• Ok, I bought a bunch of commercial profiles that I do not like and will never use. Almost all of them.
    Would it be right for me to sell them?

    They have just been sitting in a folder collecting digital dust.
    The first group- I deleted them as soon as I tried them, out of anger and maybe a little defiance.

    That was a pile of $50 crap.

    Now I have a bunch more that I did not delete, should I sell them.....at a discount?
    They are mine bought and payed for , I don't and won't use them.

  • They are mine bought and payed for , I don't and won't use them.

    Interesting question. I, like you and probably many Kemper users, are undoubtedly in the same boat. Folder after folder of useless commercial junk that I would never use. I wonder what the community's opinion of this subject would be in general. It's an interesting intellectual discussion, financial for others of course, but for me, there's really no question at all:

    I'd never for a minute consider selling any profiles I purchased. I just wouldn't, no matter how useless or wonderful I felt they were to me.
    Frankly I'd;
    (a) feel very cheesy and loathsome doing so - I didn't create it, I have no business selling it.
    (b) be very embarrassed to sell something I consider crap of any sort to anyone. I also would also never give or sell it to someone to bulk load into onto eBay or anywhere else for sales. These profiles will just sit where they are or eventually be deleted.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • Reassurance to ITTO deleted 'cause it was only recognition that he said something earlier that DanielRigler said, which I'd praised, whereas ITTO received... nothing, poor chap. Technically OT, so deleted.

    I'd never for a minute consider selling any profiles I purchased. I just wouldn't, no matter how useless or wonderful I felt they were to me.
    Frankly I'd;
    (a) feel very cheesy and loathsome doing so - I didn't create it, I have no business selling it.
    (b) be very embarrassed to sell something I consider crap of any sort to anyone. I also would also never give or sell it to someone to bulk load into onto eBay or anywhere else for sales. These profiles will just sit where they are or eventually be deleted.

    (a) But everything we buy, by definition, we didn't create, Gary, and we sell it or throw it out when we're done.
    (b) One man's crap is another man's food... so to speak; we all have different tastes.

    Hope you're well, Gazza.

  • (a) But everything we buy, by definition, we didn't create, Gary.
    (b) One man's crap is another man's food... so to speak; we all have different tastes.

    True true MM... but (a) I can't win, and (b) I can't win. Sorry for joining in the discussion... Dan makes some great points here imho.

    OK - so the intellectual end points on this subject seem to be:

    sell whatever you can or you'd like to sell, commercial or free; there are no rules. This seems to show a vast change in opinion from the first post here... first it was "how horrible" that these people would "steal" or "sell" profiles... now it seems to be "sell whatever you like, nothing is protected or true intellectual property." (Can someone stick to their guns?)

    @Monkey_Man if "I" deem" it "crap" - isn't that good enough reason for me to not be comfortable re-selling that to you or anyone else, regardless of your or their potential tastes? It is my conscience that's on sale here, not merely a profile.

    (btw - can't wait for the next Olympics... :wacko: - where the rules also don't necessarily apply) Strip off your uniforms, coaches and roaches!! :thumbup: penalty kicks all around!

    Gary ô¿ô

    Edited once, last by prsgary (August 25, 2016 at 12:56 AM).

  • Two quick points, Gaz:

    Would you throw good food in the bin just 'cause the taste didn't appeal to you, or would you pass it on, whether for a small fee or not? It might've been something you bought expecting it'd be better (like Profiles sometimes).

    That said, I respect the fact that you place your peace of mind (conscience) above such things as money; I do too.

    The other point is that I don't believe the opinion has changed since the first post - it's about whether or not the person sells copies whilst keeping the originals, multiple times, purely for profit. The vendors themselves have said in this thread that they're comfortable with our selling the profiles once, when we actually part with them, perhaps along with our Kempers or whatever; it's specifically the sale for profit, multiple times over, that grinds our collective gears, and I'm sure I speak for you too there.

  • Yeah, they were crap to me but I went off of others opinions who loved them so I guess others could enjoy them.
    It was all hypothetical. I would not sell them unless maybe I sell my KPA which won't happen unless they come out with another one or if I keep cutting my fingers on my saws.

    Live and learn. Won't be the first time I wasted money, that is for sure!

  • I have to respectfully disagree, the amount of time and effort some vendors like Chop /Sin and MANY others charge IS a more than FAIR price for their quality and specifics. I am pointing out their significance to artist (who use them) and the kemper, not comparing them to FREE profiles efforts at all. And ill be doing my part to defend them till the dying days. End of story.



    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Ha! In-Thru-The-Out, ITTO!

    I have to respectfully disagree, the amount of time and effort some vendors like Chop /Sin and MANY others charge IS a more than FAIR price for their quality and specifics. I am pointing out their significance to artist (who use them) and the kemper, not comparing them to FREE profiles efforts at all. And ill be doing my part to defend them till the dying days. End of story.


    Not sure if you noticed, but I did say a few times earlier that I thought the vendors' charging a reasonable (read: cheap) amount for their packs would be a fair and better business model than what some do (a $50 Profile, anyone?). I pointed out that I tend to ignore and not research or listen to demos of $30->$50 packs unless, as in Bert's case, they're all-in-ones.

    So, Guido and others get my business, often blindly, as in Guido's case. I later said that it wouldn't be a stretch to argue that even a donation model wouldn't be unreasonable if it came to that 'cause at least it would reflect the fact that their gear and time are generally worth more than yours or mine, even 'though some users, like r.u.sirius, Tim Owens, Gerald Massois, George Alayon and others are more than willing to put serious time, using good gear, into freebies.

    I then defended your perspective in particular, being the world's-most-prolific buyer of Profiles that I know of.

    Just saying this in case you're referring to my input and perhaps could use a little clarification. I'm sure everyone here appreciates your generous and well-meaning support of the vendors, as I'm certain the vendors do too! Go you good thing, mate.

    We're still, in essence, arguing against those slime-balls who repeatedly offload vast collections of Profiles for profit. They're the scumbags who're the issue here, and unfortunately, as the consensus seems to indicate, they're not going to disappear altogether any time soon.