Wireless guitar system

  • I've had both a G30 and a G10. The G30 is older and definitely feels like the cheapest of the old G30/G50/G70 line. The hardware is quite flimsy (the battery compartment lid famously has a tendency to flip open when you don't want it to). I've had one warranty replacement because the transmitter stopped working, and even after that it seemed to be really picky about the batteries it accepted (Duracell's cheaper 'Simply' line often gave me problems, so I had to use the more expensive Plus batteries). The belt clip on the transmitter gave me headaches and the power cable on the receiver had a very weak contact -- it would disconnect and reconnect with loud pops at the slightest movement. All minor details, of course, but pretty annoying.

    The G10 is very different. Officially, it's a less ambitious product (its specified range is 'only' 15 meters) but in practice, it's simply fantastic. Although it's a lot cheaper, the hardware is miles ahead of the G30, really super solid. The transmitter doesn't need batteries: you recharge it by plugging it into the transmitter. There's no channel selection buttons, everything happens automatically: the other guitarist in my band and me both use one, and they both just work. And of course, it just plugs right into your guitar: no belt clip, no mini cable you forget to unplug when you put your guitar down.

    The G10 just something you can use all the time without thinking about it. Unless you play stadium concerts (or can't stand your own playing so you need to be more than 15 meters away from the speakers at all times), I very much recommend it. The only thing to keep in mind is that if your guitar jack is recessed deep into the body, the transmitter may not fit and you'll have to use a short extender cable. Most should be fine though.

  • I have used G30 for some years, Iusualy use 2 guitars and use 2 transmitters. just switch on and off when i switch guitar! it works perfect for me. tha bass player also use G30. The battery cover is very bad quality, i need to assist one of my transmitters with tape..
    I have a-b tested the G30 with a cable.. could not hear any difference!! for stadium rockers its to short range! i use it only for less cables to step on, and also use in ear, so i can be free off cables, and now and then can hear my own sound trough the PA

  • I use the Samson stuff because I hate changing guitars with a belt clip. The samson Airline stuff uses a guitar bug.

    The only downside is its not digital but I've never had any problems whilst I watch my fellow guitarist fumble and then drop his G30 belt pack...

    If someone produced a mutlichannel digital guitar bug system with a rechargable battery, that would be perfect!

    One revelation I do have - I use Li-Ion rechargeables if using AA batteries. They are very expensive and hard to find but amazing. They are better than regular Ni-Cad because they have no memory effect and hold 1.5v until they die ( Ni-Cad usually around 1.2V and drop immediately, which causes issues with digital equipment)..

  • Yeah heard variable reports on that...was tempted....but its so cheap... I don't understand why its cheaper than the G30 or G50...

    Do you use one?? Any issues?

    I tried once the G10. It worked great as long I did not use my notebook with the wireless mouse. (break down of the sound)
    I did not investigate frequences and so on - I just send back, because I did not want to look for another mouse :)
    Now I use my old G30 again , with a tape for fixing the battery cover problems.

  • I used to inquire about this recently.

    Stageclix Jack V4 and Shure GLXD16 would suit your needs, they are marketted as higher value items than the G10 altough, with features such as pilot tone and diversity. They are a lot pricey although

    Classic Wireless Guitar System looks like a great bang for the buck, but with a lot less features and it does not have a rechargeable battery. There is a video on youtube in which it buries the GLXD16 and G50 soundwise.

    in the end I am staying with my cable, for now.

  • Used a few different units and have been most happy with the Line 6 G50. Simple, sounds fine, good value and reliable. Buy a set of decent rechargeable AA batteries if you go with one though. I get about 5hrs out of a set. Rechargables used to be crap, but nowadays they are almost as good as standard batteries and have save me lots of $$ over the last year.

  • I used to inquire about this recently.

    Stageclix Jack V4 and Shure GLXD16 would suit your needs, they are marketted as higher value items than the G10 altough, with features such as pilot tone and diversity. They are a lot pricey although

    Classic Wireless Guitar System looks like a great bang for the buck, but with a lot less features and it does not have a rechargeable battery. There is a video on youtube in which it buries the GLXD16 and G50 soundwise.

    in the end I am staying with my cable, for now.

    These are the ones I looked at and my point is they are all "close but no cigar" !!! The Shure one is a belt pack and the other 2 are from lesser known companies - I'm reluctant to spend that amount on what looks like beta products ( no offence to them!!).

    I see a hole in the market which the G10 should fill but doesn't as I've seen a few comments similar to @Sharry. Odd considering their G30 and G50 are consistantly good

    Put the G50 bits into a G10 with the recharge option and I'd pay big bucks for that!! Anyone from Line 6 out their :)

  • I tried once the G10. It worked great as long I did not use my notebook with the wireless mouse. (break down of the sound)

    I've had that once when I activated my wireless IEM system after plugging the G10 into my guitar.

    All I had to do was plug the G10 receiver into its transmitter for a couple of seconds. That forces it to automatically find an available frequency based on the signals currently in the air.

  • problem with the G10 IMHO is the receiver form factor, it's too big to carry it to rehearsals.
    other units have a receiver which holds next to the profiler easily

    Otherwise works well ?? If I could fit into my rack then its not an issue for me although the form factor looks to be a bit stupid - neither a rack or stomp based...