Pete Thorn did a demo of the Helix, I must say I'm impressed now.

  • all manufacturers of guitar stomps, amps, etc doing the same trick... hiring a great player, making a professional recording ( make t look like a home recording...) and playing on awsome guitar(s)..

    people buying there stuff and at home discover that that awsome sound is down the drain.....

    find something you like and stick with it and improve your playing skills..

    that said... im also a gear junkie and dont always stick with my own advise ;) lol

    "We don't see things as they are,
    we see things as we are"

  • I've been watching this thread from the beginning, and to be honest, I really don't get the interest. Sure, if you're not happy with the Kemper for some reason, then by all means look for the tool that works for you. That said, I just have zero interest in changing, as the Kemper is capable of so much more than I am at this point. I'm glad that technology is improving the state of the art in guitar gear, as it benefits all of us, but the lunchbox is way beyond my needs, so any small differences are just irrelevant to me. OTOH, maybe I'm just worn out from buying selling so much gear ...

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • ^^ When you own a KPA and after countless times of playing you will come into conclusion that "Hey this gear really stands up!". After that anything new that will come will just be second fiddle. You are not that excited anymore because KPA filled the void. So when you read that a new gear is better then you will just say to yourself " Well let's see." Then you follow about that new gear by force of habit or just keeping abreast of new technology,but you are not that excited anymore.

    I'm already at that stage.

  • I spent some time with a Helix and was not impressed at all. The amp models all sound the same and the overdrive is very brittle. I did like the effects but that was it. There were few too many amp models and overall it still seems no better than a POD HD500X. For the price they are asking, it just does not deliver.
    If you are seeking effects, get a GForce, G-system or Strymon.

    Edited 2 times, last by drog (January 31, 2016 at 6:44 PM).

  • I spent some time with a Helix and was not impressed at all. The amp models all sound the same and the overdrive is very brittle. I did like the effects but that was it. There were few too many amp models and overall it still seems no better than a POD HD500X. For the price they are asking, it just does not deliver.
    If you are seeking effects, get a GForce, G-system or Strymon.

    Exactly my experience. Tones really disappointing, effects ok, but quite average - Strymon kicks their ass.

  • First, Pete Thorn is great, basically everything he is testing sounds good. But that is his job.

    But what I got from his video of the Helix were:
    1) To get useable sounds: use 3'rd party IR's. (we never got to hear Helix own speaker simulations)
    2) The best sounds he had IMO were when he used his own amp though the Helix. So it's simulations can't really match a real amp.

    So what's left?
    A good Midi controller and some good FX... (But for me personally, the KPA's FX are more than enough)

  • I thought Ben's clip sounded nice, actually, although the video made me want to buy the guitar...

    At first I thought it might have been a penchant for leather, Sam, but I fear we'll have to crank up your treatment.

    Why not double the dose of GASCure™ from 2 to 4 tabs a day in the meantime, and I'll make a special appointment for you after class here at the NoMoreGuitarsForMe school for some time next week?

    Hang in there, bud.

    Maybe I am just biased against Line6 because they burned me so many damn times.
    But I really can't un-hear the line6 fizz in their distorted tones. Psychological ? Is it just me ?


    I've noticed 3 changes from HD to Helix, but I've only the videos that I've seen to go by:

    1) It sounds to me like they've put some work into how the amps respond to volume-pot position.

    2) They appear to have "eliminated" the scratchiness that did my head in with the HD500; it was possible to programme it out on the HD, but for me it took a lot of work. A lot of work. With this unit, it seems the company must've learned from the (I assume) many complaints about said scratchiness. Having been with PODs since their first product, I'd never had an issue with this particular form of high-end nastiness, and couldn't for the life of me understand why it would be there given the claims that the new modelling process employed for the HD range achieved new levels of realism. Effectively, the Helix seems to have this issue sorted straight out of the box.

    3) The amp models, to me, sound more "organic" than the HD line, but not as warm as the POD, PODxt and to a lesser extent, the POD X3.

    To expand on my one-word, semi-rude / abrupt answer to you, Havohej, I agree that it's still there. It's not that full-on scratchiness I referred to in point #2, but rather that characteristic, well, character in the top-end that comes into play as soon as things start to break up. I reckon if one had never heard anything but L6 tones one's entire life, one wouldn't be aware that anything was amiss, which is probably why many "bedroom" musicians don't identify it. I acknowledge that some non-bedroom / more experienced musos don't hear it either, but in my experience, once any of these folks does, he / she then becomes sensitive to the "fingerprint" and can pick it up at the drop of a pick.

    None of this is gospel, of course; it's just a humble monkey's personal perspective which is malleable when subjected to the ravages of time and gear exposure, so YMWV (your mileage will vary).

  • Pete Thorn can play my 99 $ Zoom G3 and sound like heavenly genius, where is the point of all this merch business.
    He has to make a living and has featured the KPA a short time ago and is going to present the XYZ effect pedal next month.
    can't wait to see it in youtbe. 8o

    no further comment ...

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • Just my take on the Line 6 bashing: I don't think Line 6 is too shabby as far as modellers go. I remember when guys were making professional sounding recordings with PODs, and perhaps a lot of people still do.

    As far as recordings go, you can do all kinds of EQ and tone matching tricks to make the tone sound great. And live, 99% of the audience probably can't tell the difference between a Kemper and an Amplifire, just the musicians in the crowd.

    Sure, the Kemper has spoilt me, so I have the best of tones available in my toaster. But could there be someone better than me with worse gear? Seems highly likely, some of those guys on youtube really make me feel guitar-challenged. Line 6 is great, affordable gear, just like Boss processors and stomp boxes.

    Back on topic: I think this video is really misleading by not using the Amplifire "as is" and probably relies on a lot of studio trickery (such as the IRs) to make it "sound good". I would have been happier just to hear the product the way it was built and without all the smoke and mirrors.

    If the video was paid for, it smacks even more of dishonesty in a bid to lure users, irrespective of any disclaimers. "OOH, HERE'S THE BIG STAR PLAYING OUR PRODUCT, BUY IT, BUY IT NOW."

    That's kind of what sold me on the Kemper, the great and honest demos of the product. And it really is a great product.

  • I have ordered the Tech21 Fly rig RK. RK stands for Richie Kotzen. I fell into the old trap once again.

    All i can say is. RK sounds fantastic inspite of this piece of gear and not because of it. I used the exact same setting as RK:

    Fly rig in Fx loop of a super plexi. result: sounded like s****t compared to my kemper with a free profile. Let me say here once and for all times.
    Digital gear sounds exactly like that: Digital gear. Whether this or that or even the expensive AxeGrinder. Period. There is only one exception on this planet.
    And that is our green toaster. And why is that so? Because CK is a freakin genius and a profile contains a lot of the genes of real tube amps.

    And i say a lot. Not everything. If i could afford it, i were using a Friedman Brown Eye (4000 bucks) and a Bogner Supersonic (3000) and quadruple my rhythm parts.
    Since this is not an option, i will stay a happy bunny with my lunchbox, cheers. watch my vid where i celebrate the KPA.

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

    Edited once, last by Geraldo7 (March 12, 2016 at 5:49 PM).

  • i did not have the ability to check out the helix yet, but i agree: a good player can make anything sound great. i remember mark tremonti smashing some riffs on i guess it was roland cube amp... on the video it sounded quiet good but i definately won't buy it. for me the best thing regarding the KPA is that you are independent from others and especially from the developers... you can take your boutique amp with you and it sounds as you like it. if you like f.e. a panama inferno or krank amps, rhodes colossus, bogner unerschall... or any rare stuff, you will never find it on a modeling amp. it maybe perfect if you like "standard" gear like marshall, fender, mesa,but even there: you'll propably find the dual or triple rectifier in every modeller of the world
    but will you find the mark V? etc., etc.

  • I think this video is really misleading by not using the Amplifire "as is" and probably relies on a lot of studio trickery (such as the IRs) to make it "sound good".

    Did you mean the Helix?
    Anyway, AFAIK, both natively use IRs, don't they?

    Generally speaking, this is what the Kemper Mk II will need to go IMO. Apart from some redundancies like 8 Outs, 4 parallel processed signal lines and the like, by following the thread on TGP I can really say that the Helix versatility, usability, tweakability are unheard of.
    It just seems that if a routing (or re-routing) option comes to your mind, the Helix can do it. Also assigning thing is uber-easy, and apart from the capacitive footswitches and color foot-displays I find it a greatly designed device overall.
    When the Profiler breaks-even this would be the way to go IMO. From now on, everything else will be considered obsolete. Fractal has probably delayed the AX8 for months waiting for the Helix' price point...

    A word is enough...