massive sound problems since 2 weeks

  • The first two live-gigs under 4.0.6 had the same huge Sound-Problems.
    I Play my powered KPA as follows: Direct-Out set to -12 dB to my DXR10, Powered-Monitor-Out set to - 24 dB (cab-off) Power-Amp-Boost 5.0 to my 1x12"wedge (in my rear), Main Out set to -15 dB (Master Mono) to the FoH .
    I'm playin' in Performance Mode about 2 or 2,5 hours. Then suddenly (right like out of the sky) the rhythm sounds loose nearly all of their volumes and become very dull, muddy and compressed. I couldn't compensate this by increasing the volumes in the Output section, all sounds stayed dull and calm except my solo sounds they became shrill and very gainy. I had to stop our Performance and had the profiler restarted, but nothing changed. I had to finish the gig (3 more sets) with really awful sounds (cranked the volumes up to 0 dB an the Monitor up to 90 % to be able to hear anything on stage)
    This now happened the second time during the second gig in the last two weeks under 4.0.6. :thumbdown: . I'm very confused because I never recognized this behavior during our rehearsals (once a week 4 hours). I'm now really most worried about our next gig and will perform it with my analog equip. I love my Profiler but he must be reliable. :wacko:

    When writing this, I downgraded to 3.3.0 using the sounds created under 4.0.6 (don't Need no morphing) but the Problems remain. The rhythm-sounds stay dull and the solo-sounds stay gainy. I'm very dissapointed, because I invested so much time for programming these last sounds under 4.0.6 <X
    Did anybody make these strange experiences ? :S Any Suggestions by the "highperformers" of this great Forum? :P
    Should I contact the Support ? ?(
    I feel abandoned. ;(

  • Really feel for you with this issue. I saw on another thread under "Profiler related discussions" a reset, but maybe wait for a support answer. Someone suggested a sticky with reset procedures for various issues and that would make a lot of sense.

    Hope you get it sorted soon.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • When writing this, I downgraded to 3.3.0 using the sounds created under 4.0.6 (don't Need no morphing) but the Problems remain. The rhythm-sounds stay dull and the solo-sounds stay gainy. I'm very dissapointed, because I invested so much time for programming these last sounds under 4.0.6

    it is likely that the issue you're facing has nothing to do with 4.0.6 - so could you please edit the title of the thread?
    support will help you out. i'm sure that there's a solution to this. good luck!

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • My sympathies for you as well.

    I am on 4.0.6 and last weekend we had a session where my Kemper was up for about 8 hours or so in total. Most of the time in performance mode. No such flaws, so I also doubt it has anything to do with that release.

    I hope it will soon get sorted out by the support.

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • Not quite yet. Today I wrote another mail to the Support-Team that after initializing the profiler to factory-Settings and restore the last Backup, our gig yesterday was free of problems. Hans Jörg Scheffler will Report me, I hope.
    Maybe the Problems are solved.
    I will Report.

  • Not quite yet. Today I wrote another mail to the Support-Team that after initializing the profiler to factory-Settings and restore the last Backup, our gig yesterday was free of problems. Hans Jörg Scheffler will Report me, I hope.
    Maybe the Problems are solved.
    I will Report.

    Last night I "might" have had the same problem. I bootet and plugged in my guitar. I had a rather clean Fender profile dialed in. The sound was very, very soft, whimpy and kindof fuzzy distorted. I firstly blamed my Line 6 G10, but its LEDs showed perfect operation. Next thing to blame was the active electronics in the guitar. So I changed to a fresh battery. No change. Replaced the old battery, no change. After just another plug/unplug of the G10 TX all was back to normal operation. And that lastet the whole night.

    Currently I do not really think it was the Kemper. I would like that to be kindof contact problem G10 TX to guitar.

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • Not yet anything from the help desk, but STILL no Problems until now.
    On Sunday I will have the next gig; I'm rather optimistic.

    Hope also that Hans Jörg Scheffler will report soon, if he could detect any Problem in my faulty backup-file.

  • Uuups, yesterday evening, the bug was back again (after nearly 3 weeks, just out of the blue sky)
    When switching on my Profiler all clean rigs in my Performances were dull and distorted.
    I also stated, that the Master knob worked completely weird. From 0 to 60% no Sound came from the profiler, after then volume started (I had my DXR connected to the headphone-Output and my 2x12" to the powered Monitor-Out (cab-off, Pwr-boost on 5.0,).
    The Sound could not be dialed up to full loudness.
    I recoverd the Initial Settings (boot up to tuner-mode, while Holding Type-knob 1) and after rebooting then restored my last backup
    Problems gone.
    I reported to the help desk. Hope Jörg now will help.
    I'm now anxious for our CD-Release-concert on 10th September