New Reverbs not coming for V5.0?

  • I've thought about this since NAMM 2016, Kemper demoed some new delays, but said they would be released later. Everyone was excited about this. We've been told to look for them in V5.0. Everyone on the forums are somehow assuming new reverbs will be included with the new delays. Did Kemper ever actually say this? Where did this information come from? Is it just a rumor?

  • If there was no statement and rumors have gained momentum and everyone is now expecting reverbs, when maybe that was never Kemper's intent to release with the delays, but maybe at a later time, then did we delay the release of the delays just by creating this expectation? Meaning, Kemper can't release delays without reverbs because everyone would be upset. But they also can't announce that reverbs will not be released with delays because everyone would be upset. So now development is longer because it necessitates the time to be spent on reverb development so they can be released at the same time?

  • @Per is correct; it was said that 'verb enhancements would come at a later date 'cause, to paraphrase, they "wanted to make sure they were the best they could possibly be".

    @KPA_Leader's suggestion that the delay's delay might mean a simultaneous release of both might have some merit IMHO.

    IMHO it depends on two things:

    1) Whether or not the 'verb/s is/are finished by the delay-release date (obviously).
    2) Whether or not the 'verb-release is delayed(!) for marketing reasons - if nothing significant software-wise is on the horizon then postponing it might make good business sense, especially as no timeframe has been committed to.

  • I'm a reverb junkie - so hearing that there will be upgrades in the Reverb section is BIG news for me and highly appreciated!!
    That could mean I could get rid of all my Reverb racks and pedals (Eventide, Lexicon, Bricasti Design, Strymon, TC-Electronix, Electro Harmonix...) if they get it right. Would even love to beta test these, if Kemper lads want me as I have 40+ years of experience with all kinds of studio reverbs.

  • Hi G String. Only one question to save money: I thought to buy an eventide H9 to get some more delays and reverbs. Could i save this money?

    This was my biggest reason for hoping for an answer as to what may be getting released. From any company. Should I buy this or not.

    I just don't ask any more. I gave in and bought all three of the big Strymons.
    I have been happy ever since. But not my wallet.
    If I was in a gigging band I may be pushing more for having it all in the KPA though.

    I understand both sides. Kemper won't lose much by not answering directly because these are free additions. Maybe just a bit of frustration and disappointment from their customers.

    Now if it were to be hardware, that's a different story. They could lose sales and new customers.
    It is a damned if you do, damned if you don't for them, so I understand.

    If they tell you yes and it doesn't pan out the way they hoped because of unforeseen roadblocks like hardware/ software limitations they are now seen as incompetent.

    I believe they are skirting this with the delayed delays. They will pull it out but I still get the feeling it isn't going as planned and when they are released they MAY have had to do a give and take to make them work.

    We will see.

  • I understand both sides. Kemper won't lose much by not answering directly because these are free additions. Maybe just a bit of frustration and disappointment from their customers.

    How can they answer this question?
    It entirely depends on the person if this money is well spent. I don't care much for advanced delays, so for me it would be a waste of money to buy a Strymon Timeline. The Kemper delay as it is right now is sufficient for me. It is obviously different for other people.

  • Delays are much less intensive from a DSP perspective than reverb.

    Making the delays capable of being placed in any slot was likely a pretty big change IMO.... but still not horridly DSP intensive.

    Reverbs are different.

    I would not expect the verb upgrade to go anywhere but the verb dedicated slot in the Kemper. I have no clue how much of the DSP bandwidth is being utilized in the unit today, so it is impossible to make any guess as to how well Kemper will be able to enhance their verbs.

    I would say that it is unlikely that the built in verbs of the Kemper will reach the same level as that of an Eventide. The sheer processing advantage alone would guarantee this IMO.

    Having stated this, I fully expect that Kemper will be able to significantly enhance the verbs they have today. For my purposes (gig rig) this will very likely be more than enough for live use and will be a VERY welcomed addition to the Kemper.

    For me, setup simplicity vastly outweighs any efx differences that one could hear between an Eventide and the Kemper internal effects. The audience doesn't discern the difference in a live setting anyway (IME). I, on the other hand, feel the pain of setup issues every gig ;)

    It is always possible that the crack team at Kemper will surprise me though. It is possible that they will reach the same quality level of verbs found in the most expensive boxes out there today. I am just saying that my personal "bar" is set lower than that. Give me a decent improvement over the current verbs and I would be a very happy Kemper owner. For those that are expecting verbs that rival TC Electronics M3000, Eventide H9, etc, I think you are likely going to be disappointed.

    This is just one man's opinion and my personal expectations.

  • we've showed a technology preview of some delays which will be a part of a future update. we haven't shown a new reverb or announced it officially.

    People are continuing to talk about the release of reverbs as though G String's statement said something different than what he did. I think the point behind no reverbs have been shown or officially announced is, don't count on them coming now or in the near future. I think we need to acknowledge that Kemper may not be working on this or they are doing some behind the scenes algo coding and testing to test feasibility before committing to anything or making any announcements. This seems like the reasonable conclusion. My suggestion would be, give Kemper some space on this point. They said and showed delays are coming, so count on those. Reverbs on the other hand have not been shown or announced, so why are we even talking about those? My only hope would be that the reverb slot would some day support a stereo loop so I can put my own reverb there for now.

  • I think that most of us understand that the verbs are still a ways off.

    The delay's will likely be in 5.X. As pointed out, they have been demonstrated so we know that they are well into the development cycle and likely nearing a release at this point in time (now that the 4.X branch is getting cleaned up pretty well).

    I would be excited to see a demo of new verbs at Winter NAMM. From a marketing perspective, it would be kind of anti-climatic to have the 5.0 release with the new delays (that we have already had demonstrated) be the only cool thing we saw in the pipeline for next year.

    Just to keep things real though ....

    The KPA is still the slickest darned tone machine on the planet. I can wait for new verbs with no problem and a smile on my face :)

  • Reverbs on the other hand have not been shown or announced, so why are we even talking about those?

    Something was said at NAMM at the start of the year, I believe, 'Leader. It wasn't an official announcement, as we've now learned, but I think many of us have seen the footage of the statement.

  • Something was said at NAMM at the start of the year, I believe, 'Leader. It wasn't an official announcement, as we've now learned, but I think many of us have seen the footage of the statement.

    Care to share the exact video, Nicky? From what I could tell of the ones at NAMM, they only said new delays, I didn't catch mention of new reverbs.

  • I didn't make a note of where I heard it, AJ. I wasn't the only one, I know that for sure.

    It was said that the delays would come first, and that the 'verb upgrade would follow at an unspecified time. The only clue or information provided other than that was that Christoph wanted to ensure that it was as good as it could possibly be.

    So, something was said, but if G String says it wasn't official, it wasn't official.

  • It was at least stated that a spring reverb is high on the prio list. However, things take as long as they take. And if it's (yet) not at Kemper level, I think it's fine not to release it. A very good quality reverb can push a medicore ampsound up to good quality; a medicore reverb can drag a good quality ampsound down to medicore.

    For the ones that keep saying (not particulary in this thread but in general) as those are all free updates we don't have to have expectations at all and be grateful for whatever we get: I klindly disagree. I am grateful of course, but the marketing concept of free updates is a win win situation and was a very huge aspect for me when going for the KPA. It's one of my most used arguments when I recommend the KPA to someone (which I do permanently) and I think this convinced other players, too. In the end this raises sales. And you will stick people at the brand what matters when corresponding products (think Remote) or even a new version is available. The KPA is not cheap but free updates relativate the price (for me at least) and make it well worth the investment. We all remember 6L and others going 'Now we got it guys, we finally got it. Well it was eventually not the last model at all, as we thought, but it's this one. This one got it right.'

    On a side note, while I dig morphing I would have liked the see the delays first - but that's just me and what's inside the KPA today gets me through the night 'til delays are right.

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band:[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...