in the "Tone Queen" Rig Pack I just bought and downloaded, all 8 available Rigs have their gain set to zero and sound almost the same (completely clean).
Did I miss something, or do I need an updated zip file with the correct rigs/gain settings maybe?
I just bought a few packs, I love the but except for the martial vinmod, seems to be something wrong with them, they sound really beefy,nasal and wobbly ... Is this how they should sound ? Thx Raf
well, this is how the original amp sounded. Of course it's not an METAL amp. It's more a typical 70's sounding amp. beside this you should definitely switch of "Pure cabinet" to get the original profile sound. THX
bought 2 profile packs today but havent had the email/downloads yet. Purchased others a few days ago and they were fine, so not sure if these new ones went to my correct email etc?
Hi Guidorist, I couldn't find the answer to this in the existing forum threads, so I was hoping you could help me out. I understand that the Angel Shouter has been added to Big Package 1. If I've already purchased Big Package 1 previously, will I get this update for free, or do I have to purchase it separately? Thanks!
Hi Guido, very compliments for all your packs! Can you try to profile with another guitar without EMG? I listen a little bit compression in the rigs: EMG is sparkle and I think you compress in Nivi 1073 Preamps to balance the sound... is it right or I'm the only one that hear it? I use passive pickups. Thanks!
Hi Man, Many THX!! I find out that the EMG work absolutely great for profiling. If it works with this, it works great with other guitars as well... I'm sorry that you have this problem with compression. You're the only one until now who have this problem. But I don't understand why your rigs are compressed on your KPA because we never use compression during profiling (I think it would work in o way) Cheers Guido
Guido, I purchased a bunch of your profile Complete Packages yesterday. On one purchase I accidentally bought a Diesel Age-Single when I meant to buy the Diesel Age-Complete Package. Can I pay the difference and get the Diesel Age-Complete Package?
Hello, Guido, i want to purchase some of your amazing Kemper profiles! i want to use PayPal, in USD , but everytime i go to purchase it is in your currancy. Any help, please?
Great endorsement from Luke, for U, my friend! :D. I met him once at an Ernie Ball seminar w/Steve Morse and i think Sterlng Ball. Wish i could have listen to Luke talk for hours, but it was still great to meet one of my guitar 'mentors'!
Hi Guido. I intended to buy some of your profiles, but the checkout process is requiring that I enter my address and phone number, which I object to. Is there another option? Thanks!
Hi quick question if that's ok. A couple of your clean profiles eg the voice15 1 and one of the clean rockaverbs pop really loudly on my dxr10. I have lowered my clean sense lots and the volume of the profile but it still happens when I hit the strings hard. It doesn't happen on the other profiles at all. The question is: can you think of any reason this might be or any suggestions on how I can solve the issue? They are great profiles so I'd like to work this out and keep using them.
HI, I'm glad you like the profiles! In some cases, specially if you're using hot Bridge Humbuickers the the Master LED flashes red if you're hitting the strings REALLY hard. I have that too but it's nothing dangereous beacuse the Kemper is capable to handle high peaks WITHOUT clipping or distortion the signal. I noticed this behavior in a lot of other seller's rofiles as well. If you really hear a clipping then just just lowering the amp volumen a bit. That's all.
Hi thx for getting back. This isn't the answer as I've done that already and lowered the clean sense lot. Also the pups aren't very hot. Strangely it's only on a couple of the clean profile. I will try removing them from the kemper and downloading them again in case there's been some corruption of those files. My confusion is why it would happen on Voice15 1 but not voice15 2 with exactly the same settings and guitar. Very odd. But the profiles are excellent!
Hi Guido, ich komme nicht an die neuen Profile. Hab mein Password reseted und jetzt sagt deine Seite ich soll 24h warten. So'n Mist, nen Gutscheincode finde ich auch nirgendwo (-;
Hi Guido, welche Saitenstärke spielst du auf deiner Luke. Ich bin mit 009-042 Daddario auf meiner Music man unterwegs und will evtl. umsteigen auf 009-046.