Before you delete the Factory Profiles take a listen to the Bad Kitty clean Profiles

  • We did this recording in 2011 a few months before the Kemper was released, using a "Prototype" Profiler that Kemper had sent me as a demo unit.
    I had just got the unit that day, I didn't have a clue how to use the deep editing parameters, how to load FX, nothing, all I knew was how to switch it ON and scroll to a Profile.

    The Factory Bad Kitty (Bad Cat) Profiles, being played by my buddy Ryan on a "toilet" Tele, put together with spare parts...he's just noodling not knowing I had pressed Record.

    At the time, the Kemper was still being called "Vaporware" over at TGP, never going to happen, it will never be released...this clip shut them up pretty quickly.

    Listen through studio monitors, not I-Phones, listen to the clarity of the tone, no matter how hard he hits the treble strings there's no harshness, just pure tone, and the droning low E string is nice and thick low end goodness.

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    Edited 2 times, last by Guitartone (January 30, 2016 at 8:50 AM).

  • Ho yea!!! And a lot of us will remember the Tom Hemby Nashville session too:

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    This one made me want to try a Kemper as soon as possible!!!! 8o

  • Yep, never understood the hate for the factory rigs... And I'm talking about the original factory rigs, for those of us who have been around kemper for 3-4 years now, before Andy and M Britt, lasse lammert etc all had packs: yes those originals are great. The only thing that may be lacking is extreme gain tones, but other then that, there is some great tones in there done by pros who know what they are doing.

  • I'm surprised fischers JMP doesn't get more love, especially those 2 done through a Marshall 4x12. They are extrmely present and thick, not harsh in the least. Little tweaks make those fantastic to me. Also the matchless "the King" or something I believe is still the best matchless profile out there. slightly broken up, just a Royer 121 on the cab. It is perfect for so many things. I think people get a false ideology about "stock" sounds on anything which is why they dont get much love. One video showing the amazing studios These profiles were done in and the players and engineers who did them would completely change the perception of them in my opinion.

  • The Factory Rigs are very, very good.

    They were created in pro studios with the best gear by engineers with a large amount of experience.

    If the KPA did not allow us to create profiles, I think we would all be very happy with the factory Rigs.

    That's what I've been saying for years!

  • That's what I've been saying for years!

    I completely agree with you ... but within forum and people talk there are a lot of psycological misunderstanding about factory profiles ... and about Rig Exchange too.

    We tend to affirm, after paying a commercial profile, that this is better, and also that the last commercial out is best too ... but we have to admit that all of this is psycological. There are a lot of great factory, a lot of great free and obviously a lot of commercial ones good too.
    The KPA machine is good, so any profile that capture well an amp is good. Is just a matter of personal taste and personal tweak to make it sound "perfect" to our ears...

  • hi all,

    it's 2-3 months since I own a KPA. I have tried all factory rigs and got many free ones from RE and more i.e. ACE, Soundside & TJ packs, timowens BE100 etc. never bought anything so far.

    as soon as I find 2 "close" rigs, I delete the one that I like less. in the end, I almost have no factory rig left on the KPA. not that I do not like them, but and found better ones.

    the roadking has lived long but ended disapearing, even the brit one which I really like.

    I also prefer MBritts, although I only use free ones (a good 20 free rig pack comes when subscribing to his newletter), and the outstanding timowens Friedman encyclopedia. I am expecting much from JerEvil's quickrod incomming session

    all IMO of course, but as a recent owner with much choice I haven't lived much on the factory content. never said I hated them however. note I'm not at all into noodling or FX.

  • The thing with the factory profiles is: often they get dismissed too fast because of sounding not spectacular enough on their own.
    But they'll work in a mix in a great way and often better than other, highly praised profiles.

  • Sure I did not consider this cause I am for now playing on my own. I truly admit they sound less "spectacular" which has been my sole criterion for keeping prodiles. This is good to know that they work well in a mix, thanks.
    However, if I would like to build a sound for a mix, I'd most likely start from the spectacular sound I want to achive and tweak until it's good. This may end up in being worse than a similar factory rig but I would not know cause I had deleted it, but as long I am believing I have achieved the optimum I am fine ;)