FW 4.0 beta experiences thread.

  • Just upgraded to 4.03 and morph to wah does not seem to work. I'm using an fcb1010 with the latest uno4kemper. The system pedal page shows the values changing but the wah is not working

    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10

  • I keep watching this thread, but am still on 3.3 for now.

    Morphing and multiple delays are seriously on my Christmas list though, so I keep waiting for the stable release :)

    What a great product!

    Yeah. Actually, I think I'll continue to wait also. Pretty keen to play around with morphing and some of the other features and get them into my live sounds, but don't want to risk introducing a show stopping beta glitch.

    3.3.0 has been rock solid for me and really I don't NEED to change. Feels like 4.0 has been in beta for ever though. :)

  • Unfortunately it's still not working even if the release notes say "rare loss of spillover during Slot change" was fixed.

    I'd try and perform a system reset. I use to do one at every FW update, and it fixes small glitches and other issues I may experience.

    Does anyone see any reason I shouldn't update to 4.0.3?

    If you use to use betas, then I don't ;)
    As for me, I'll be waiting for the Release.



  • 10w73 schrieb:
    Unfortunately it's still not working even if the release notes say "rare loss of spillover during Slot change" was fixed.

    I'd try and perform a system reset. I use to do one at every FW update, and it fixes small glitches and other issues I may experience.

    Thanks but it wasn't that easy. <X

    It has been a long evening with various resets and stuff. What I did was wiping my flash, did some system and rig resets, restored my backup and sometimes spillover even worked for a little while. First I couldn’t really figure out when it stopped working but finally I could narrow it down to the output settings.

    Switching off „monitor cab off“ helped every time but this is no option for me and so I dug deeper.

    It seems like my output presets were corrupted! After my last system reset I wouldn’t dare loading my perviously stored presets. Instead I deleted them and built new ones. And guess what! Now it works even with „monitor cab off“ switched on. Seems my KPA stored defective presets that interfered somehow with the spillover.

    I'm excited to have this bug eradicated since I love spillover really much.

    I provided this info and the backup with the defective output presets to Burkhard and looking forward to hearing from him.

    The Educated Apes: Facebook | Bandcamp


    Main Rig: KPA Power Toaster + Profiler Remote, 2x Palmer 112 Cab (1x Celestion V30, 1x Celestion CB NEO), ME EP1-KP-GN, Dunlop Cry Baby 95Q, Gibson Memphis ES-339 '16, Gibson Melody Maker '14, Fender Thinline Cabronita '12

  • Just installed & 'test-drove' the new v.4.0.3 & low and behold - the one big gripe I had with the previous f/w - the rather uneven & erratic wha sweep - is GONE :thumbup::thumbup: ...

    If you're referring to the expression pedal lag with Wah presets, that might convince me to try out the new version. Next gig is July 4th, so I might go for it.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • I loaded 4.0.3 tonight.

    Forget new delays and spring reverb!
    What follows is what excited me! :D

    The smoother expression pedal fix is worth it. I can actually use the wah now. :thumbup:
    I tried connecting my EP1-KP directly to the KPA's rear pedal jack as well as to the Remote.
    There *may* be an extremely small difference in response between the two (it might be my imagination), but not enough to run a long TRS cable back to the KPA. (EDIT: I may have been premature. I still notice a slight delay, but maybe it's not as bad as before. Better than schlepping a Wah pedal and I don't use Wah THAT much to justify that.)

    The customized switch assignments.....***THANK YOU***!!!!.
    Now there is no accidental looper disaster at gigs anymore. I can have a dedicated
    switch for solo boost or delay on/off.

    I was able to get the morphing feature to work......one time (following
    instruction on page 62 of Reference Manual). I must have undone
    something by accident. ;(

    I later found out by trail and error:

    1) SYSTEM --> User Interface [Page 3/18]
    Rig Button Morph must be selected.

    2) RIG --> Morph [Page 5/6]
    Maybe I was doing something wrong per the manual instructions, but I could only set
    morphing by pushing the soft button for Morph, adjust a parameter, and pushing
    the soft button for Morph again. As long as I can get it to work, that's
    ok. Pushing the rig button on the Remote to set the morphing feature (per the manual) didn't seem to work for me.

    I haven't tried using an expression pedal for morphing yet......getting
    the wah to work correctly has really excited me more than the morphing
    right now.

    The Legacy Delay is pretty straight forward except for Delay 2 Ratio....not sure how to use that.
    I only run mono.....maybe that's something to do with stereo?

    I thought I would like the strobe tuner, but it's too sensitive to use live.
    The bubble tuner is bad enough in that regard, but still OK for home use.
    I'm sticking to my Polytune. When you sometimes only have 1 or 2 measures to get in tune when playing
    with the band, the built in tuners don't respond fast enough.

    I have 3 weeks before the next gig, and unless something weird occurs with this release, I'm going to stay with it.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

    Edited once, last by HCarlH (June 15, 2016 at 5:03 AM).

  • Ran into a new, weird issue. In trying to set up a morph (of which I have a bunch with problems) I adjusted the rig volume - no response or change of lights/values at all. Hmm... I then tried the Boost volume - same 'no response.' Same also with Dist volume. I loaded other rigs, all worked fine... went back to the rig in question... volumes now changed. When I used my morph pedal however, the heel position did NOT result in the hell position I had programmed in, but some in between position. Very weird.

    I did report this on a support ticket. Burkhard didn't think it was a 4.0._ issue. Anyone else have a similar issue?

    Gary ô¿ô

  • I'm not sure if somebody mentioned this before, but I noticed a strange behavior in FW 4.0.3: I start my Kemper by switching the chicken head direct to performance mode and wait until the performance is loaded and slot 1 is active. When I then press the switch number 4 on the remote, it doesn't change to slot number 4, it changes to the morphed state in number 1 (and back again if I press switch number 4 again). This only happens with switch number 4. If I press number three it reacts as expected and after that I can use switch number 4 and it changes to slot number 4. The strange behavior is there only after the starting of the Kemper.
    Has anybody else experienced this issue?

  • I'm not sure if somebody mentioned this before, but I noticed a strange behavior in FW 4.0.3: I start my Kemper by switching the chicken head direct to performance mode and wait until the performance is loaded and slot 1 is active. When I then press the switch number 4 on the remote, it doesn't change to slot number 4, it changes to the morphed state in number 1 (and back again if I press switch number 4 again). This only happens with switch number 4. If I press number three it reacts as expected and after that I can use switch number 4 and it changes to slot number 4. The strange behavior is there only after the starting of the Kemper.
    Has anybody else experienced this issue?

    i only updated to 4.01 and did not experience anything like that since then

    did you open a support ticket?

  • I'm not sure if somebody mentioned this before, but I noticed a strange behavior in FW 4.0.3: I start my Kemper by switching the chicken head direct to performance mode and wait until the performance is loaded and slot 1 is active. When I then press the switch number 4 on the remote, it doesn't change to slot number 4, it changes to the morphed state in number 1 (and back again if I press switch number 4 again). This only happens with switch number 4. If I press number three it reacts as expected and after that I can use switch number 4 and it changes to slot number 4. The strange behavior is there only after the starting of the Kemper.
    Has anybody else experienced this issue?

    Same issue with my remote.
    If the Rig (not Rig 4) before shut down was a Rig with morph than a push at Rig button 4 activates morphing at this Rig after restart. (I made 2 different attempts)
    @DanFran - you have the copyright for a ticket. ;)

  • I'm not sure if somebody mentioned this before, but I noticed a strange behavior in FW 4.0.3: I start my Kemper by switching the chicken head direct to performance mode and wait until the performance is loaded and slot 1 is active. When I then press the switch number 4 on the remote, it doesn't change to slot number 4, it changes to the morphed state in number 1 (and back again if I press switch number 4 again). This only happens with switch number 4. If I press number three it reacts as expected and after that I can use switch number 4 and it changes to slot number 4. The strange behavior is there only after the starting of the Kemper.
    Has anybody else experienced this issue?

    Happens to me every time when I select Performance mode for the first time since power on. It happened also in 4.0.2.
    ATM, to get rid of this, just switch banks a couple of times, then reload performance and slot and this weird behaviour is gone.

  • Happens to me every time when I select Performance mode for the first time since power on. It happened also in 4.0.2.
    ATM, to get rid of this, just switch banks a couple of times, then reload performance and slot and this weird behaviour is gone.

    Have you already opened a support ticket about this issue? If not, I will do it in the next few days...