Profiles sounds bass heavy/no clarity (SOLVED)

  • Two comments for the OP.

    On your point number 5. The volume knob is actually velocity sensitive. The faster you turn it, the more it moves. So you could spin it slowly but around a whole turn and the volume might only go up a bit, if at all. You could also spin it just a quarter turn, but quickly, and it would change the volume a lot more.

    I have a number of really different sounding guitars, and if I find a profile I like, but the eq is not what I'm looking for. Sometimes I'll dink around with all the deep editing features to try to get it where I want it, other times I'll load up rig manager, navigate over to the rig exchange, and sort all the rigs by gain. Scroll down to where the gain is the same as the one I liked, lock any stomps or effects I want to keep from the original rig, and just scroll through 40 or 50 amps in the same gain neighborhood, and I usually find something I like.

  • As it was suggest lets try to reamp.

    Here is two dry files 1.wav?dl=0 2.wav?dl=0

    Here is what i got when recorded Master 1.wav?dl=0 2.wav?dl=0

    I used factory profiles

    1. MB OTS OD 1
    2. TAF - ManRock 800

    I turned off all stomps and delay+reverb effects. On the TAF- ManRock 800 there is EQ and I kept it.

    Can somebody try and reamp my dry files to compare the resulting masters. Many thanks guys.


  • I forgot to turn off Pure Cab. It was set to 7.0 (default value I guess).

    Hi, pure cab at 7 is not the default of the kpa. If you change to fw 4.0 it is 3.
    7 is much to hight for me and i think its sounds muffelt for me. I setted pure cab to 3.2 and space to 4.5.
    Andy from the factory advises space at 4 or 4,5 for many of his rigs and after reading that i tried it. Up from this time i use it at 4,5 and never touched it again for all of my rig.

    Biggest thing for me to clear up " muffeld" sounds is the amp section.
    I am not a fan of mbritts profiles because for my style of playing they will not work ( my 2 cents).
    I dont play a anderson strat and i am more on the rock/ hard rock site.
    I got the best results without many tweaking with profiles from Guido Bungenstock and for heavy stuff profiles from sinmix.
    But there are also a lot of good rigs on re.
    Tried a lot, but at the end i use guidos profiles the most time .
    Very dynamic and clear .
    Only the xtc pack sounds a little bit muffelt for me and i have to tweak the eq a little.


  • I got the best results without many tweaking with profiles from Guido Bungenstock and for heavy stuff profiles from sinmix.
    But there are also a lot of good rigs on re.
    Tried a lot, but at the end i use guidos profiles the most time .
    Very dynamic and clear .
    Only the xtc pack sounds a little bit muffelt for me and i have to tweak the eq a little.

    Tried them - agree xtc pack have less hight frequencies. Matter of personal taste. Loved Rockaverb - great profiles.

    Edited once, last by guitarist1977 (April 18, 2016 at 6:56 PM).

  • To the guys claiming that @Guidorist 's XTC profiles sound muffled:
    Please definitely make sure you don't have a considerable amount of hearing loss above 2-3 kHz.
    Either this or your pickups are exceptionally dark.
    I find the XTC profiles quite balanced, and even sparkly with a Strat or a Tele if I want them to be.
    I even tend to dial out some treble when playing them very loud.

  • Thx Ingolf,
    i think that is a question of hearing habit. If you meanly hear metal then you used to hear this over saturated treble which in my opinion doesn't sound good in other music styles. I recorded many tracks with the Bognar XTC (Rock/Fusion) I never had to eq it or add some trebles.
    but for metal I'm using the 5xx0 a lot because it has that high trebles
    so it's like always you have to find the right sound for YOUR style

  • I will never understand why Pure cabinet is now default at 3. Default setting should be Pure cabinet off!
    its ok when some people like Pure cabinet...but imo it destroys the quality of the Profiles even set to 0 (!!)
    "oh but with Pure cabinet the guitars sound less harsh on my stagemonitors" Sure..yes...but you loose High end brilliance and clarity and you turn your Kemper to Line6 POD quality ;)
    In the times before the Kemper...stage monitors also were harsh at 90% the cases you only did not recognize that so much because you still had your Tubeamp behind your back
    Was the sound bad at front? No it wasn´t!
    Gets your sound better for the people in front of the stage with Pure cabinet on? No it doesnt! If the guitars are a bit too agressiv in the 4khz area..the FOH guy will control that anyway.
    I also recommend everyone - use a real cabinet on stage. You dont have to bring one usually and it doesnt matter if the venue provides a bad Behringer 4x12..its just for your feeling and hearing yourself better.
    The stage sound will be way better when you dont have to use a lot of guitars on your monitors..only as much as you need.

    Just my two cents ;)

  • To the guys claiming that Guidorist 's XTC profiles sound muffled:
    Please definitely make sure you don't have a considerable amount of hearing loss above 2-3 kHz.
    Either this or your pickups are exceptionally dark.
    I find the XTC profiles quite balanced, and even sparkly with a Strat or a Tele if I want them to be.
    I even tend to dial out some treble when playing them very loud.

    Here is my clip written with Bog XTC Blue and Red. It is of course not muffled but not sparkly as well. Again played with my start bridge pickup.

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  • Here is my clip written with Bog XTC Blue and Red. It is of course not muffled but not sparkly as well. Again played with my start bridge pickup.

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    It's definitely not muffled. For my taste it's got the right amount of treble (considering the gain here).

  • Thx Ingolf,
    i think that is a question of hearing habit. If you meanly hear metal then you used to hear this over saturated treble which in my opinion doesn't sound good in other music styles. I recorded many tracks with the Bognar XTC (Rock/Fusion) I never had to eq it or add some trebles.
    but for metal I'm using the 5xx0 a lot because it has that high trebles
    so it's like always you have to find the right sound for YOUR style

    For those who didn't compare and suggest a hearing loss ;)

    Here is a clip that shows the difference. Maybe i don't have to call it muffeld, just say it's warmer?
    First is the "warmer" xtc, second is the right in your face 5150.
    No tweaking and no pure cab, right out of the machine

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    Maybe i have a hearing loss, but the 5150 is much clearer than the xtc. For using it live i have to cut hights.


  • Here is my clip written with Bog XTC Blue and Red. It is of course not muffled but not sparkly as well. Again played with my start bridge pickup.

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    Yep, I'd not define it "muffled". Not even on the bright side tho. Sounds more like the first part of Frank's clip to me.

  • Guys Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas

    one clarification, muffled I believed is a wrong word I think what I am looking for is sparkle

    usually for strat I don't turn down treble or presence down. Instead I use my tone knob on a guitar.

    It it helps in case I switch from bridge to neck
    whatever is overly bright on bridge sounds right on neck

  • Guys, I think this is just the matter of taste if you like this high trebles or not, I personally don't like them because a guitar speaker doesn't have these either.
    so for me the XTC is the perfect choice for all rock guitar sounds:

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    but for some metal sounds you prefer the 5xx0:

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    but the XTC is Not muffled at all it just has another character, that's all