NAMM 2018

  • I really bonded with my Kemper tonight and just came out and started a thread to give you guys a small modulation preset that to me sounds like I just gave myself a new update discovering a beautiful modulation sound as I was deep editing, using my bare hands twisting knobs and pressing button the old fashioned way. :D Check it out

  • This is just my opinion. I was very involved in the forum, almost gased by any new feature from Kemper. I reckon you can be almost addicted if you go too often on a forum... by luck I am in a solo album project during the last 12 monthes. I wrote everything and Guitar is just an instrument between many others. I used two profiles who worked pretty well and didn’t focus on guitar tones that much. Result : I have never been so happy with my tone and for the first time I don’t care about any hypothetical new feature from KPA. Music first. I have to admit in my personal case an editor would be welcome in my current gear setup though... but I would say let’s focus on what is the most relevant : playing music...let’s write more notes and less words...

    You are a guitar player not a tweaker then. With an exception of a few recording engineers who do tweaking as a job , lots of people who buy digital are gear tweakers/collectors so we get threads like this, main reason being boredom.

    Congratulations on recording an album!

  • During all the above, I recalled the whole "delays" caper. Pre-release versions were shown at the show in Anaheim as a feature of a forthcoming OS update and then substantially "delayed". They were eventually released in two batches some months apart. There was more than a little rending of hair and gnashing of teeth on the forum in the interim period. It seemed that CK had made a rod for his own back by promising the imminent arrival of what, in reality, took a good while to deliver in final form.

    This time - no promise, no imagined schedule, just work steadily till it is ready. (Pause for a beer or three now and again.)

    It’s true about the delays but here is a clue to the reason we get 20+ page threads that go in directions that are not always positive.

    The company has a superb record of being able to make world class equipment and then upgrading it for free. Yes, I know there will now be people saying the usual ‘you are entitled to nothing / buy it for what it does today’ etc and that’s true but every single one of us here knows that they keep coming out with cool stuff. And when we have it, it makes lots of us happy because, as good as it is, improvements to the thing we love are welcome.

    I think a change in the way it manages communication with the customer base would help. The reason there is so much excitement about NAMM and then so much disappointment is that it’s the one time of year when you might hear *anything* from Kemper about direction.

    I know that saying ‘we’ve got delays coming’ can cause people to get excited then frustrated when they take another year. Threads like this start with excitement and end with grinding teeth. Silence also causes frustration and grinding teeth / accusations that the company is uncaring etc. Neither is helpful.

    I think a different communication style would help - a middle ground. Positive teases. Things to get people excited in a positive way rather than endlessly fishing in the dark.

    This isn’t entitlement. The concept of users feeling entitled was created by the company being so good at giving us stuff. I just fed our cat and he expects that to happen because I always have always done it. He too would go crazy if I broke a feeding pattern and said nothing for two years. He would hope that the best dinner ever would be coming but the not knowing would kill him.

    Well, actually the not being fed for two years would probably finish him off first but you get where I was going there :)

    So yes, I’m grateful for what I have. Yes, I’m grateful more things are coming. Yes, I will go off and play. All agreed. But from the company side, I would be grateful if the communication would change to a way that guided this community to positive excitement about the future rather than a wall of silence that clearly isn’t working so well.

  • I think a change in the way it manages communication with the customer base would help.

    I grant everyone his beer, but in a public communication I would have hoped for a different kind of communication, especially in this situation.
    At the beer table, it would have been more appropriate.
    So I felt rather a bit pissed off, even though I was not one of those who vehemently deposed demands instead of wishes.

    A previous speaker has already mentioned that the company's communication has recently become somewhat colder.
    I share this feeling a little bit and have been making myself a little scarcer lately.

    Nevertheless, I enjoy the best guitar sound I've ever had and look forward to the hopeful future.
    Could be better to play than to read.

  • A previous speaker has already mentioned that the company's communication has recently become somewhat colder.
    I share this feeling a little bit and have been making myself a little scarcer lately.

    Nevertheless, I enjoy the best guitar sound I've ever had and look forward to the hopeful future.
    Could be better to play than to read.

    Couldn't agree more with you. It is so easy to get whipped up about what features I need and demand for free and then feel somewhat disappointed with the best tone I ever experienced live.

    If I think back to before I had the Kemper, I had absolutely no interest in an editor once my sounds were set and reverb was almost insignificant. The delays were a definite bonus, but the majority of guitar sounds just don't need specialist reverb.

    It is a difficult job to prioritise anything for the Kemper team, because so many people want different things. If an editor came out tomorrow, a week later we would be thinking about the lack of better drive pedals.

    It seems a shame to waste valuable resources, but a person that communicated more from Kemper to users would probably be very beneficial to stop these situations getting out of hand.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • Couldn't agree more with you. It is so easy to get whipped up about what features I need and demand for free and then feel somewhat disappointed with the best tone I ever experienced live.
    If I think back to before I had the Kemper, I had absolutely no interest in an editor once my sounds were set and reverb was almost insignificant. The delays were a definite bonus, but the majority of guitar sounds just don't need specialist reverb.

    It is a difficult job to prioritise anything for the Kemper team, because so many people want different things. If an editor came out tomorrow, a week later we would be thinking about the lack of better drive pedals.

    It seems a shame to waste valuable resources, but a person that communicated more from Kemper to users would probably be very beneficial to stop these situations getting out of hand.

    100.000 KPA-users, 100.000 expectations, 100.000 opinions. Just don't make it bigger than it already is.
    To stop these situations getting out of hand? What are you talking about? All KPA-users come together at a KPA-riot? A mega-KPA-sale of all users that are disappointed Kemper has got no NAMM '18 news?
    To all of you that are disappointed and think they are entitled in some kind of weird way of updates (SW, packs, communication, whatever.....) from Kemper, please, sell your KPA and make others happy with it.

    To resume KPA at NAMM 2018: no news. That's it. Life goes on.

  • Here'a a new entry into the modeling world that claims "Now you can get the flavor, the feel, the character, and the response of rock history’s greatest amps (and cabs!) on your laptop"

    If you're in NAMM just stop in and they can possibly give it to you for free: from their website:

    "Here’s the deal: we’re giving away a bunch of these at NAMM. Not demo or LE versions, but the whole Vstomp package!

    You can enter to win just by coming by the Hotone booth and plugging into Vstomp. Bring your own guitar or use one of ours."

    It might be quite good, but it assures me of why Kemper's technology of 2011 is still far ahead of everything current:

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