Questions to Yamaha DXR10 users

  • The surface of the plastic scratches pretty easily, with normal use. I carry mine in a bag, but it still has become scratched.

    One thing to check - The bottom left picture does not look like the scratches on my DXR10. I would ask for a close up picture of the scratch in the bottom left picture, to ensure it is not a crack.

    You mean this "scratch" @paults?

    [Blocked Image:]

  • The one in the pic looks like it got some wear and tear (which is only cosmetic BTW).
    I did once un-screw the grill of one of my DX's because the grill got a serious bump and it looked like a car after a car- crash. ;)
    I fixed it with a use of hammer after unscrewing.
    Now the bump isn't visible any more.
    The DXR's are sturdy beasts. :D

  • The one in the pic looks like it got some wear and tear (which is only cosmetic BTW).
    I did once un-screw the grill of one of my DX's because the grill got a serious bump and it looked like a car after a car- crash. ;)
    I fixed it with a use of hammer after unscrewing.
    Now the bump isn't visible any more.
    The DXR's are sturdy beasts. :D

    Thanks @Ingolf for feedback. I though about unscrewing the grill just to repaint it. So it is doable.

  • So I am DXR'ed.
    I took Kemper with me and tried it.
    Set DXR input volume to 9 o'clock. DSP off, HPF off. Hooked to one of Master Outputs, Kemper volume 3/10.
    First try, dissapointment. Hiss. What's wrong... oh the switch was set to MIC. Switched to LINE.
    I had a time to try it for only 5 minutes. No buzzing, farting speaker, pops or so. Just some scratches on the chasis.
    I asked the guy selling it, if he would like to trade for something and he was interested. In 220$.

    Plugged it at home as a wedge and what a blast. I raised the volume so it feels loud but not hurting my ears. It feels so huge. I loaded some Bassman 59 Cranked from Andy and used neck pickup. Sweet and huge. Different profiles sound different (obvious).

    I'm really satisfied. Time to go on stage... :S (and buy second DXR).

  • I play more and more. It is really inspiring. Today I spent 30 minutes in the morning before I went to work.
    "Evil Robot Blues" profile from @and44 on the neck pickup is pure... pure Blues. It's got that "dang" when I "bang" the "string"!
    And Mesa from @djemass is another beast.
    Yeah, please forgive my excitement, but those who play throughr DXR know what I say :D

    And btw, today we have booked a rehearsal room for 3 hours with my friend. He is taking his POD HD500 with Peavey Classic Combo. He never played on Kemper.
    I will have a chance to play DXR at even more volume, than so far.
    What a great times, woohoo :D

  • I play more and more. It is really inspiring. Today I spent 30 minutes in the morning before I went to work.
    "Evil Robot Blues" profile from @and44 on the neck pickup is pure... pure Blues. It's got that "dang" when I "bang" the "string"!
    And Mesa from @djemass is another beast.
    Yeah, please forgive my excitement, but those who play throughr DXR know what I say :D

    And btw, today we have booked a rehearsal room for 3 hours with my friend. He is taking his POD HD500 with Peavey Classic Combo. He never played on Kemper.
    I will have a chance to play DXR at even more volume, than so far.
    What a great times, woohoo :D

    Thanks for the update!!

  • So yesterday I spent 3 hours in rehearsal room with Kemper and DXR10.
    I connected everything, plugged cable into guitar and... silence. Dang! What's wrong?
    I checked output settings in Kemper, all was fine. I switch from main output to monitor output, no change. Then I though maybe I try different input on Yamaha. Didn't help ?(
    It came out, I plugged guitar into headphone output :whistling:
    In short: Kemper sounded superior to POD HD500 which my friend brought.
    When I started jamming over "Evil Robot Blues" profile from @and44, my friend just turned down his guitar and he was really impressed. This profile sounds glorious on neck pickup.
    What next? I feel like I got into it, I need to prepare some kind of line-up for next rehearsal. Maybe it's stupid question, but I just wonder how people start bands/jamming. Do you start from doing covers songs? Any hints appreciated ;)

  • Covers are a great thing to do in early jams to tighten up with the other members and find common ground. But they're a no-no on many stages, because you could get the venue in trouble if you perform music written by other artists. You could also get served a legal notice yourself.

    Note, this is a phenomenon of this day and age of music. In the old days, bands would be in bars playing cover after cover. But I've read threads on a drum forum about how you require a license, or the venue needs a license, if you are performing other artists work. This is because those artists get paid some money out of that licence fee for the use of their work.

    You might get away with it for a while. But once you start getting bigger crowds, be sure that you will attract the attention of those music lawyers. And that could be a bad thing for your band if people have come to recognise you as a cover band.

    Play original music as far as possible. Might be able to slip in a couple of covers, but mix them up and don't over perform any of them.