Favourite profiles

  • as already on this forum, sounds are to be tweaked at gig volume. one could easily find muddy/ice peaky sounds when sitting alone in front of the amp in a house room.
    @OhG, you are making me willing to get the Steve Stevens, how are they mixed? I have often found that TAF profiles have way too much reverb & space for me, making them sounding like a post-treated studio recording

    I tweak all my profiles at gig volume (which is crazy loud). As much as I love the Steve Stevens profiles, I'm starting to shift to some MBritt Marshall profiles now too (imagine that!). But the Steve Stevens profiles sound really good to me. I had to dial the gain back a bit. But other than that, I didn't tweak anything in terms of tone/EQ. I rarely keep any of the effects or reverb settings that profiles are stored with because I always adjust those to my own personal liking. So I can't really comment on that aspect of the profile (I changed it as soon as I got it).

  • Mbritt profiles are definitely not ice picky. I get that everyone has different tastes with the guitar tones they are after, but if Mbritt are ice picky I would be looking at your monitoring or settings and this is not a personal taste thing its fact. I play in live bands and at bedroom volume and know a lot of people on here using them, there is no "ice pick", it is more a dark and muffled tone at bedroom volume (as others have said try definition setting when using HB), but when turned up for gig volume they sit well in band mix.

    As for that Steve Stevens amp, again different tastes but if you can get that TAF SS100 to actually sound like the real amp (youtube clips, and I've tried them in the flesh) then your doing something better than me because it's chalk and cheese. BTW I like a lot of Andy's other stuff so I'm not a hater lol, but I'm sorry that one is not the tone or feel that amp produces.

  • Mbritt profiles are definitely not ice picky. I get that everyone has different tastes with the guitar tones they are after, but if Mbritt are ice picky I would be looking at your monitoring or settings and this is not a personal taste thing its fact. I play in live bands and at bedroom volume and know a lot of people on here using them, there is no "ice pick", it is more a dark and muffled tone at bedroom volume (as others have said try definition setting when using HB), but when turned up for gig volume they sit well in band mix.

    As for that Steve Stevens amp, again different tastes but if you can get that TAF SS100 to actually sound like the real amp (youtube clips, and I've tried them in the flesh) then your doing something better than me because it's chalk and cheese. BTW I like a lot of Andy's other stuff so I'm not a hater lol, but I'm sorry that one is not the tone or feel that amp produces.

    I had to actually boot the treble and presence a bit at gig volumes to get the MBritt profiles to sit and sound correct for me. Once I did that, they sound great.

    Ive got that Steve Stevens amp sounding awesome. So I'm not sure what you're doing, but I don't think the profile is the issue. I've got a clip of me using that profile on here somewhere and it sounds great. But again, everyone has their own tastes. Different guitars and monitors are going to sound different too.

    Im the other way around when it comes to TAF profiles. Most of what I've heard sound way too low-ended. Not muddy, just way too full of frequencies that will compete with the bass. This is the only TAF profile I use right now.

  • Remember that Michael primarily plays with single coils which are brighter. If you're using humbuckers, you'll have to change the EQ a little.
    I've been able to use all his profiles for single coils and humbuckers with a little adjustment. Some profiles from other people I have to tweak a lot.

    Oddly enough, after I've not been able to find a single MBritt profile that I've been able to use, I sat down this weekend and really messed around with them. Now, 80% of my live profiles are his. I found that his profiles are REALLY too dark for me from a starting point. But, almost unanimously, if I simply increase the treble by 2.5 over his starting point (yes, I know that's a LOT), and increase the presence by about 1.8, the profiles are absolutely amazing. So much so, that I've ditched the Steve Stevens profile that I've been using so much. I'm now using his Marshall JMP50 with the Timmy pedal, along with his Custodian C7+ as my main two profiles. They are sick.

    Now, I've got to find some good Mesa profiles. I downloaded the Choptones Metallica pack, because it sounded amazing online. But it sounded absolutely horrible on my system. Sounded like the old Boss Metal Zone pedals. I spent a while trying to tweak them by reducing the gain, definition, tweaking EQ, etc., but nothing helped.

    But I am now an MBritt believer. Just boosting the high end (a LOT) is all it took.

  • ...the Choptones Metallica pack, because it sounded amazing online. But it sounded absolutely horrible on my system. Sounded like the old Boss Metal Zone pedals. I spent a while trying to tweak them by reducing the gain, definition, tweaking EQ, etc., but nothing helped.

    My guess is something about your setup (guitars and/or cabinets) is darker than the people who instantly bond with these rigs.

    Yes, I agree with paults. I sense, OhG, you're not using a FRFR setup and using a guitar cab instead?
    Either way, I know Michael uses a side fill guitar cab for additional volume on stage and it sounds fine.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • My guess is something about your setup (guitars and/or cabinets) is darker than the people who instantly bond with these rigs.

    I dont think that can be it, especially in the case of the Choptones profiles because those were way too bright, not dark.

    My rig is very basic now. Guthrie Govan signature model Charvel with HBs. Straight into the KPA. Then straight into my Yamaha DXR15 monitor. Has anyone else tried the Metallica pack from Choptones? If so, did you need to make any tweaks? Because to me, it sounded like the old Line6 POD "Treadplate" sounds.

    Im absolutely LOVING the MBritt stuff after boosting the high end.

  • Similar but opposite experience here with mbritt's profiles. Most of them were painfully bright but after bringing down the treble and presence between 1 and 1.5 notches and bumping the mids a similar amount, his divided by 13 JRT 9/5 #3 profile has become my favorite profile ever. This weekend I was playing at a 20,000+ person church and the FOH guy told me my lead tone was the best he had ever heard (it was my mythical overdrive klon clone pedal into that profile). I am so impressed with some of mbritt's profiles now.

  • I find MBritt's profiles great, but have to eq based on the guitar. Using a PRS with humbuckers I find his profile pack 2 does not sound great until the FOH boosts 1k by approximately 3 to 4 dbs. Completely opens up the amp tone with this change and the difference is night and day. On the other hand, using a Duesenberg with p90s requires very little tweaking to FOH.

  • I agree that most of the mbritt profiles are too dark out of the box for my guitars (Gibson HBs and Gretsch filtertrons), particularly my HBs. It is easily rectified with a smidge of treble and presence, and then, holy cow do they sound good. Live and recorded. I've been mixing down band rehearsal and gig recordings from the last few months, and I am constantly amazed at how much better the Kemper sounds in the mix, compared to my miced JTM50 setup, which is a killer sounding rig in it's own right.

  • I'm rolling my own!

    That was actually one of the biggest selling points for me. My own amps in my own studio with dual mics, 1073 pres... It's amazing! I've got a profile of a Budda SuperDrive that's just addictive to play. In fact, I hardly ever get to play that amp as loud as that profile. Nice!

  • I'm rolling my own!

    That was actually one of the biggest selling points for me. My own amps in my own studio with dual mics, 1073 pres... It's amazing! I've got a profile of a Budda SuperDrive that's just addictive to play. In fact, I hardly ever get to play that amp as loud as that profile. Nice!

    I've done the same thing with my Jubilee, and my Deluxe Reverb. I can get their loud tones, at sane volumes. The THOUSANDS of other great amp sounds are all a bonus to me :)

  • I find the mbritt profiles really shine at performance volumes. They stay warm and pleasant sounding as the volume increases. A good nod to the KPA and its design that if you start with a decent profile you can usually adjust it to what you need with the multiple settings and adjustments that are available.

  • I still like Pete's profiles as well...
    Love my MBritt for sure, though!

    I own most of the big boys... I'm a profile whore...

    I am a Profile Whore... Sometimes a Recovering Profile Whore...
    but mostly a Complete and Utter Profile Whore... I want them all... aCk!!! 8|:love:

  • I guess I've got so many maker's profiles that if I get tired of one brand, I swap up for awhile. Hehe. :D

    I am a Profile Whore... Sometimes a Recovering Profile Whore...
    but mostly a Complete and Utter Profile Whore... I want them all... aCk!!! 8|:love:

  • I guess I've got so many maker's profiles that if I get tired of one brand, I swap up for awhile. Hehe. :D

    Weird that because I think I've found a great profile, try another, think that's ok but not as good as the first, go back to the first and it doesn't sound as good as I thought! I'm definitely changing things around..

    Too much choice!