Kemper OS 4 - Seamless ToneTravelling

  • I agree so much with you
    some people are against things just because they need to be against something

    Agreed! How odd - I posted something last week about people complaining all the time and got "hammered" for it. Most of the above page of this thread is just exactly that. Some people just want to be unhappy and have something to beef about. I think I'm done with this thread.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • Agreed! How odd - I posted something last week about people complaining all the time and got "hammered" for it. Most of the above page of this thread is just exactly that. Some people just want to be unhappy and have something to beef about. I think I'm done with this thread.

    Some people love complaining so much they complain about complainers!

    just kidding! couldn't let that change slip by.

    Yes, I agree and think some are speaking way too soon. Wait until you have this in your hands. Its very exciting. I haven't been this excited about the Kemper since I got it.

  • For those with experience with a BOSS GT-type pedal (GT-5, 6, 8 , 10 , 100, etc), how is the morphing different than the Pedal Assing options in the GT-line? For example, right now, I use my expression pedal on my GT-100 to increase the tremolo sound on my uni-vibe effect in the BOSS, or to turn on my delay. Isn't morphing allowing for the same thing, but with the Kemper effects? If it is the same, it's one less reason to keep my GT-100... :)

    I had the GT 100 (sold it since i got the KPA). It seem that morphing will be the same that multi-assignation in GT100 on the expression pedal, but i think that it will be a lot of easier to setup :)

  • As I understood the video of the Namm-show, the morphing process combines two different sounds (or variations) of one single rig. Maybe some parameters are excluded from this process, f.e. the cab-sim.
    So I expect to start from a specific rig sound (on heel position), then dial in a new sound I want to continue the song with (on toe position) and the Profiler controls the "shortest" tweaking-process between these two sounds during the morphing-process.

    Only the continuous parameters are affectable (?) by Morphing. Apart from that, it is much more than what you describe.

    Once morphing is set up on a rig, my understanding (hope) is that the expression pedal sweep will control the entire (selected) sweep of each included parameter. That means that morphing offers way more than two versions of any given profile.

    This. And you can set a parameter (say verb) at two different values and use it creatively and... expressively as a tone palette. Think for example of a wah, or a volume pedal: you just don't use only the two extreme settings. Wah and volume are two specific sub-categories of morphing.
    You can apply it to delay feedback or mix, and just change the value with a pedal while you play, create backgrounds etc.
    Endless possibilities! :)

  • I don't understand this "morphing is only useful if you can morph between two different rigs". Say you have two rigs: a clean sound and distorted sound; Do you really want to crossfade clean sound and distorted sound? Won't sound great, obviously :) Or do you want to simultaneously add/remove gain from the two profiles and then mix them together? It's not "authentic" still when the pedal is not in extreme positions but somewhere in the middle, so I can't really see the point here.
    I'm just confused what people are asking :)

    Personally I'm super excited, this feature sounds so inspiring I keep refreshing the forum page constantly for Announcements from Kemper and it's not even February yet x)

  • I don't understand this "morphing is only useful if you can morph between two different rigs". Say you have two rigs: a clean sound and distorted sound; Do you really want to crossfade clean sound and distorted sound? Won't sound great, obviously :) Or do you want to simultaneously add/remove gain from the two profiles and then mix them together? It's not "authentic" still when the pedal is not in extreme positions but somewhere in the middle, so I can't really see the point here.
    I'm just confused what people are asking :)

    Personally I'm super excited, this feature sounds so inspiring I keep refreshing the forum page constantly for Announcements from Kemper and it's not even February yet x)

    Good point, actually :)

  • Hi,
    Question to the one's who may in the know - @DonPetersen ? - is it possible to 'morph' a pure booster in order to 'solo' boost the current rig? Thinking that this may save me a stomp button for more flexibility (currently the first stomp is always reserved more solo boosting that rig) ...


    My understanding is you can morph a pure booster only if this one is active in a stomp. But what you can do to save a stomp is morphing to more gain from the amp itself.

  • You can also morph between pure boost level of 0 at heel, to pure boost of 3, or 5, whatever you like at the toe and solo that. You could combine that with a gain morph as well if you like. Loads of possibilities.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • Hi,
    Question to the one's who may in the know - @DonPetersen ? - is it possible to 'morph' a pure booster in order to 'solo' boost the current rig? Thinking that this may save me a stomp button for more flexibility (currently the first stomp is always reserved more solo boosting that rig) ...


    Since all the variable stomps/effects can be morphed, this is surely possible, but only when active for both states (as already mentioned above). However, the power here is in the other settings that can be morphed along with it. For example, I've found that with higher gain settings I like to use Direct Mix in the Amp section. You might also be looking for more or less of any other parameter, such as reverb and compression. Tailoring your clean and overdriven tones will now be incredibly easy!

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • I don't understand this "morphing is only useful if you can morph between two different rigs". Say you have two rigs: a clean sound and distorted sound; Do you really want to crossfade clean sound and distorted sound? Won't sound great, obviously :) Or do you want to simultaneously add/remove gain from the two profiles and then mix them together? It's not "authentic" still when the pedal is not in extreme positions but somewhere in the middle, so I can't really see the point here.
    I'm just confused what people are asking :)

    Personally I'm super excited, this feature sounds so inspiring I keep refreshing the forum page constantly for Announcements from Kemper and it's not even February yet x)

    People don't want cross fade between different rigs, they want morphing. Not that dual amps would be a bad thing either, but within the context of this announcement. And dual amps are generally noted fo sounding great, even mixing clean and dirty, you can in fact mix clean and dirty right now with your Kemper via the amp

  • You can also morph between pure boost level of 0 at heel, to pure boost of 3, or 5, whatever you like at the toe and solo that. You could combine that with a gain morph as well if you like. Loads of possibilities.

    From the reference manual "When you place it in front of the amp or a distortion stomp, the Pure Booster has the
    same effect as the gain or drive control".
    So, as soon as the morphing will be available, I'd rather raise the profile gain instead of having the Pure booster in a stomp slot.

  • From the reference manual "When you place it in front of the amp or a distortion stomp, the Pure Booster has the
    same effect as the gain or drive control".

    Which is why I almost always place mine POST stack, it then merely raises the volume. It does nothing to color the sound. I will be able to with the morph feature. But each has their own method. I'm sure mine could easily change once I play with it in person for real.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • How about morphing just for feedback, that could be cool.

    Take your regular highish gain lead tone, radically increase the settings on the Compressor Stomp, or even add the Green Scream, hit a note, add some vibrato, morph in until feedback starts, control the feedback by how much you morph in, morph it out continue soloing, etc, etc.

    Often at a gig I see the guitarist move towards his amp/cab when he's looking for some feedback, no need, just morph it in where you're standing.

    Good idea, bad idea?