weird experience with great result

  • last week at rehearsal I tried a profile by jerevil called QR 14 (splawn quick rod) and it sounded so good I decided to try it at our gig last weekend. this was the first time I was completely happy with my livesound so yesterday I hooked up the kemper at home to see if I could build some more patches around that profile... and this is where it gets weird...the cab button was not lit, indicating no cab was present in the profile!! obviously there was/is a cab in the profile but it doesn't show..I looked up the original QR 14 on RE and compared the 2 profiles and they sound very different so it's obvious that I saved it with another cab at some point. I have compared it to my favourite cabs but none of them match the sound of the mysterious cab.
    Has anyone else come across this weird behaviour ? would be nice to know the name of this "invisible" cab, now that I finally found MY sound..

  • I am happy:) but this is not my profile.. it's jerevils QR 14....and the original profile has a cab in it so this must have been changed by me at some point. I just don't understand how? I'll try to copy the invisible cab to another profile tonight and see what happens...

  • wish I could...I can't lock it and I can't copy/paste it since, according to the kemper, there is no cab in the rig...I could always make chenges to the rig and save as different versions with new names but it would be nice to be able to save the cab for other profiles since it sounds so good...but most of all I'd like to know HOW this could happen?? ?(
    I have compared it to all the cabs I usually use but none of them match this one...

  • Happened to a profile I made but on a earlier FW.
    Another wierd thing happened when I made a profile of various Guitar Rig plugins at the same time. The result had a lot of gain but the gain value was about half way. Not normal! Then one day the gain suddenly decreased but the value remained the same

  • I think this rig may have been made with 4.00 ...there was a known bug back then which caused problems when trying to swap cabs between rigs. I know I had one profile that wouldn't let me save it with a certain cab. maybe this one is a "freak" from that bug...kind of a crossing between two cabs or something? at least I can't find any cab that sounds the same among my saved do I send it to support...just mail it?

  • A mail to support. You receive an answer mail. Answer this mail and send them your backup and name the rig, or send only the rig. You can store it over rm to the shared rig folder on your kpa stick, than copy it in your mail. Maybe it makes more sense if you send the complete backup if its a main bug.