• I am a student and like every other student I have a very tight budget

    I am a music producer and musician with some reference in the music industrie

    These 2 statements from the first post plus the thread title would probably end any "endorsement discount" offer if I were in charge at Kemper.
    We all have tight budgets, we all have some "reference" in some part of the "music industry" or other important reasons to get discounts. But the overwhelming majority of users here have happily paid the regular, full price for their Profiler(s)without even thinking about asking for discounts. Why? Well, try to answer this to yourself. ;)

  • These 2 statements from the first post plus the thread title would probably end any "endorsement discount" offer if I were in charge at Kemper.
    We all have tight budgets, we all have some "reference" in some part of the "music industry" or other important reasons to get discounts. But the overwhelming majority of users here have happily paid the regular, full price for their Profiler(s)without even thinking about asking for discounts. Why? Well, try to answer this to yourself. ;)

    If you would have read every comment in this discussion carefully you should know that this has nothing to do with not getting an endorsement of Kemper. If the person who is responsible for that job would have answered just with his "copy paste message" (and I know that he does that) I would have been more than okay with that. But this is all about the sum of problems which accrued.

  • Little concideration:
    Kemper expects the purchase of a demo-amp for all distribution partners.
    No trader can be a Kemper-Distributor if he doesn't have this equipment.
    If he isn't a certified Kemper-Distributor he can order every day an amp, he gets in 10 years no amp, nevertheless. He can be towards you a friendly guy as he wants and can also make a super great price as he likes. He cannot deliver.
    I have a feeling that this is exactly the reason.
    Is he a certified Kemper-Distributor? Has he payed all his bills? No joke! I've experienced a lot. :huh:

  • No discount or request for one here either; I've never considered myself worthy of an endorsement - that's just not how I roll.

    Lemonk, I had to wait roughly 3 months even 'though I was told 10 days. The wholesaler and sole importer is only 10 minutes up the road from me, and I know him. At the last minute he said they'd detected an issue with the only Kemper left in stock, which was supposed to be for me. I then had to wait for the next batch to be imported. This took roughly 6 more weeks, and I had no way of tracking progress, so I downloaded the manual and as many rigs as I could from the exchange on the Kemper site. Little did I know that the rigs would all be on the Rig Exchange which is linked to Rig Manager, so weeks of downloading rigs was all for nothing. It turned out that the Kemper Team™ was fully occupied with Musikmesse 2015, which was why there was a shipment delay and tracking was impossible.

    When the Kemper finally arrived there was no power cable. The wholesaler admitted to opening the box as a matter of procedure (something his staff always do to physically check orders) - the plug on the end of the power chord needs to be different for the Australian market anyway, and they swap the cable for this reason. Somehow they messed up and forgot to put an Aussie one in there, so I had to wait another week with the Kemper sitting in its box in my music room.

    Finally, even after the cable arrived, I had to wait another 2 weeks(!) for my brother "Fingers" to come over with his LP because I promised him I wouldn't unbox or play the unit unless he was here to see and hear it. This was because I'd pumped so much hype into him (and me!) that I felt this would be the icing on the cake. A "brand new Kemper" experience for him, if you will. Of course, he was blown away and the look on his valve-boy face made it all worth it.

    Now, I didn't complain to anyone about this series of oversights, unfortunate timings and what have you. Instead I remained focussed on the fact that I was going to own a Kemper. It was certain, in the bag, and just a matter of time. This excited me no end! I've never bothered to add up all the delays to see how much I "suffered"; I don't subscribe to a "victim mentality". All I do know is that "A Kemper delayed is not a Kemper denied". :D

    Happy camper... I mean, Kemper here. Very happy indeed, and you will be too! Hang in there mate, and welcome to the forum and to Rig Hell! (This is an "in joke", meaning that soon you'll have more "amps" than you'll know what to do with... way more!).


    I paid up-front and in full for the unit.

  • Let me ease your pain a little, I wanted to send Trevor Rabin a Kemper but I couldn't get an "endorsement" deal. :)
    All famous artists pay for their Kempers.

    I'm betting the dealer only ordered your Kemper once you actually made the payment which was as you mentioned in the middle of December...5 weeks backorder time means end of January.

    Don't feel too bad, there were times when dealers had to wait up to 3 months for Kemper stock.

  • Hey @Monkey_Man
    Are you talking about him when you say your pal 'Fingers'?

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    Like it a lot :)

    Sorry about the OT ...


  • This has nothing to do with the discount. Furthermore I dont understand why people are mad at me when I try to save some money when it is possible. As I mentioned before the store is giving me dicount!!! Not Kemper. Neither is Kemper giving the store any discout. The store pays the same like any other store... It is a friendly turn of the store to give me discount.

    I didn't mean to come down too hard on you. I'm certainly not mad at you. I just thought it was funny for some reason that you thought you could get one at a price less than what others paid, or that you thought you could get an endorsement deal.

    Obviously if the store wants to sell you one at cost, more power to you.

    Welcome to the forum, I hope you get your KPA soon.

  • Don't know if it's possible, but I'd leave it alone, personally; it's instructive and besides that I also like to leave my learning experiences up on the web. Somehow I learn lessons better the more public my contrition. Furthermore, we've put time and effort into posting and trying to help, and nobody likes to see his posts deleted.

    You've fully redeemed yourself by showing us all some class. Well done, brother lemonk!

    Remember, we can all relate to your frustration. In a way, I guess we all acted like mentors, encouraging you to suck it up like a pro and pointing out that you will be very happy once it arrives. You'll forget the delay in no time, especially as Kemper's giving us more than 10 new ones next month! (delays). You'll have tones for miles, sore fingers and sore eyes... and you won't care.

    Hang in there, champ...

    Hey @Monkey_Man
    Are you talking about him when you say your pal 'Fingers'?

    Ha! I wish.

    "Fingers" is what I call my big lil' brother who's 25 years younger than me. He's got long fingers and goes nuts on guitar Slash style. He's a valve freak (JVM-410H man) who spent all his teenage years practicing, so he can play and I can't(!). I use him to test profiles and packs 'cause it's easier for one person to manage RM folders, favouriting and so on whilst the other plays... and plays... ''till the guitar neck smokes...

    Haven't got the speed to check out that video today, but I will ASAP. Thank you for posting it and for asking about Fingers!