FX loop before power amp / cab section

  • How do I set up the Kemper to use my pedal board effects after the preamp and before the power amp / cab section? If I cable everything correctly (stereo effects loop) and add the stereo FX loop stomp insert in the X slot on the effects section the effects are not being processed through the power amp and cab sim section of the profiler. Now, this is not a problem when I use the kemper itself. But when I use the preamp of my Mesa Boogie TA30 and want to use the stereo FX loop of the Kemper I get the preamp only sound with my pedal board's stereo delays and such. Which sounds terrible. Need advice on how to set this up correctly.

  • Thanks for the reply... I know how to setup an effects loop on the kemper. My problem is different however. It seems the Kemper FX slot routing is such:

    guitar > effects section > kemper preamp simulation > kemper power amp simulation > kemper cab simulation > fx loop section > audio out

    however, my usual signal chain is:

    guitar > effects > preamp > fx loop > power amp > cabinet > microphone

    Notice the different position of the fx loop in the chain? This results in quite a different sound. And I was wondering if you can run the kemper fx loop before the power amp simulation.

  • Any solution here???

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  • This is just how the Kemper works.
    There is no way to add something between the preamp, poweramp and cabinet (if you use the simulation of the Kemper).
    I never had a problem with this though as it takes most effects better than normal amps imo (delays etc.) if they are placed after the cabinet like the effects in most digital recordings work.
    If you want to use your own Preamp just use it before the Kemper PRE and disable the Kemper's PRE.
    Or do you have a different use case?

  • a small tick box in the cab section to change its location from where it is to post reverb would be a nice added option. I think they've discussed this before and it isn't possible for some reason. And for practicality, it out weighed the need for it in that discussion thread IIRC

  • Preamp and power amp are combined in one Profile located in the Amplifier Module. You cannot split that. I think, practically it doesn't matter. If you want to have effects post preamp, then loop those in at one of the Modules X-DLY.

  • Not possible because returns of Kemper are before the Chain.
    as are Output looper "Pre" (after Input guitar) and "Post" (after the chain after REV),
    it will be good to have "Processing" (after ABCD but before Stack), "Stack" (after Stack as well you free the X-slot) and "Mod' (after Mod)
    as we are all solution.
    it's possible to dev it ? @Burkhard @kpahuitsing

    Edited once, last by Juluxx: error name :-) (June 14, 2018 at 11:12 AM).

  • No worries, mate.

    If you see "Administrator", "Moderator", "Super Moderator", "Kemper GmbH" or something similar in the field below a member's avatar, it means he works for Kemper.

    If you see anything else, such as "Beginner", "Professional" or "Enlightened" there, it's just a plain ol' hack like me behind the mask, although I'll suggest that mine's a very-handsome one. Just sayin'. :whistling:

  • Not possible because returns of Kemper are before the Chain.
    as are Output looper "Pre" (after Input guitar) and "Post" (after the chain after REV),
    it will be good to have "Processing" (after ABCD but before Stack), "Stack" (after Stack as well you free the X-slot) and "Mod' (after Mod)
    as we are all solution.
    it's possible to dev it ? @Burkhard @kpahuitsing

    I think you may be mixing things up here?

    • FX Loop = a point where the signal is exported to the Kemper's SEND output and received again through the RETURN input, with the intention of running it through external effects in-between. You can place it in any of the slots before (ABCD) or after (X, MOD, DLY) the amp section, just like any of the Kemper's internal effects.
    • Looper = a built-in device to record and replay audio, allowing you to play over what you've played before ("overdub") and build up layers. The looper can be set to "Pre" and "Post" like you said, but that has nothing to do with the question in this thread.

    The Kemper's RETURN input (which can be paired with the ALTERNATIVE input for a stereo FX Loop) is fed into the chain at the position where you place the FX Loop, so not before the chain but in the chain, either before or after the amp section.


    @bvrede, if I understand correctly, the problem is you want both an external preamp and external stereo effects in one FX Loop. The former needs to be in slots ABCD so it is run through the Kemper's cab sim; the latter need to go after the amp section because they are in stereo.

    The combination of these two requirements -- before the cab sim and in stereo -- is not possible.

    The Kemper's amp section (including the cab sim) is currently not equipped to process a stereo signal, which would essentially require the amp profile algorithm to be running twice (left and right). So I'm afraid that if you want to use the Mesa preamp, you will either have to run your external effects in mono (so you can insert them, along with the preamp, in one of the ABCD slots before the cab) or take the effects out of the FX Loop and place them at the very end of your chain, after the Kemper.

    (Edit: just now noticed that the original post in this thread is pretty old. Oh well, my reply may still be useful to some. :) )

  • of course... i remember... it's been 10 years that I'm not going on a forum... ;(
    "Darwinian style" your avatar ^^

    it's not very simple to understand at first. (FX LOOP/LOOPER where in chain...settings...)
    I'm confused.

    Edited 3 times, last by Juluxx (June 14, 2018 at 11:57 AM).

  • it's not very simple to understand at first. (FX LOOP/LOOPER where in chain...settings...)
    I'm confused.

    :) No worries. I think there may be a bit of a language barrier here.

    What I meant is: this thread is about the FX Loop (un 'détour' de la chaine en dehors du Kemper, pour insérer des effets externes).
    Your remark about the Pre/Post position seems to be about the Looper (un dispositif intégré dans le Kemper pour enregistrer et combiner des phrases musicales).
    Those are two completely different things.

  • oups...

    Whatever the FX loop(effect) or Looper(overdub) we have, we should be able to insert it anywhere in the chain on a slot or not, and return it anywhere.
    with an input volume control and Mix output.

    split the chain in fact...!?

  • My only workaround so far has been to:

    • disable the cab simulation on monitor out,
    • hook up my fx-loop effects to the monitor out,
    • hook up a cab simulator or external power amp + cab to the end of the fx-loop effects.

    it's not ideal and a lot of cable runs, but it works pretty well. I'm currently using Two Notes "wall of sound" amp sim when going digital, and a ritter camplifier power amp + a regular cabinet when going analog.

  • Hi all, I just came upon this thread as this is what I want to achieve as well: insert my effects loop after the Amp, but before the Cabinet.

    In a "real" amp, the effects loop is positioned between the pre and power amp. Then the whole signal gets sent to the cab. So the effects are uncoloured by the preamp, but are coloured by the speaker cab.

    So I would like to get the best out of my time based effects (mainly my Strymon Flint) by placing it here, directly before the Cabinet in the Kemper.

    When running the Flint reverbs as a "studio" effect in the post section, it doesn't sound right to me, as I am used to hearing it through a cab.

    And putting the effects loop in the stomp section of course puts the verb at the mercy of preamp gain and tone stack.

    The workaround above seems to make sense but it seems like this must be possible from within the Kemper.

    I hope this makes sense, any input or advice would be great!