Running to FOH at Church was a mess. Any advice!?

  • Zombie threads don't bother me as a problem /solution is the same in 2017 or 2022. Somebody might benefit from the answer. What I want to know is who needs 9 pedals in front of the Kemper to play at Church? I like to have a big variety of effects available, and I've never felt there was anything missing from the Kemper's library of them to warrant bringing outboard gear in the mix. Some people just have to have their pedals they paid for it seems.

  • Zombie threads don't bother me as a problem /solution is the same in 2017 or 2022. Somebody might benefit from the answer. What I want to know is who needs 9 pedals in front of the Kemper to play at Church? I like to have a big variety of effects available, and I've never felt there was anything missing from the Kemper's library of them to warrant bringing outboard gear in the mix. Some people just have to have their pedals they paid for it seems.

    In fact, one of my big positives moving from my tube amp rig to the KPA was that my setup was vastly simplified. I agree.

    I do know people that have specific effects that they have grown close to and love. If the KPA can't duplicate them (Chorus, Flanger, Phaser come to mind) they are not satisfied with the sound. I guess I get it.

    For me, setup, tear down, and transport are very important. A pedal would have to seriously have some mojo before I would consider it (I don't even bring my volume pedal to gigs since I have all my rigs balanced for volume with an exact volume boost (pure boost) at the end of the chain for when I am using the same tone, but am louder in the mix (arguably the sound guy should take care of this, but they rarely do)).

    I sold all but a couple pedals that I still keep .... and they gather dust (just a couple of eq pedals I believe).

  • I do know people that have specific effects that they have grown close to and love. If the KPA can't duplicate them (Chorus, Flanger, Phaser come to mind) they are not satisfied with the sound. I guess I get it.

    I am mainly referring to the ones that never really check out the Kemper FX, and put a bunch of pedals in front that could be replicated with the Kemper FX. I never understood the pedal people, I always went a simple rackmount and controller than 10 noisy pedals going through 40' of cable to get to and from the amp that did the same thing.

  • I am mainly referring to the ones that never really check out the Kemper FX, and put a bunch of pedals in front that could be replicated with the Kemper FX. I never understood the pedal people, I always went a simple rackmount and controller than 10 noisy pedals going through 40' of cable to get to and from the amp that did the same thing.

    In mechanical engineering (and physics) the property of matter that says objects in motion tend to stay in motion. Objects at rest tend to stay at rest. Objects on a speicific trajectory tend to stay on it .... is called inertia.

    I believe that people have inertia too. People tend to do what they are used to doing and strongly resist change just like objects of matter do in physics :).

    Shoot, I never thought I would have an amplifier that didn't have tubes. I had a lifetime of experience that told me all digital amps were crap for live use. They didn't cut, they didn't have touch, etc, etc. It was only a particularly bad spat of pulling my back out that made me decide (or decided for me) that my massive tube amp rig had to go.

    I think that people get to liking "their tone" whatever that tone happens to be. Getting them to change (even if their "tone" is "crap") is difficult.

  • In mechanical engineering (and physics) the property of matter that says objects in motion tend to stay in motion. Objects at rest tend to stay at rest. Objects on a speicific trajectory tend to stay on it .... is called inertia.

    I believe that people have inertia too. People tend to do what they are used to doing and strongly resist change just like objects of matter do in physics :).

    Shoot, I never thought I would have an amplifier that didn't have tubes. I had a lifetime of experience that told me all digital amps were crap for live use. They didn't cut, they didn't have touch, etc, etc. It was only a particularly bad spat of pulling my back out that made me decide (or decided for me) that my massive tube amp rig had to go.

    I think that people get to liking "their tone" whatever that tone happens to be. Getting them to change (even if their "tone" is "crap") is difficult.

    Totally. I think any change you have to rethink or retrain your ears....and another reason I trust other peoples opinion before mine!