Watch Ceddy live solos (LIMITED OPPORTUNITY!!!)

  • I wanted to upload video/audio of the entire gig (even tho it was far from perfect) just for fun but the singer didn't want to...
    But for you personal enjoyment here's a couple of my solos you can "enjoy" until I take them down again :thumbup:

    I had a few issues:

    2 weeks before gig I was diagnosed with Tendonitis after intense practicing so I couldn't rehearse for all that time X/
    Because of that, nervosity level was legendary because the entire gig I was worried about hurting my left arm again, having to stop and go off stage... It was also 0:30 in the night, so it was quite cold for the fingers X/
    Also, we were supposed to have a 5-piece choir section but that was canceled a few days before the gig, so I had to add backing vocals myself without any rehearsal at all, increasing nervosity quite a bit :lol: shouldn't affect solos, but it's still one more thing to think about...

    Also... My absolute first gig with this particular band! So I had no previous routine at all :whistling:

    Oh well, personally I think I did alright regarding the circumstances!

    What you think?!?!

    Screwing up a bit in the end of this one

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    Once again... I have no goddamn idea why I did what I did at the very end :saint:
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    This solo I forgot completely so I just improvised everything and stood still like a nervous snowballman :thumbup:
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    Sorry for out-of-synch video, but my parts of this solo are actually quite well performed (Emils too, of course!!)
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    And here we go all out Walls Of Jericho on y'all!!!
    I'm surprised I nailed the part at 0:37 decently! I suck at sweeping but it somehow sounds "alright"
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    I'll take these down soon so dont miss out on watching these now! :love:

    Oh man! I dont think I'll ever wanna use any loud and fiddly tube amps with cabs no more, now I wanna go Kemper > straight to PA from now on! FASTEST SOUNDCHECK EVER!!!
    Emil, the other guitarist, uses a... Axe8 ... He's THE ENEMY!!! Hahaha no just kiddin. Personally I would have recommended him a Kemper, but I guess he wanted the Axe8 more.

    I was using @deadpan Triple Rectifier profile! Absolutely love it! Rhythm channel dry, and solo channel the same but more gain, volume and delay.

  • sounds great - just heard the very first notes of the first video and I knew right away you'd kick ass!
    watched the rest of course ;)

    rockstar tone!

    It shows good over-technique, meaning you're not trying to go 100% of what you can do on stage, as my most influential personal teacher told me: "On stage, you can safely use 30% of what you can do at home. Some nights you'll know you can go for it, though." - Les Wise

    I liked the 3rd, improvised, one best - very Motörhead (high praise), very cool!

  • Multi talented, supports the vendors and kemper, is the nicest dood in the world and LISTENS!!
    Gonna tell me it gets any better than this ?, well i don't believe you :D

    Blazon Stone gig soon too ..i know i am not the only one that wants to play guitar after listening to Ced... I bet the sound check guy was happy as shit on the water!!! :D .

    And thank you Tim!
    @deadpan Triple Rec its a keeper and great pack for leads too.
    Those melodies will stand the test of time.. :whistling::thumbup:


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

    Edited 2 times, last by ashtweth (September 21, 2017 at 2:47 AM).

  • @schreckmusic Hi Ant /ALL
    I think it was because of the CAPS and font size in his trouble shooting thread
    Super WEIRD phase issue when reamping?!?

    Why he would need to be banned for a day i guess is THEIR policy.
    I dont think Ced would do any thing to provoke it..i dont know

    personally i think a bit of leeway should be exercised , i am sure he was just frustrated and did not mean to break the rules.

    I never get offended unless there is bullying going on, i am the bully of bullies.
    AND..F help you if i find one...

    Who knows, dont ask me if its fair.
    ow boy


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Just got back from Amsterdam. Not sure I'd survive a return trip...!

    Great playing and sound, Cederick. Scando hair metal at its best :)

    Since when was nerdy fantasy power metal "hair metal"? Completely different things ?(

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    (also keep in mind I have only been in the band since a year ago or so, the band has been around since the mid-90s :thumbup: )

  • Yup Ced is no where near hair metal, Sam is cool and maybe being funny, or maybe he is just jet lagged from basting in farts as a result of flying back from Amsterdam, when you fly in plane you baste in FARTS!! PAAAAWWW!

    Can i order some food that wont make me FART!!!!
    Answer - No Ash if you fly you eat our food and you FART!!

    Ced thinks blazon stone maybe "out dated" ??

    I just played BACH (and farted)
    Tell me why i still play BACH

    He was the first heavy metal MOFO....
    Melody in Blazon will stand the test of time
    TEEE HEE :rolleyes::love:

    Thank you for the music posting brother, be well :)
    like Ivan says (Cili labs)
    PEACE AND LOVE :thumbup:


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Let me just say you know what i have seen work to stop anxiety for big gigs and so you dont over practice?
    Calamus root like a charm. Who farted?


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.