote2 with basic sounds staying the same.No matter who many more I/Os or "better and more" FX it would offer..

  • Kemper “1” dreams:
    •Comprehensive editor, presets and preset management for whichever sections of the signal chain any user desires, user-definable rig and effect submenus on the device—all basic stuff that would be awfully helpful. Editor functionality would most definitely play a big, varied role in fully-exploiting the profiler in recording sessions.
    •Master, four-channel boost/drive/comp stomp that occupies a single slot, reverbs comparable to the delays for all the reverb wishers—this would all be very sweet.
    •Then there’s fuzz.
    •And yes, if effects were ever opened to outside developers, since moderators have expressed no appreciation for these types of effects, I’d very much like the “random arpeggiator” function from the Robotalk, and deeper rhythmic filter sequencer effects like the Moog Midi Murf and beyond.
    •For dual amps, synthesizer patches and other processor-intensive hypothetical applications, a reasonably-priced user-replaceable motherboard.

    Seems like all that is doable inside the current device. After, then sure, bring on the 2.

    But ... sorry, as is the Kemper is already a great way to make guitar music, it has been for years, and it’s music-making potential hasn’t been exhausted.


  • ... as is the Kemper is already a great way to make guitar music, it has been for years, and it’s music-making potential hasn’t been exhausted.

    For me, this is the key, mate.

    All this speculation about a Kemper 2 and we don't even know what lies ahead for the unit we already own.

  • we don't even know what lies ahead for the unit we already own.

    Well, thats not exactly true - we do know that they have made it clear that they are not going to fix the underlying functionality that is preset management since apparently that contradicts the 'Kemper Philosophy'. Not sure why the 'Kemper Philosophy' of preset/file/data management has to be completely different than the standard norm, but what do I know.

  • That's besides the point, isn't it 'Hookster? Whichever philosophy they employ is going to manifest whether it's a Kemper 1, 2 or 3, isn't it?

    Obviously I'm talking about what lies ahead in terms of features, FX... even an editor; we simply don't know what this unit is yet to offer us. That in no small part, I suspect, is up to our feature-request pressure and how it's perceived by the company.

    IOW, only once we know the full extent of what the current model will offer at its peak maturity, will we know what to ask for in an updated unit, hardware changes aside... IMHO.

  • Well, thats not exactly true - we do know that they have made it clear that they are not going to fix the underlying functionality that is preset management since apparently that contradicts the 'Kemper Philosophy'. Not sure why the 'Kemper Philosophy' of preset/file/data management has to be completely different than the standard norm, but what do I know.

    Hey hook,

    Can you elaborate on what you are saying here? I am not sure I understand.

    I will agree that the current spinning wheel of death menu navigation needs some improvement, but as someone else mentioned, just making a sub menu for each type of effect would pretty much fix that silly problem ..... and I agree with you that this particular portion of the KPA is pretty bad.

    I am not sure what you mean by "Kemper Philosophy' on this subject though.

  • Yeah, same here, OneEng1.

    The only obvious problem I'm aware of, and I've banged on about it many times too, is the spinning-wheel thing; we need those presets to be placed in the appropriate sub-categories. I've found having to navigate by wearing out the stepped encoder super-annoying to say the least.

    It's obviously something that's important to 'Hookster, whatever it is. Hopefully it's just this particular preset-navigation thing, 'cause I'm confident it will be addressed before too long.

  • My biggest issue is the way the Kemper software sees files: file management, preset management, etc. I know of no other software, computer, etc. where file names are not unique, and where you are forced to create new files any time you edit a file if you want to save your edits. I know of no other file system that allows you to name files by the same name with absolutely no way of discerning what the differences are without having to go in and examine all of the parameters.

    I have illustrated how I would like to use presets many times before. In a nutshell, if I create a Stomp preset, no matter where that preset is used, and no matter how many times that preset is used, if I make a change to that preset, I should be able to make that change exactly once, and save that change to THAT preset and not be forced to create a new one, and that change should be inherited by all instances of that preset. And where ever that preset is used, I should be able to look at it and know exactly what it is.

    Right now, that is not possible on the Kemper and for the life of me, I can't fathom the reasoning that would argue against it. With the way I want to set up my performances, if I tweak one stomp preset, I have to copy/paste into a new bank preset, and copy/paste that into every rig in every performance. It creates a nightmare of redundant, tedious work for no logical reason.

    Sure, the rig profiles are great as stand alone plug in and play without effects, and I could skip all that, plug my M13 in the front and say screw it, but then, if thats the case, do i really need all those tones? Why not just ditch the kemper and have a tube amp with the M13 if the core functionality precludes me from easily utilizing all of the key features?

    Does that help?

  • To be fair, the current user interface in the Kemper is the most flexible of any digital device I have seen. Yes it's different but it's also brilliant There are so many ways to accomplish the same thing and you can find short cuts and ways to accomplish what you're after if you define what you're after.

    The way I use the Kemper is by mimicking a pedal board (how creative is that :D )

    When editing at home I usually lock everything except the stack section. I have Noise gate in the firs block (don't like the master noise gate if it can be called that) followed by compressor , then drive then EQ. and In the post I have set effects also. The idea is to keep this template intact and disable effects blocks if they're not needed instead of removing them. You can save different presets with different drives or EQ and use them in performances later after you unlock whatever you locked.

    If I ever save presets for stomps or chain of effects I put a Hyphen in the beginning of the name so my presets are always on top. I know people like to work in different ways, but mimicking a pedal board works for me. I rarely ever have to scroll for long to find anything I'm looking for because my customizations work incredibly fast . I would honestly never be able to accomplish this using the interface of any device that I own or owned other than the Kemper.

  • I appreciate the points you are trying to make, but that does not work for what I need. Moreover, flexible does not mean efficient. The Kemper philosophy adds unnecessary complexity regardless of the ability of interface to impart flexibility.

  • This sort of circular conversation only serves to create FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) which potentially can scare someone who's in the fence on whether to buy a product or wait. Who does that benefit? Hint: the competition.
    I've seen this tactic employed with many products throughout my lifetime.
    At this point Im starting to question the motives of some of the posters. Sorry if that comes off as a hot take and please don't be easily offended if your intentions are genuine. Just my observation.

  • I think the biggest gripe I have is with Rigmanager. As far as I can tell Rigmanager can add profiles to the Kemper but it doesn't have the ability to copy cabs over. It is annoying to have to copy them over to another usb stick and manually copy it over when the PC is already hooked up to the kemper. If I am wrong about this I would love to know how to do this.

  • Lets be clear: no matter what your key issue(s) or your favorite feature(s), as good as the Kemper is, it is far from perfect .........................

    Nobody is perfect :)

    The rest of your mail is hard but honest ;)

    This sort of circular conversation only serves to create FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) which potentially can scare someone who's in the fence on whether to buy a product or wait. Who does that benefit? Hint: the competition.
    I've seen this tactic employed with many products throughout my lifetime.
    At this point Im starting to question the motives of some of the posters. Sorry if that comes off as a hot take and please don't be easily offended if your intentions are genuine. Just my observation.

    I don't think other users or potential newcomers could be discouraged.
    You can share the criticism or argue against it, but it should be allowed to express a contra opinion.

    Since Kemper prefers not to comment on such criticism, no one other needs to attempt censorship here.