Dear God - I hope it gets better than this!

  • OhG has indicated in separate thread that he has decided to keep the Kemper.

    I therefor would like to offer OhG my complete and unconditional apology for misjudging his intent, the way I voiced my opinion, and any harm or hurt I may have caused by the statements I made.

  • OhG has indicated in separate thread that he has decided to keep the Kemper.

    I therefor would like to offer OhG my complete and unconditional apology for misjudging his intent, the way I voiced my opinion, and any harm or hurt I may have caused by the statements I made.

    Thank you. And likewise. But no hard feelings. Sometimes it's easy to take a person's tone in an email the wrong way and it just snowballs from there. Just don't take my guitar tone the wrong way. That's where I draw the line. (c:

  • OhG has indicated in separate thread that he has decided to keep the Kemper.

    I therefor would like to offer OhG my complete and unconditional apology for misjudging his intent, the way I voiced my opinion, and any harm or hurt I may have caused by the statements I made.

    always good to read there are good and humble people around here

  • I'm so glad I found this thread. I had many of the same questions. I just got my powered KPA and run it thru a new DV Mark 2x12. I'm also a top 40 player, looking to use this as a lighter, more versatile rig. I cant really even say so far that I even 'like' the Kemper yet, for so many of the same reasons as others have stated. The more I read these threads, the more I seem to be dialing it in, slowly, bit by bit. 30 days left to figure this thing out, so, I'll do my best to make it work.

    Powered KPA DV Mark 2x12 PRS McCarty

  • Look for the First Use tutorial in my threads...
    ... And welcome

    As I did not find the link to your dropbox again. Here a link to the copied document in my dropbox.
    Still I think , it would be good if a link would pinned by the mods.
    Maybe the dokument could be inserted in the wiKPA?…sPVjT5WUfa?dl=0

    Edited 3 times, last by Sharry (March 16, 2016 at 9:15 AM).

  • As I did not find the link to your dropbox again. Here a link to the copied document in my dropbox.
    Still I think , it would be good if a link would pinned by the mods.
    Maybe the dokument could be inserted in the wiKPA?…sPVjT5WUfa?dl=0

    so much for posting this. This was the 'Ah HAH' moment for me. The
    system init global restore brought this thing back to life, and it now
    sounds great. I was confused about this at first, because this was a new
    unit right out of the box. I did upgrade the firmware after I set it up
    the first time. Maybe that had something to do with all the initial
    problems. Anyways, thats a great PDF, and should be stickied or added to
    the wiKPA. So many people are having the same problems.

    If this information was available for many new owners such as myself, You could
    probably avoid quite a few duplicate threads and answering the same
    questions over and over. Either way, thanks again for posting this. I
    think I'll keep my Kemper now.

    Powered KPA DV Mark 2x12 PRS McCarty

  • Now cue for those who believe the system init is only a myth. :)

    In seriousness I am glad you found this and are happy. I and others had problems like this straight out of the box.

  • If this information was available for many new owners such as myself, You could probably avoid quite a few duplicate threads and answering the same questions over and over. Either way, thanks again for posting this. I think I'll keep my Kemper now.

    Yup, this is the very reason I started creating the wiKPA back in the years and wrote the tutorial a month ago.
    This matter would really deserve a continuous care in order to be kept up-to-date and useful for all the new users in the years. But there's the need for a coherent production and logistic effort that can't be brought on just in the free time. I tried to make this activity self-sustainable, but could create no interest either from Mothership or the userbase.
    You would be surprised at discovering how many made a donation for either wiKPA or the tutorial... (I mean... no-one). OTOH, everyone swears on their '63 Strato trussrod how useful and important these projects are ;)

    OTOH, every expert user's ego loves to have to always respond to the same old questions... this is, after all, the measure of how much you've become... expert :D

    That's the Internet, baby! ;)

    Edited once, last by viabcroce (March 18, 2016 at 2:17 PM).

  • but could create no interest either from Mothership or the userbase.

    This also is an unpleasant surprise for me ?( ,
    I think your work deserves more attention than just honorable mentioned by those who find them randomly or has been led by chance to this information.
    I understand, that you will not advertise but I'm afraid that this tutorial will get lost, if it is not implemented in general advice document collection.
    Too bad about the good work :(

  • Okay, first, I want to point out the wording of my title. I said what am "I" doing wrong. I'm wording it that way, because at this point, I can only assume I'm doing something wrong. Because I've gone through WAY too many commercial profiles to have not found anything good at this point. So either I'm doing something wrong, or the Kemper is extremely overrated (which I can't imagine is the case considering all the support it has).

    I've gone through hundreds of commercial profiles so far. And as others have said, the clean stuff sounds great. But the medium to high gain stuff, sounds like total crap. Very digital sounding, overly saturated, sometimes has that harsh ice-pick sound, very stale. I've literally found TWO medium to high gain profiles that are usable for rock music (not metal). Aside from the profiles that came with the Kemper, these are just some of the others that I've tried:

    • Multiple Michael Britt packs, including the Heavy Pack
    • I bought 5 of Guido's packs today (Bogner Ecstasy, Orange Rockerverb 50, Marshall JTM45, Mesa Road King and Mesa Rectifier)
    • About 6 Amp Factory bundles
    • Pete Turley profiles
    • And44 profiles

    I've tried multiple options for the monitoring of these, and I'm currently using the Yamaha DXR15. I had the Yamaha DXR10, and the 15 is not that much different (a little more bass and volume, that's it).

    I haven't tweaked much other than trying the Pure Cab feature and reducing the gain a bit on some of the profiles. I know that tweaking will be a recommended suggestion, but given that I've gone through over 100 commercial profiles, I would think that the odds would be good that I'd run into at least a few that sound good without the need for tweaking, but it really hasn't been the case. I'm using a Guthrie Govan signature model guitar in standard tuning. Nothing else is hooked up to the Kemper. I'm using the Monitor out with the Monitor Output set at -15dB and the volume on the DXR rolled back to about 9:00.

    Here's a video of me going through about 5-6 of Guido's Bogner Ecstasy pack. They all sound nearly the same, and they actually sound worse in person than they do on this video. In the video, you can't really hear the fizzy-ness as much. They actually sound decent in the video. Again, I'm guessing I must be doing something wrong, because I know a ton of people have praised Guido's profiles. So this is NOT a knock on him. But these profiles don't even sound remotely close to what is played on the YouTube video advertising them.

    Help please!

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  • Is the DXR10 on a table? It is designed to be heard from standing position. The sounds of the woofer and the horn need a little distance to combine before they hit your ears. Are you using the wedge mode EQ setting on the back of it, or flat?

    I suggest putting it on the floor. I prefer the Flat setting, but, if it is too much low end at that point, try the EQ in wedge mode.

  • No, it's definitely not sounding like that in the room. I'd be psyched if that's what it sounded like. The iPhone does a horrible job recording the audio. In the room, you hear a lot of the over saturation and the qualities I mentioned above. The other thing to mention is that each time I paused in the video, I was switching to a different Bogner profile. The last two were the Orange amp.