Pete Thorn did a demo of the Helix, I must say I'm impressed now.

  • So, Pete Thorn did a video on the Helix. I didn't think the Helix sounded great in other video's I saw and heard, but Pete took it to a new level for me. His playing is undoubtedly great, which probably helps a lot as well, but from this vid, I'd actually consider getting the Helix if I didn't already have the Kemper.

    New thread because I couldn't find a recent relevant one.

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  • 1) His playing IS great. :thumbup:
    2) It does sound better than COSM. :D

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • I'd actually consider getting the Helix if I didn't already have the Kemper.

    Indeed its a great player and an impressive Presentation.
    I tested both at same time and decided for KPA.
    Not because Helix is so bad. I like different basic sounds (amps) and effects for me are not so important.
    It was a close decision but I don't regret

  • Proves one more time, that PT can force music to come from anything he is using. In other words, he can make anything sound good! While I enjoy watching his videos, I never could make a buying decision based upon them - unless I buy everything he demos :)

    The Helix sounds fine here. No GAS though since the KPA for me. Still can't believe it myself. 8o

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band:[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...

  • I am a new Kemper user now, after I compared it with Helix and Atomic Amplifire. Actually, I already had my Kemper for some time, but til today I was stuck with my old setup and tube amps. I prefer real amps, but I want to carry less stuff around.

    The amps in the Kemper sound and feel best to me. Comparable to my Koch Pedaltone tube preamp with a Two Notes Torpedo CAB or a good Plugin like Scuffham S-Gear oder the brainworx stuff.

    With the tape delay, tremolo and reverb fx in the Kemper I am not 100% satisfied. For that reason I still play my pedalboard with two Eventide H9 an some analog pedals.

  • My personal review...

    We already know that Helix is a great innovative all-in-one solution ... one physical HW block instead of two, both mic and guitar inputs, it works as USB audio interface, great routing flexibility with double chain for guitar with everything possible in between.

    But ... it has 20 amp model to choose instead of thousands real amp profile/snapshot ... it seems it doesn't have so much output routing like our KPA (for example monitoring in stereo plus outputs for main PA), less memory / database available in the machine.

    Finally I will go for Helix for an all-in-one solution at a very high quality level;
    I went for Kemper (and stay!!!) for a transportable professional studio environment with unlimited sound possibilities.

    In my opinion Helix will be in competition more with AXE FX, because it have same ideology, same mentality at half a price with almost same quality.

    Kemper is a different level of idea, still unique, still incomparable ... the Profiling feature ... the only one that you can really compare A/B with real analog gear of thousands of dollars, all the rest is modelling, simulation. Having said that, the day when KPA will implement a full Top Level Delay, a full Top Level Reverb and a double chain with more routing flexibility, it will have nothing less of any digital machine on the market.

  • Well said Maurizio you summed it up well

  • You guys have already said exactly how I feel. But some of it bears repeating.

    • Pete can make anything sound good.
    • The effects sound good.
    • The amp modeling is leaps and bounds over past Line 6 offerings. But in this video Pete is using third party impulses. Cabinet tone is critical to the tone. The use of Ownhammer impulses is likely have an positive impact on the "baked in" Line 6 modeling.

    I could see using this as either a backup to my Kemper, or as an alternative solution if I ever find myself in need of some of the effects that the Helix offers.

    Husband, Father, Pajama Enthusiast

  • likely have an positive impact on the "baked in" Line 6 modeling. I could see using this as either a backup to my Kemper, or as an alternative solution if I ever find myself in need of some of the effects that the Helix offers.

    Ditto. I don't have immediate plans for getting a Helix but it's on my very very short list of things to get for a all-in-one, grab'n'go piece of gear and a backup for the Kemper.

    I'm just trying to be as truthful to my experience and personal opinion that I'm clearly presenting only as a personal opinion no more no less in an honest and truthful discussion about equipment.

  • What a great time to be a guitarist! All these amazing pieces of gear available - all I can do is smile. Competition is a good thing, pushing all parties into newer and better products. As for me, I'm fully invested in Kemper, love the tones I'm getting, and I feel certain that there will be additional enhancements to make it even better. ;)

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Honestly, I don't think this demo sounds great.
    PT's playing sounds great, not these tones. There's always this unpleasant grit to them.
    BTW, I owned the Helix, and also "live" I didn't like the tones the least bit. A/B'ing with the Kemper made them even more of a joke (yes I can tweak, I've been toying with modellers for over 7 years). Effects were not bad, in some cases (delay and reverbs especially) were *really* good. Usability was a few notches above today's offerings, but not the tweaking heaven people think of. And most importantly, I don't care for easy tweaking, if I end up tweaking to hide a bad tone (that's what I felt like).