Kemper Remote Plus with 8 assignable effects footswitches

  • In the meantime, get yourself two double foot switches and plug them into 2 of the remote ports? (still leaves 4 ports for volume & wah etc. )

    That's actually what I'm doing. I'd just like the seamless integration of just having it all in one unit and the flexibility and ease of programming of the Remote but in a more robust unit.

  • I doubt they will ever release such a remote. But I certainly can see it's value for some users. If there was a switch for each effects slot, there would be no need to program. Plus it would allow access to more effect combinations in a live setting using fewer rigs. Using less rigs is always beneficial. to having the same amp blocks in various rigs to accommodate more effects combos.

    Why? Because guitarists typically use no more than 5 basis tones from clean to their heaviest lead, many only use 2 or 3 gain stages in a live setting. How do they traditionally achieve these gain stages? Either a multichannel amp or several OD/Dist pedals either stacked or used individually but set at different gain levels. Regardless of how complex the rest of their guitar rig is. (for example a board full of strymons, eventides, and half a dozen analog mod, delay, pitch, synth, or reverb pedals and a complex switching/loop device) Tweaking their core tones is always as easy as turning a few knobs on their OD pedals, and/or amp.

    However on the Kemper and every other digital all-in-one device ever created, there is no way to quickly tweak your core gain stage tones, unless they are each used in only one rig. If I need 7 rigs to cover the 7 combinations of various effects I use with my just on edge of break up tone, I have my work cut out for me if I want to make a few minor tweaks. The easiest thing that I can do is make the tweaks to the amp block in one rig, lock it, go to the other rigs that use it (which I need to avoid getting confused with since each rig will now show the locked amp in the amp block) and hit "save, save, save" on each of the seven rigs. Or I could copy and paste the amp block and hit "amp block, paste, save, save, save, copy" for each of the 6 other rigs that use that exact same edge of break up gain stage as the amp block. Or just make the exact same tweaks 7 times and hit "save, save, save." The problem is made even worse if my edge of breakup sound was made using an internal overdrive effect in combo with the amp block. Just a simple "turn up the gain on the overdrive effect and back the gain down on the amp block effect to compensate" takes several minutes and careful attention to not save over the wrong rigs, plus remembering where all 7 of the edge of break up rigs are. Then finally, if I have other copies of the edge of break up rig for other songs that I didn't use that night, I'd need to remember that I made tweaks to some, but not all edge of break up rigs.

    All that to say and emphatic YES it would be beneficial to not need as many rigs to cover all the effect combos I would like to use. Having a switch for all 8 effect blocks would cut down some.

  • I think it was Pete Turley who built an extension box - lined up with the existing Kemper switch profile and switch positions - four more switches.
    Maybe Kemper (or someone aftermarket) could build a similar box that might be physically attached to extend the existing footswitch. That way they won't have to tool up a second unit, and the user gets a couple stomp switches down at the first row...

  • Geese_com said"


    That's actually what I'm doing. I'd just like the seamless integration of just having it all in one unit and the flexibility and ease of programming of the Remote but in a more robust unit.

    I can't argue with that.

    Plus, having led on/off status buttons is really useful.