Horrible gig yesterday cause Kemper amp didn´t work!!!

  • Hey guys,

    big problems yesterday at a gig with my weddings band.
    Before soundcheck the Kemper startet well, but then huge problems appeared:
    the remote went black, started again, next there was no input signal and no output signal... all cables changed,
    shut down the Kemper, startet new a few times...
    after a few minutes Kemper worked again, but when I pressed any switch you could see, that the Kemper needed a lot of time to react.
    Panic, cause, this way, it woulkd be not possible to get through the gig properly.
    And then: a few minutes later, no Input and output, like in the beginning...

    So: I went back to the last stored backup to see, if this would work better.
    And yes, it worked!
    But I didn´t make enough backups in the past!
    I didn´t even make a backup with the remote, so I had to make two "emergency banks" with in a few minutes,
    one for electric guitar and one for acoustic guitar just to get through the gig (10 hours wedding!).

    Has anyone had the same issue?

    My plan: buy another Kemper, get the old one to the guys at Kemper to check it;
    I think, perhaps its some damage inside, lot´s of touring over the last 3 years with this Kemper... (all housed in a massive flight case, but perhaps something´s broken inside?).

    But the awful thing is: all my rigs are gone, the perfect rigs, that I made on the road over the years. My own fault! Why didn´t I made enough backups on the stick?
    I made some "backups" in the rig manager, but it is not the same, is it?

    Can I get the backups in the rig manager into my kemper again?
    Most of the time, the Kemper is in the tour bus, but I will get it today to try this out...

    any help from you guys? Any ideas, where the problem is?

    Best regards, Mario
    (Backup rig with a Tech21 RK 5 and some pedals always with me now...)

  • I realize this will not help you now, but perhaps in the future...

    (1) I keep one USB Flash drive up-to-date with KPA backups made at least once a week, or whenever a change has been saved/stored in my rigs or performances.

    (2) I also save all the KPA USB backup files to my laptop PC.

    (3) My laptop PC is itself is backed up once a month.

    (4) Finally, I store a quarterly backup of my PC at the NORAD Cheyenne Mountain Complex:


  • Finally, I store a quarterly backup of my PC at the NORAD Cheyenne Mountain Complex:

    Why not at Fort Knox? ^^
    I have a steady Mini-USB Stick with the last Version before a new Update plugged in in my KPA, (I dont accept the question for replace OS during KPA-Start)
    And also a Notebook with RM and all version are with me.
    For emergency cases I would have a TonLabST with some butter and bread presets.

    Never needed some till now - even I like the risk to play with the newest Beta-Version.

  • Mario, if you have not yet connected the Profiler to your computer and started Rig Manager, don't do so for now! Rig Manager keeps a copy of the Profiler's content (Rigs and Performances, not Presets) and also some automatic backups. If you have recently run Rig Manager with your Profiler connected (while all the great rigs were still there), then there is a good chance that you can retrieve them. Please contact support and refer to me.
    Best regards,

  • Mario, if you have not yet connected the Profiler to your computer and started Rig Manager, don't do so for now! Rig Manager keeps a copy of the Profiler's content (Rigs and Performances, not Presets) and also some automatic backups. If you have recently run Rig Manager with your Profiler connected (while all the great rigs were still there), then there is a good chance that you can retrieve them. Please contact support and refer to me.
    Best regards,

    Hey Arne, thanks for the answer!
    Yes, I will contact the support, I haven´t started rig manager yet! Great news!
    Best regards, Mario

  • My Kemper has been acting buggy lately, taking forever to boot up, not responding to midi PC changes, or responding slowly, freezing up , display looking weird, etc... its also about three years old. Multiple attempts at start up are now the norm. I am on current OS, which I believe to be the problem - I didn't update for a couple years since it was working fine. :(

    I had a similar experience and was advised to hold the rig button on whilst powering up to clear the edit buffer, which, if corrupted, throws these kind of problems. I didn't know at the time and resolved it with the longer alternative of restoring a backup. Not a comfortable scenario mid gig

    Thanks for the tip - I will try tonight. I'm dreading a gig with this type of uncertainly.

  • My Kemper has been acting buggy lately, taking forever to boot up, not responding to midi PC changes, or responding slowly, freezing up , display looking weird, etc

    Once I had a similar issue with the remote. Thanks heaven it was only rehearsal.
    Later at home I found out that the cable made this problem.
    I changed the cabel and since that time I always have some spare in my tool case.
    Note : it's AWG 26 but very short. It's for emergency case.
    On a big stage it would be not so comfortable but good for fitness ;)

  • Once I had a similar issue with the remote. Thanks heaven it was only rehearsal.Later at home I found out that the cable made this problem.
    I changed the cabel and since that time I always have some spare in my tool case.

    Thanks for the reminder - (did you check the cable stupid? or DYCTCS)

    I'm using a liquidfoot for my MIDI control. I did sort out a problem with my wha - TRS cable going into liquidfoot was sketchy. Surprising since it just sits all tied down in a flight case but I guess they don't make em like they used to. I have a back up PedalSnake (basically 4 MIDI cables) that I will employ and see if the problems persist.