OS 5.0 Experiences thread

  • Off topic ...

    For those who followed the aborted mess I made of my update (which was originally successful for those just reading this one post .... until I tried to go back), I found a 4 month old backup that wasn't where it belonged on my hard drive (ie under my "Kemper" folder :) ).

    So, I am back up, on 5.x with all my rigs (except 1 really nice Plexi I have been working on the past few months) and enjoying the life of the exciting new delay engine the Kemper team has so professionally delivered.

    What a fine piece of gear!

  • Off topic ...

    For those who followed the aborted mess I made of my update (which was originally successful for those just reading this one post .... until I tried to go back), I found a 4 month old backup that wasn't where it belonged on my hard drive (ie under my "Kemper" folder :) ).

    So, I am back up, on 5.x with all my rigs (except 1 really nice Plexi I have been working on the past few months) and enjoying the life of the exciting new delay engine the Kemper team has so professionally delivered.

    What a fine piece of gear!

    I am happy with you @OneEng1!

  • Well I have to say, this is a very nice present indeed, thank you very much KPA team!

    I'm really impressed by the way they have been implemented, too. It's very sensible to allow wider ranging use of many parameters, rather than having a specific "reverse delay" or whatever. Actually par for the course for KPA - you guys have a very well thought out process for everything.

    Also thanks for including the "hold" function, that was one of my favourite things on the Timefactor. The presets have been very useful so far to get a nice taste of what lovely things can be done. I can only imagine what is possible with this flexibility combined with mutiple slots... 8o

    Again - big props for this - thanks!!!

  • Thank you Kemper team for another awesome free update.

    One thing I noticed, though, is that after updating the delay effect is now more pronounced than before (I was on 3.2) on some of the rigs that have delay enabled. Not a major issue or something I can't easily fix by turning the delay mix knob down a bit.
    Just curious if anyone else noticed the same.

    I have noticed the same. I needed to adjust or check the mix value on all of mye delays in all my 80 performances.... I think this happend some time in version 4...

  • @ C-4: Why to choose the complex way? It is so easy to update the kpa via RM when the checkbox " search for beta.." under preferences is assigned and the kpa is in Connection with the pc or laptop.

    Next is to put the new delay presets on the kpa. Download them and follow the pdf description which you can find attached to the new presets.

    I do not own a home computer, so I have do things the old fashioned way. But I thank you for the info on how to do it with a computer. :)
    Having just uploaded 4.2, i am thankful for it, and will wait for 5 to be released in its finished form along with the delays for now.

  • Really really loving the new delays!
    Found a bit of a weird glitch, where a few delays wont tempo sync.
    For a sound like:
    Clean delay
    Dirty Delay
    Lead with Delay

    The clean is to the tempo but the dirty isn't. Even if i copy and paste the delay from the 'clean delay' to 'Dirty delay'!

    Oh well. These new delays are absolutely incredible! :)

  • cool, will do. was going to buy an El capistan for tape delays but these may work as well by the sounds of it.

    I have an El Capistan. It's great, but the Kemper delays are much easier to tweak, are much more flexible, you can store more than two different delays at a time and the quality is definitely comparable; so much so that I haven't used mine since I downloaded the beta.

  • Ive been running a large pedalboard with a Kemper for a while now, and recently taken the plunge for the remote as my rig. Really really really enjoying it!

    You won't regret it. I used to run a large overstuffed pedalboard myself, now I only use the Remote and 2 expression pedals. It's heavenly!

    Gary ô¿ô

  • I had an issue with mine this evening. I love the new delays and had put quadverb on. About half an hour into recording and there was a horrendous distortion on the repeats. I turned it off and back on again and it worked for another fifteen minutes before doing the same thing. Unfortunately I was recording somewhere else and don't have a copy of the sound. I have a gig on Saturday so it's back to 4 for me. I'll run it tomorrow and try to get it again before I downgrade.

    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10

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    if you haven´t seen this so far...check this out!

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    if you haven´t seen this so far...check this out!

    Those are awesome. Is there any place we can get the exact settings he used for those examples in the video? I'm primarily interested in the first "shimmer/crystal" he used around 1/2 way through the video, as well as the "swells" at the end.

  • Those are awesome. Is there any place we can get the exact settings he used for those examples in the video? I'm primarily interested in the first "shimmer/crystal" he used around 1/2 way through the video, as well as the "swells" at the end.

    Unfortunately what is shown in the video and the final OS 5.0 implementation aren't the same at all. This video was done as a demo of some experimental software and the final production software is quite different - or so says Kemper team. Can probably approximate many of these but the exact settings won't map across to the current OS 5.0 parameters.