• When I first signed up on this forum I figured everybody would figure my name is a Led Zeppelin reference.
    Understandably so. It is a guitar forum.

    But it is not.
    It is one of two that I have used for a long time.

    It certainly is not the OTHER meaning! <X

  • OT means Off-topic. I'm quite sure that this isn't what you actually meant...

    yes. thanks. coffee please.
    on a more serious note, the original topic is important and we would appreciate if some who post very frequently could _sit back and think_ if it is necessary to comment on _everything_ even though it does not add anything to the discussion. but it'm derailing myself in this very moment, so i better stop it now.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • yes. thanks. coffee please.
    on a more serious note, the original topic is important and we would appreciate if some who post very frequently could _sit back and think_ if it is necessary to comment on _everything_ even though it does not add anything to the discussion. but it'm derailing myself in this very moment, so i better stop it now.

    GString please stay On Topic.. - thank-you.. - oh and maybe next time you will think before you type.

    (Really sorry, I absolute had to do this lol)

  • Reading through that I come back to my "anger" about what we call the "legal system" nowadays. In my opionion the common sense is gone to a high degree. What if there was no law, just think about who deserves what, like in everyday life...!?

    * Kemper GmbH invented a way to profile amps. Lots of great ideas went there. A lot of work. The hardware, the so called OS. Its sounding and performing great. -> I am willing to pay a lot -> I would like to see a small share for the original amps manufaturer (factory profiles)

    * Commercial profilers spend a lot of working time and knowledge, buy amps / microphones and such. -> I am willing to pay (if I liked them more than non-commercial ones) -> I would like to see a small share for the original amps manufaturer

    * Copying and selling commercial profiles -> almost no work spent, kindof theft or ripp-off -> I am not willing to spend money, just not fair

    * Selling this commercial profile pack somebody doenst like after buying -> no problem, sell it, like any other used good, the market will tell the price (software companies tried to forbid this is the past for just ONE reason, ripp us off!)

    Just my 2 cent. I am an optimist.

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • I'm sorry for the distraction, G String and everyone.

    G String, I deleted everything relating to ITTO's misunderstanding of his name's abbreviation and my attempts to help him stop beating himself up about it.

    Personally, I find this topic heavy-going to debate, but I recognise that some folks might find any distractions, well, distracting.

    I tend to agree on all points, Spinner, but with some categories of amps it'd be impossible to reward the builders / designers, wouldn't it? I'm thinking of one-off creations and vintage ones. Then there're stomp boxes that're no longer made, and mic preamps, filter boxes... the list goes on and on, as you know, 'cause the Kemper's so versatile.

    Just that sticking point is all I wanted to point out. IMHO, it wouldn't be fair to only reward some manufacturers and not those who're difficult to track down (modders etc.), deceased or whatever.

  • Just that sticking point is all I wanted to point out. IMHO, it wouldn't be fair to only reward some manufacturers and not those who're difficult to track down (modders etc.), deceased or whatever.

    You forgot your pills today? Why so realistic! ;) Sure your right about this detail...

    But honestly: I would rather hire a person to investigate and track those people or even their ancestors for benefits than I would hire one single lawyer! Its obvious now: I believe in Kharma! :D

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • Wow I've been on vacation/holiday for a week and I missed this!! There's a lot to chew on here but IMHO the best practical solution is that profile sellers should include a licence agreement similar to those buyers agree to when they purchase other software or sample libraries, anything else like copy protection etc, is wasting time and effort. Clearly it's not a solution but it might help recover damages if a licence wasn't purchased and someone used the profile for money making activities such as recording or paid for live performance etc.

  • btw I'm afraid that only three sellers ( @breu @MentaL and myself) care about this problem here. C'mon guys, if nobody does anything against it, the market will get down and nobody will offer good profiles anymore

    sorry man but, think about it : because SELLERS sold profiles, WE don't buy amp. If we don't buy amps the market will get down and nobody will affer good amp.... it's exactly the same.

    Every one can have a very good sound (and some times, better than a lot of sellers) : go, for 230€ in a good studio for 4 hours and make profiles with the sound-man of the 8 ou 10 amps in this studio... but if we do this : If we don't go in studio to record tracks, the market will get down... it's (again) exactly the same.

    Making free profile is the mind of the kpa, the trouble is coming because sellers sold profiles, want to make profit with profiles... what? a thief sold YOURS profiles, it's a shame ! ! !...if a seller thinks that, remember that all sellers sold the mind of differents amps and the work of these factories. So, It's a shame too....

    we, all here, are using kemper, kemper make copy of amps 's mind. we are all thiefs...

    can you tell me if the market of amp is down? No

    ps : Guido, i love your work, it's not again you, i m just using yours words.

  • I see it a bit different! You forgot one important point: my partner and me are the owners of almost any amp we profiled, so we paid for it. And my studio partner spend lots of money for his big studio. So why we shouldn't make Money with music gear, they are made for this but a thief is just a criminal who didn't spend anything, no money, no creative work just nothing :)

  • Am I right that commercial profiles which someone puts onto rig exchange get deleted?
    What if someone profiled a Kemper with commercial profiles and put those onto RE? Is this any different from profiling an amp?

    My opinion on the thread topic: I don't want Kemper to implement any sort of copy protection which would make everything more complicated.
    I only use profiles which I bought from the creator and I think that's what most people do.
    I don't see a problem with selling legally owned commercial profiles if no copies are left behind.

  • I have no problem with people making and selling profiles but, to me, it doesn't really matter if the last profile has been made.
    How many profiles are there now?
    Free and commercial.
    Have we hit 10,000 between the two yet?

    Not enough for ya? You are incorrigible. :)
    For those that continue searching for the holy grail, you may as well have a Fractal product because you are really just a tweeker.

  • This is theft, plain and simple, the guy didn't make the profiles and if he bought them, he should only sell them once for what he paid for them at the most, that's only if he no longer uses the KPA. He and anyone who condone this kind of behavior are like parasites "a person who habitually relies on or exploits others and gives nothing in return"

  • LOL Yeah, and in nature parasites generally suck the blood or life (same thing) out of their hosts. I like the use, therefor, when defining humans who suck the life out of others... or the tax payer. :D

    How many profiles are there now?
    Free and commercial.
    Have we hit 10,000 between the two yet?

    I'm guessing more than 30,000 by now, ITTO.

  • "a person who habitually relies on or exploits others and gives nothing in return"

    One could make an argument that this phrase applies to a profiler, who capitalizes on the R&D and marketing of amplifier companies, basically selling a knock off product. IMHO, to be completely above reproach, a profile vendor would have to remove ALL references to the amplifier companies, including coded ones like Masha and Phender and to present the product as entirely their own without disclosing the tools used to make the product. After all, aren't most buyers really buying digital knockoffs of the original amps? Sure, the engineering skill is important, but how many profiles would be sold under the name "Joe Schmo crunch combo" and "Someguy Doom Metal Amp"? Instead we ask questions like "who sells the best JCM800" or "is User123's Dual Rectifier worth the money"? Just three threads earlier there was talk about not enough Laney GH50L profiles being available in a sea of 10,000 profiles. Whether it is warranted or not, as players we are very brand/model conscious, and that's how profiles are marketed. Changing the brand/model names to similar names is only satisfying legal concerns and not ethical ones IMHO.

    Just a thought.

    I hate emojis, but I hate being misunderstood more. :)