New Master Volume display?

  • It was only listed as positive numbers previously when more than one output was linked to the master volume control. For example, if headphone and main out were linked with the headphones at -16dB and the main at -6dB, it wouldn't make sense to show an accurate output volume, so a scale from 0-10 was chosen instead to represent theoretically where the volume pot was in its travel (i.e. when the headphone level was at its lowest, meaning the theoretical master volume pot had reached the end of its travel counter-clockwise or minimum value of 0, the main out would still be 10dB louder and vice versa, when the main out reached its loudest at 0dB, the headphones would max out at -10dB). Now that all the values of the different output volumes are shown at once, there's no need for the (pretty meaningless) scale value.

  • In the past the Master Volume scale 1-10 had very often been misinterpreted as a reference of absolute output volume, which it is not. It caused a lot of confusion. From my perspective, the perceived value of this scale is based on a misunderstanding.

    Since we have the new bar screen, which clearly shows, how the individual output volumes relate to Master Volume, I've not seen one single case of irritation.

  • I'm afraid, users might opt for the 1-10 scale for the wrong reasons. You might think 1-10 is simple, because you think, it's an absolute indication of output volume, which it is not. It's not like the pot on your guitar. Master Volume +3 for example is not consistently representing the same level of MAIN OUTPUT and MONITOR OUPUT. Then we are back to the point, where users think, their hardware is broken, because their MONITOR OUTPUT is still muted while their Master Volume rests at +3. Last time MONITOR OUTPUT was much louder at Master Volume +2. If you really wanted to know, which level your MAIN OUTPUT was sending to FOH, you had to check Main Output Volume, which always had a negative scale in dB.

    Looking around me I see audio equipment either with a dB scale or with no scale at all, but just an optical indication. Master Volume as it is offers both.

  • but... It was originally 1-10 why not give the users that option. Guitarist are not all recording engineers. We want it louder it goes to 10 not -14.4 etc. What you say makes sense, but from a practical everyday stage use 1-10 models the way most live gear works not studio gear. Would it make sense to have it the way it is now for studio engineers and 1-10 for us that just want to plug in and play?

  • While studio gear (monitor speakers, mixing desks, …) usually has a dB scale, guitar gear often has no scale at all e. g. my old Groove Tubes guitar amp or a Yamaha THR 10. You just have a knob with a bar or a dot for your orientation and crank this up or down if you need more or less and judge with your ears or you visually remember a particular position e. g. "nine o'clock". A Marshall JVM has a scale with minimum=1 and maximum=10 but only bars in between. So, practically you don't memorize and dial in the value "5.5", but place the knob into the "one o'clock" position that you visually remember. With Master Volume you have both options: You see the dB scales as well as a bars for visual orientation. ;)

  • But why not provide the option? The earlier releases of Kemper OS had a simple one volume setting. If you wanted to dig in deeper to each individual output you would go into settings. Presenting the user with 4+ volume options can be confusing. Especially when you just want to set a volume for live use and have different settings for practice and live stage etc. Instead of 5.5 volume now I need to write down that the main out is at -14.3 for practice and -12.5 for live. I see your point but allot of us on here feel the same. Just my two cents. I'll shut up now. Im not the one that has to write the code :)