FW 4.0 beta experiences thread.

  • Had two gigs this weekend. I like the new delay, more natural. But the Remote seems slower! especially when going up and down on several performances..
    I also had my first blackout on a gig since 2014. just changeing rig, and it blacked out and no sound!! for about 30seconds maybe..Hope this was just a onetimer.. I need gear to rely on..

    Betas are released to test for and iron out bugs. Not for regular use....

  • Fyi.

    Accidentally 4.0.1 so far doesn't migrate old Delay Presets, which are those stored in the folder "Delay" in any backup archive. 4.0 expects Delay Presets in the Stomp folder together with all the other Stomp and Effect Presets, which is a consequence of the new feature, that all stomps and effects including delay can reside in any Module except Reverb Module.

    However, the old Delay Presets are still in your data repository, 4.0 just doesn't check the folder "Delay". It is planned that the final 4.0 will migrate old Delay Presets over into the "Stomp" folder automatically.

    Users claiming "there are no delays in 4.0" need to be aware of the difference between TYPE and BROWSE knobs (Effect Types and Presets). The new type "Legacy Delay" can be found in the list of Stomp/Effect Types and integrates the functionality of all earlier Delay Types "Free Delay", "Analog Delay", and "Tap Delay" with no limitation. Details can be found in the Addendum 4.0.

  • 10w73, make sure you open a support ticket about this or they won't consider it an issue. I've been emailing back and forth about it with them. It's a major deal to the way I use the KPA & Remote live as well!

    email your issue to: support@kemper-amps.com

    That's how I used my Kemper and at a rehearsal yesterday I got a hard time to find a temporary workaround for that "issue". I hope there will be some change in the near future because that would be a huge step backwards for me.

  • @10w73, I did get another reply this morning from Burkhard saying they would look into the idea that you have to "hold" the Rig 1-5 buttons down to engage a set up for morphing or do some global on/off for it.

    I wouldn't like global on/ off. Per rig on/off would be cool or holding down to morph would also be better.

    The Educated Apes: Facebook | Bandcamp


    Main Rig: KPA Power Toaster + Profiler Remote, 2x Palmer 112 Cab (1x Celestion V30, 1x Celestion CB NEO), ME EP1-KP-GN, Dunlop Cry Baby 95Q, Gibson Memphis ES-339 '16, Gibson Melody Maker '14, Fender Thinline Cabronita '12

  • I wouldn't like global on/ off. Per rig on/off would be cool or holding down to morph would also be better.

    I also sent a mail to them regarding this problem and Burkhard said they look into that and are considering the possibilities.

    The Educated Apes: Facebook | Bandcamp


    Main Rig: KPA Power Toaster + Profiler Remote, 2x Palmer 112 Cab (1x Celestion V30, 1x Celestion CB NEO), ME EP1-KP-GN, Dunlop Cry Baby 95Q, Gibson Memphis ES-339 '16, Gibson Melody Maker '14, Fender Thinline Cabronita '12

  • Did someone else experience the following behaviour with a morphed rig and a Wah? Kemper and expression pedal here, no remote. Ticked MorphPedal>Wah in the system menu (page 11/18) and now there's morphing AND Wah together at the same time. Is this intended (can't imagine this) or a bug?

    Got to bump my own question... :) Anybody?

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • Kempermaniac wrote:
    Did someone else experience the following behaviour with a morphed rig and a Wah? Kemper and expression pedal here, no remote. Ticked MorphPedal>Wah in the system menu (page 11/18) and now there's morphing AND Wah together at the same time. Is this intended (can't imagine this) or a bug?

    Yup, same thing here. Very annoying. The only solution I've found so far is to check off wah > volume (as always) in System menu and use 2 pedals, the other linked to morph. The morph checkbox does NOT need to be checked off for morphing to work. (you could use the slot buttons instead of a second pedal, but the ramp up is too slow for me, plus I like some of the in between settings you can morph to and leave in action). With this solution Wah > Volume works as it always has.

    I have a support ticket addressing this already. Don't know why you can't check more than one option at the same time.

    I have on occasion pressed a preset in performance mode and got a completely different rig than the one saved there. Anyone else have that issue??

    Gary ô¿ô

  • I agree with all of the comments regarding the ability to either turn off morphing or limit how it activates ect. As a live performance guy,it is a real drag to not be able to "reset" the preset by hitting the footswitch after you have turned on individual stomps. I've also sent a request to support on this. Its a pretty big deal in my world.

  • im actually pretty happy with the new firmware!
    Morphing is awesome !! I set up a delay before the amp section and used an expession pedal to morph the delay time and repeats and got a pretty good tom scholtz hyperspace pedal thing going on .
    There might be some bugs , like when i tried to move the order of the stomps around with the legacy delay in one of them it crashed , but its BETA!!
    I dont gig with it , and I wouldn't gig with a beta release.All in all I think its great Thanks KEMPER TEAM!! .

    Other companies don't even offer fw upgrades , line 6 makes you pay for every single extra feature you want to add in packs and model packs , eleven rack stopped upgrading firmware years and years ago and abandoned thier product !. Digitech relied on third party beta releases for thier gsp1101 , and didn't release any official upgrades at all in 5 years , and they were selling units based on the added features from those secret beta releases ! , and are still selling the gsp1101 !
    Axe fx does give you fw upgrades , but everytime it screws up all the saved sounds you worked hours on making , and then eventually they stop supporting it like the axe 1 , and force you to buy the latest hardware at full cost .

    Kemper team allows you to keep your existing sounds and add features to the same hardware that to me is amazing and well worth a few bugs here and there.
    I'm thankfull kemper continues to invest R and D into the product , so bugs are just part of the process and will get ironed out in time , no worries! :)

  • Quote

    I agree with all of the comments regarding the ability to either turn off morphing or limit how it activates ect. As a live performance guy,it is a real drag to not be able to "reset" the preset by hitting the footswitch after you have turned on individual stomps. I've also sent a request to support on this. Its a pretty big deal in my world.



    Make sure you guys email support and tell them how you feel about this, it's what these beta versions are all about. I've been emailing support back & forth begging them to integrate this into the new release when it comes out because it really affects the live situation. The more people open support tickets for this to happen, the better chance they will make it happen! They seem to be all about their users and getting our feedback to make the best product available.

  • Two things I have noticed. Firstly the contrast setting on my KPA main lcd seems to go to a low setting when I turn on - I can re adjust it easy enough in the system menu but the new setting doesn't get retained?
    Second thing is to do with the delay - when I go to a single delay, set to ms , the ratio control seems to sound as if there's a second delay if it's not set at either full right or left. Is this normal?

    You're damned if you do and damned if you don't