Kemper 4.0

  • since the Kemper came, My tone has been 100% consistent every time,,, every gig,,, every practice,,,every session, I get way more studio calls now that I bring 300+ amps to the studio, I can carry way more guitars,,to sessions,For the first time in my life,( I am 62,) I have sound men coming up to me and saying" What the hell are you playing through? It sounds fantastic, I can get you way up in the mix without hurting anyone,, You can TURN UP a Little"ARE you KIDDING ME, no sound man has ever asked me to turn up,,,,I just smile and say,,,, Kemper.... Thank you Mr. Kemper,,

    Awesome, unclemar!

    As I always say, I love these stories.

  • since the Kemper came, My tone has been 100% consistent every time,,, every gig,,, every practice,,,every session, I get way more studio calls now that I bring 300+ amps to the studio, I can carry way more guitars,,to sessions,
    For the first time in my life,( I am 62,) I have sound men coming up to me and saying
    " What the hell are you playing through? It sounds fantastic, I can get you way up in the mix without hurting anyone,, You can TURN UP a Little"
    ARE you KIDDING ME, no sound man has ever asked me to turn up,,,,
    I just smile and say,,,, Kemper....
    Thank you Mr. Kemper,,

    I have just experienced the same dialogue at last night's gig :)

    Sound Engineer, Musician, Animal Rights Activist.

    Fender '89 Clapton Strat, EMG DG20, KPA, Martin, SSL, Neve, Manley, Tube-Tech, Millennia, API, Lynx, RME, Avid, Apple, Adam...

  • 3.22 are you kidding all the KPA owners that have patienty waited while being told one fairy tail after another that good things were coming? Its been waaaay too long boys...
    I think a lot of us are ready to jump ship as your continous lies are getting old.
    Burkhard is a programmer that can't it right.
    Kemper find one that does soon or you will find yourself without any customers.
    If anyone reading this is a little pissed about the lack of firmware stabibility and features now's the time to chime in.
    This in a word Bloooows!

    How about getting laid once in a while? ;)

  • Sgt Pepper is asking if anyone is pissed about 'lack of firmware stability' and lack of features and that anyone should chime in.

    I'm running stable firmware that works a treat. I've only had to contact support once in the 2.5 years I've owned my Kemper and they helped me out quickly. During those 2.5 years of stability, a steady stream of new features have come. None of these have affected the fundamental sound in terms of the profiles so there has never been a chance of a new firmware making things sound 'different'. I haven't put the new Beta on yet as life is busy but it'll find its way on over the next few days.

    Yes, I would love more delays, the ability to control any parameter from a footswitch and spring reverb. On these three requestst, Meatloaf would be pleased and so am I. Whilst I wait for the rest, I have a stable system that makes me smile.

    I don't understand the post you've made. No-one is telling lies. The company has shown the new firmware and it's coming. It's still February until Monday and, even if they miss Monday I think 99% of users would rather have 'a bit late but stable' vs 'now and not right'. I am one of the 99.

  • ok shall we just leave sgt Pepper! He may have understand our point!
    Try to be nice with members and mind our luanguage!
    Its totally unfair to complain about Kemper team, because they do a fantastic job, and realy listen to the customers!
    And remember all uppdates is for free!!!!

  • There will always be new software updates, but there is only one ME!


    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Mhhh... let's see...

    • way more than 10,000 units sold all over the world in 5 continents
    • basically every great studio in the world owns at least one
    • basically every great studio producer in the world used it at least once
    • seen on stages of any size all over the world
    • award winning as best technological innovation of the year
    • 4 units working at the same time on the 2016 Italian Sanremo Pop Song Festival stage (4-day live show, 50% share, national broadcasting): the place where it's decided who's going to sell how much in the pop Italian market

    I think a lot of us are ready to jump ship.
    Kemper you will find yourself without any customers.

    ... REALLY? 8|


  • I don't spend a lot of time posting here but I drop in daily to see the active threads .....

    After reading this I want to chime in and say that I am content to wait for a finished and polished version vs a premature and buggy version. I can't imagine the drama that would ensue if the new features have bugs lol

    I personally love my Kemper and don't see myself jumping ship if this isn't released this month

  • LOL!

    sounds like a good plan, tho it's better more than once, and while can be a long time for some.

    I think mank has it right, sounds more like a troll of some sort, the tone and poor language skills , and lack of anything really intelligent either negative or positive and some basic heuristics seems to support this. I dont like labelling people, but was invited to chime in, another troll tactic...

    no point in another trip to the crazypants rodeo. besides feb has 29 days this year. reading viabcroce's stats about users, studios etc... there needs to bea careful balance between releasing betas, and minimal buggy offficial, since that could cost studios money.

    fairies dont have tails, they wear boots tho, ya gotta believe me...

    kgmhb does not lie as ar as i have seen. they may be tight lipped about things, but i can see the reasons why, so can most. even if they miss feb, so what, that is not a lie
    dont think anyone else was suddenly enlightened by your allegations of lying. That is libel if you can't prove it.

    why call out one person, then say nothing. thats shabby. i havent spoken to burk, so dont really know him, but from what i remember he seems fine, dont know if he is a programmer, but if he is, my guess is he is probably pretty good
    i remember reading some of his posts, and was left with the impression that they were to the point, and often helpful, kind o like the theme around here, ppl help each other, have some fun. i feel happy that i finally have a bit o downtime to post a bit. been reading when i can and learning a lot plus funny stuff.

    jump ship? do what is right for you, but i cant see how you are able to speak for others... even if it is true, how would you know?

    doesnt seem like anyone here is pissed, and who really gives a shit if there is a delay. bugs sure, shit happens, debugging is not easy, right?
    taking time to make kickass features > meeting predicted dates. that could be one reason they don't like to get into too many details, they do music, not drama.

    blows? lol, man reading your post is a bummer on its own. if choice studios and top artists are ok with waiting, what could possibly be so important in your life that you need to
    have some features you probably never seen before right away? even if true, go to a good studio an get what you need done. if i had some good, urgent work i would not waste time complaning, i would find a way. that's what pro artists do. and there is very little tolerance for not delivering, so big acts would be long gone.

    settle down, take a chill pill, or a chill pharmacy...
    why are you trying to be such a downer? either you are insincere, or if you are genuinely upset, here is some good advice--work on being happy, life is a LOT better bein happy

  • Mhhh... let's see...

    • way more than 10,000 units sold all over the world in 5 continents
    • basically every great studio in the world owns at least one
    • basically every great studio producer in the world used it at least once
    • seen on stages of any size all over the world
    • award winning as best technological innovation of the year
    • 4 units working at the same time on the 2016 Italian Sanremo Pop Song Festival stage (4-day live show, 50% share, national broadcasting): the place where it's decided who's going to sell how much in the pop Italian market

    Yes but what have the Romans Germans ever done for us ;)

  • 3.22 are you kidding all the KPA owners that have patienty waited while being told one fairy tail after another that good things were coming? Its been waaaay too long boys...
    I think a lot of us are ready to jump ship as your continous lies are getting old.
    Burkhard is a programmer that can't it right.
    Kemper find one that does soon or you will find yourself without any customers.
    If anyone reading this is a little pissed about the lack of firmware stabibility and features now's the time to chime in.
    This in a word Bloooows!

    [Blocked Image:]

  • It kinda sucks if the reverbs/delays ain't added. I mean honestly if it comes down to it the kemper is mainly a recording device. I can piss around with profile cross fades in a daw however, nice effects are another matter.

    I'm suprised to read that. I'd honestly be interested where ou thing that the KPA lacks good fx?!

  • It kinda sucks if the reverbs/delays ain't added. I mean honestly if it comes down to it the kemper is mainly a recording device. I can piss around with profile cross fades in a daw however, nice effects are another matter.

    No they're not! You can use all those nice effects in your daw as well do crossfades (which is not the same as morphing!!!). By the way, from what we've all heard and read it is rather unlikely that delays and reverbs are added in 4.0. Last quotes were "probably later". But who knows...

  • It kinda sucks if the reverbs/delays ain't added. I mean honestly if it comes down to it the kemper is mainly a recording device. I can piss around with profile cross fades in a daw however, nice effects are another matter.

    The new functionality/features announced as being in the 4.0 release don't particularly excite me, but others will find very useful and put them to good use I'm sure.

    I agree with what you're saying though and know we all would like additional delays included in the major 4.0 release, but I am happy to wait. The current KPA delays are good enough to get the job done in a live situation and the current fw is rock solid.

    I was happy with the Kemper way back on the 1.XX fw's though as I bought it for it's amazing amp tones and easy fx management (looking at you Axe-fx :) ). No complaints from me - but always excited to see what the Kemper FW boffins have come up with. Every fw update feels like a free gift.