Posts by Arne

    Thanks for making us aware of the problem. This will be fixed in the next Rig Manager release, the Profiling wizard will then use the Profiler's owner name as amp and cab author.
    You can still correct the amp author in the Kemper, editing is only prevented in Rig Manager.

    Thanks, we did not know this. To save a rig from a performance slot in the Profiler, you can drag it to the Profiler Rigs location in Rig Manager. The menu entry "Preview in Profiler" does not make any sense in this moment, because you are already previewing it since you selected Slot 2.

    All Rig Manager components are fully Apple Silicon compatible, but any installer that contains a script will make macOS ask for Rosetta, even if all commands run by the script are also fully Apple Silicon compatible. This is something Apple needs to fix, we can't do anything about it.

    Falls das Update vorgeschlagen wird, das Fenster aber aus irgendwelchen Gründen sofort im Hintergrund landet, bitte mal unten in der Taskleiste checken, ob da 2 Rig Manager Fenster offen sind. Dann kann man das Updatefenster wieder in den Vordergrund holen.

    Hallo und danke für den Bugreport, wir werden das in einer der nächsten Versionen beheben. Wenn man das Rig in der Rig Exchange aber vorgehört hat, kann man im Editor den Home-Button drücken, und der Rig Manager springt dann zurück zur Zeile mit dem Kopfhörersymbol.

    What if I rate them after storing them into my Kemper profiler? Is RIg Exchange able to see that rating and count it?

    I've honestly never rated anything until after I stored them to "My Profiles" folder. I've also never even gone into the Rig Exchange folder on RM (You just reminded me they have one). I would just go to the Rig Exchange website and search for what I wanted, save to disk, then drag and drop into My Profiles folder. I guess I've been doing this assbackwards since the beginning. =O

    No, Rig Exchange will only take your rating into account if you directly preview a Rig in the Rig Exchange location in Rig Manager and rate it there. As soon as you copy it into your Profiler, the rating will only be stored locally on your computer.

    This beta is not showing up for me with my win 8.1 machine. It doesn't show with "check software updates" and I have beta versions enabled.

    I opened up RM on a Win 10 machine elsewhere and was offered it. Are they excluding Win 8.1? If so, can you move an RM backup between these two versions? Maybe not. Is there info on that in the documentation for the new version?

    Rig Manager 3.3 requires Windows 10 64-bit (while the latest 3.2 still supports Windows 8.1 and 32-bit). The backup files are still 100% compatible, so you can easily move your local libraries to the new computer.
    Best regards,


    In the "Tools" menu of your old Rig Manager installation, choose "Backup Rig Manager Content". It will create a backup file that contains the complete folder structure of all Local Library Rigs, Presets and Performances. Copy that file to your new PC, and choose "Tools/Restore Rig Manager Content" in the new Rig Manager installation. Point it to the backup file, and you're done.
    Best regards,

    Sorry to hear this, I was quite sure that the update would fix it for you. Could you please send the latest DebugLog.txt again?

    @ Arne

    I tried installing this latest (60) build over whatever was installed - probably beta 59. I am on Win 8.1 and device manager still reports no driver is installed for the Kemper Profiler.

    Is there a specific procedure that you have in mind for getting this to install the driver on a machine where there is no driver installed?

    Of course it is supposed to work out of the box after installing Rig Manager, no matter if there was a different driver installed before or not. Anyway, we have identified 4 different problems when updating to 3.1, and the update to 3.1.60 was supposed to fix three of them. To find out what your problem is I need some log files. Did you already open a support ticket?