That Rig Show #11 - Michael Britt Rig Pack walkthrough

  • The Friedman is definitely the darkest and muddiest profile in this set. It's one that I have a hard time using but it can sound good with the right guitar at the right settings I guess. If a different cab makes it work better, that's what I would recommend.
    As far as sounding like the video, I think much of it has to do with the guitar and with your speakers. I have a really hard time getting my Kemper to sound "right" through my studio monitors at home. I only trust my Ultimate Ears UE7s or my Xitone cab when I'm tweaking because all headphones and speakers have a pretty drastic eq curve even though they are supposedly "flat". It's what you have and get used to and tweak to that can make it work for you. Maybe my UE7s aren't flat but they're just what I'm used to so they sound "right".

    I tried these profiles with my Strat through my monitors and they sounded ok, but as soon as I picked up my Anderson tele they all sounded better, so different pickups are part of the equation as well. The good news, I guess, is that there are lots of free tonal options available so hopefully you can find profiles that work for you. Even after making hundreds of profiles, I still gravitate toward the same 10-15.

    Following on from what Michael said here and also from a previous thread, I stopped using my headphones and instead have been using good quality in-ear earphones by etymotic. Makes a large difference to the clarity of the tones as good in-ears don't have as much bass as headphones, even neutral ones made for mixing such as my sennheiser hd600s. If you have some decent earphones I'd suggest practising through those instead.
    Michael, your comment about using UE7s makes sense to me as now that I'm using in-ears the tones sound a lot more balanced! Cheers!


    Eltzejupp, now that I've re-read your post it would appear you've tried different setups already. However I'd still recommend trying some in-ears. Also, might be an obvious one but how old are your guitar strings? Have you tried going through the spdif to your interface ? I have found that using spdif yields better tones, with more top end. Also is there a difference in tone between the headphone output straight from the Kemper, and the tone you have recorded via your audio interface? If there is difference and you have been using analog outputs from the Kemper then this may give you clue that you're losing some top end. Might be a good idea to compare recorded clips using the analog outputs and spdif outputs if you're able.

    Edited once, last by MCVA444 (March 25, 2017 at 4:26 AM).

  • The Friedman is definitely the darkest and muddiest profile in this set. It's one that I have a hard time using but it can sound good with the right guitar at the right settings I guess. If a different cab makes it work better, that's what I would recommend.
    As far as sounding like the video, I think much of it has to do with the guitar and with your speakers. I have a really hard time getting my Kemper to sound "right" through my studio monitors at home. I only trust my Ultimate Ears UE7s or my Xitone cab when I'm tweaking because all headphones and speakers have a pretty drastic eq curve even though they are supposedly "flat". It's what you have and get used to and tweak to that can make it work for you. Maybe my UE7s aren't flat but they're just what I'm used to so they sound "right".

    I tried these profiles with my Strat through my monitors and they sounded ok, but as soon as I picked up my Anderson tele they all sounded better, so different pickups are part of the equation as well. The good news, I guess, is that there are lots of free tonal options available so hopefully you can find profiles that work for you. Even after making hundreds of profiles, I still gravitate toward the same 10-15.

    Hi Michael,
    Thx for your response. I think muddy isnt the right word, I am not a native speaker but I try it with other words. In the vid i hear a crispy clear ton and with my guitars the sounds is like i have a wool plate over my speakers. I can clear it up a bit when i scoop the mids , higher the definition a bit and higher the presence and the hights a bit. But if have to take that it didnt get to bright.

    Sure, your Anderson is def one of the coolest tele's, but i am not a tele player.
    I really appreciate your statements, this is what i thought. Hundreds of profiles and you still go back to 10-15 favorits. Same here. I own and collected also hundreds and for me its he same. I fell well with many profiles and i feel very well with a handfull profiles.

    And yes, i also had a really hard time to make my kpa sound good. Hundreds of hours, tweaking and buying different equipment over 3 years. I tried h&k real cab, boogie real cab, atomic frfr, different monitors and also many tipps and tricks from the cool guys here in the forum.

    I think finaly i got it and i am happy with my kpa.

    Again, i was really blown away from the vid and after loading the first profile i was dissapointed, because the sound was far away from the vid. It would be interresting to hear a short recording with the same profiles when you play and record it without any eq' ing right out of the box in your daw. This would be fine to compare.

    And it would be nice if we can get some information what is done in the vid. Are the shown profiles tweaked? What kind of equipment is used in the vid? How is the vid recorded and is there a post production with .....whatever.


  • you might need a Tele :)

    Ahhh, i am a stupid guy. You are right. This is the secret. I forgot, i have no tele.
    Hours of tweaking and the solution is so clear, its not the profile and the digital equiment, it' s the guitar. Thx Don, you light me up. Man, man, how can i overlook this obvious thing? Thx for this helpful hint.


  • Less comments like this would also very helpful to relax.

    With respect, I think you're missing the point.

    Do you really expect Michael and Ruben to spend time making comparison clips for you to compare to the sound you're hearing at home so that this FREE Rig Pack (a gift from Michael and Kemper) discussion can turn into another 100 page Cameron VS Real amp 2% difference science experiment discussion?

    Perhaps your ears are used to the EQ of your guitars,and your sound at home, perhaps these Profiles don't work for you with your gear...they're FREE, you didn't pay for them, if you don't like them don't expect Michael and Ruben to prove to you they are indeed excellent Profiles.

  • With respect, I think you're missing the point.
    Do you really expect Michael and Ruben to spend time making comparison clips for you to compare to the sound you're hearing at home so that this FREE Rig Pack (a gift from Michael and Kemper) discussion can turn into another 100 page Cameron VS Real amp 2% difference science experiment discussion?

    Perhaps your ears are used to the EQ of your guitars,and your sound at home, perhaps these Profiles don't work for you with your gear...they're FREE, you didn't pay for them, if you don't like them don't expect Michael and Ruben to prove to you they are indeed excellent Profiles.

    Who says i dont like them? No word. I stated that the sounds in the vid sound excellent.
    I expect nothing, i asked kindly. Not Ruben, only Michael.
    If i get a hint , it would be very nice.
    Michael has done a very fine and kind response. With respect, Don's comment was very cynical and i didnt asked him. I think it would be better to pm questions because some guys misunderstood the contend of questions and write posts without reading carefully.

  • @Eltzejupp
    the guitar used in the demo is a Tele, MB pointed out he really likes the sound of the Profiles with his Tele,
    therefore I pointed this out to you.
    You responded with cynicism, now you complain about the reactions you get.

    again: please relax.

    for someone that uses this kind of direct, borderline aggressive language (keep in mind things "sound" very different when typed) you sure are a bit touchy.

    back to topic.

    everything else PM me.

  • Not a fan of these profiles when using humbucker guitars and through studio monitors. Dark and muddy. Then again I tried a tele and it worked much better.

  • Following on from what Michael said here and also from a previous thread, I stopped using my headphones and instead have been using good quality in-ear earphones by etymotic. Makes a large difference to the clarity of the tones as good in-ears don't have as much bass as headphones, even neutral ones made for mixing such as my sennheiser hd600s. If you have some decent earphones I'd suggest practising through those instead.Michael, your comment about using UE7s makes sense to me as now that I'm using in-ears the tones sound a lot more balanced! Cheers!


    Eltzejupp, now that I've re-read your post it would appear you've tried different setups already. However I'd still recommend trying some in-ears. Also, might be an obvious one but how old are your guitar strings? Have you tried going through the spdif to your interface ? I have found that using spdif yields better tones, with more top end. Also is there a difference in tone between the headphone output straight from the Kemper, and the tone you have recorded via your audio interface? If there is difference and you have been using analog outputs from the Kemper then this may give you clue that you're losing some top end. Might be a good idea to compare recorded clips using the analog outputs and spdif outputs if you're able.

    Thx for hints. I dont have a spdif in on my interface, but one thing is that i nearly hear the same sound out of my monitors after recording. My first thought was that the interface colour the sound, but i think it doesent. The sound from my frfr is def different. Its brighter and yes i use clean and fresh strings. The guitar is def a big point. The gibsons are nearly identical and the strat and jem too, because i use dimarzio pu's in bridge position. My music man majesty sounds absolutely different from this guitars. This one is much brigther and clearer, but i think Michaels profiles are not created for a guitar like this.
    I pointed out that the car profile fits cool or with other words, every clean sound is ok, my problem is crunch and high gain. I dont get this warm and slighly cranked tone with this woody feel from the vid out of my guitars. This drives me crazy because i think the collection is not so bad.

    I will try again with my beyerdynamics, in ears are cool but i think only for guys which are using them also in band. Dont want to make this invest. Maybe i save my money for a tele ;)

  • It may well be Britt 's rigs and LPs work well together when you play very loud. Like many vintage amps. Some other vendors seem more headphones-friendly, I gather. I find Strats like lots of rigs thru headphones, whereas LPs are more crítical with the lower end frequencies.

    Never too old for rock'n'roll

  • All very nice :)

    Off topic and apologies if this has been answered elsewhere but....

    The stand that Ruben is using in this video for the Kemper toaster..... what is it? I'm redoing my little bat cave of noise at the moment and something like that might come in very handy :)

    I asked him about this (for the same reason) some time ago. It's a stock HIFI speaker stand. He seemed to be quite happy with :)

  • Let's calm down, guys. It's only rock n roll.

    ... but we like it...

    You know, having listened carefully to the video several times, I have to say that it may well be the free pack to end all packs. The class and variety on offer are staggering IMHO.

    Well done, Kemper, for the choices of Rigs you made and thank you again to Michael for allowing this. Awesome.