My Personal FRFR shootout

  • PIcked up a Kemper Rack unit.. so I'm shopping for FRFR speakers..
    Headed down to Guitar Center and Sam Ash today. I was kinda surprised by the results..

    I listed to

    • QSC10
    • Yamaha DXR15's (neither store had 10's or 12's in stock)
    • JBL Eon 610's and 612's
    • EV 10's and 12"s
    • Alto 212a's
    • Samson RSX110's and 12's

    Price wise they are all over the place.. from 799 down to 299.
    Listen to a bunch of cranked rock/metal/punk through each and often compared 3 or 4 within the same song.
    I made sure all the setting on the backs were as neutral as possible.

    I found..
    QSC 10's to be very high end focused. They definitely lacked punch on the low end.
    DXR15's were very midrange to low end focused. sounded kinda muddy
    JBL's seem to be very midrange focused without much high or low end.
    EV's just sound like crap to my ears.. they didn't last long.
    Alto 212a was surprisingly well balanced.Had decent bass response, wasn't lacking mid, clear highs
    Samson's same as the Alto's.. maybe a even a little better balanced.(heavy as hell through)

    I am really surprised how different they all sounded. I'd still like to hear the Yamaha DXR10's since ya'll rave about them so much
    but as of right now I'm looking at either Alto ($299) or Samson.($349)

    I guess in the end I am not recommending one PA over another.. What I am recommending is 2 things..

    1. Don't discount PA speakers like Samson and Alto just because they cost less (unless its harbringer cause they suck)
    2. Do you own shootout and see what sounds good to your ear. Because to my ear, evidently spending additional $$ doesn't = better sound.

  • I was using a pair of Yamaha DBR 10's with a 12" Behringer Eurolive Sub. It sounded OK for the most part but if I cranked it the sound became boxy, flat. Then I watched on the Sweetwater web site for a demo Friedman ASM 12 and grabbed it. BIG difference for me. Sounded fuller, punchier . .it can get bottom heavy but is an easy fix by using the low cut switch. I went back to Sweetwater and bought another demo unit ( so the price is marked down) and I couldn't be happier with the sound. Yes, they are heavy at 50 pds but the sound is all there and worth their weight.

    best of luck in your search.

  • I'm thinking of getting Alto TS210 as a stereo companion for my DXR10. Bought used Yamaha for 200Euro and chances to get another one in that price are low. I wonder if anything volume wise can affect this setup...

  • I think different folks look for different things in a cab... so its hard to recommend one over another. My Behringer does everything I need it to, atm, but I'm not sure it would be the 'be-all and end-all' for anyone else...

    The older I get, the better I was.