Single Thread for Everything, or Individual Threads?

  • What I'd want will never happen.. but I think it will work well.

    Each seller has its own "subforum" - inside there, the seller can post new threads/announcements etc. - this will avoid clutter, and people wont need to search, they can simply go to there seller of choice and freely talk about profiles.

    Thats my 2cents, avoid the clutter, avoid the use of unwanted threads appearing for those that don't want them, avoid unnecessary bumping of threads to keep them in top of page.

    A subforum per each seller, bam.. off you go!.

  • I think all of you commercial guys should be quite appreciative that you can even advertise on these forums.
    This is a VERY generous privilege, if you ask me. Free advertising. This forum costs money. You don't pay any of that. The profits of the Kemper products do. From customers that profile or not.

    Your only arguement is that you may help sell the KPA. I am sure it has its instances but for you to be allowed to, at times, trash up their forum is just not worth it. You are profiting on the back of Kemper.
    In of itself is an expected result from this kind of product. But if you are going to charge for something like this
    you should expect to incur some expense in all of your advertising.

    Advertising is a blight on society. No matter where you are you cannot escape it. If unmoderated it WILL
    get ugly. So be very happy you have this privilege.

    If it were my forum, I would allow all commercial profilers a one time access to post a link to your
    webpage/ storefront with a description. That would be it. To make money, you must spend money. Especially when you do it off of somebody else's

  • If it were my forum, I would allow all commercial profilers a one time access to post a link to your
    webpage/ storefront with a description. That would be it. To make money, you must spend money. Especially when you do it off of somebody else's

    Dunno. Yes, this is a privilege, and I think the sellers are aware of that. But it's a clear win win situation. These guys demonstrate what the KPA is capable of capturing from the analog world and may have convinced more than one or two interested buyers. Any VST-plugin seller is on the back of Steinberg, any third party plugin seller for office tools is on the back of MS. Somehow. I don't want to compare apples to oranges, all I want to say is that if you have a revolutionary idea, chances are good there will be product discourses, which is good for your own product mostly. No need to be too strict or to claim some kind of genuflection. All sellers so far are polite and helpful as far as I can see it.

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band:[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...

  • You know what makes me want to buy profiles? Hint: it's not aggressive marketing or overly arrogant sellers who just happen to own some equipment.

    • Quality demos: Pete Thorn's YouTube video demo of the MBritt pack sold me on the profiles AND the Kemper simultaneously.
    • Uniqueness: The market is saturated with high gain profiles of common amplifiers. Thankfully some profilers out there have taken the time to profile unique, moderate gain amps.
    • Reputation: Post some pictures of the gear you're using to profile. You can tell me all you want that you're using some high end boutique equipment. But how about some evidence. Also, all the gear in the world doesn't replace a professional ear and experience behind the board. Tell me why I should trust your ears.
    • And obviously, QUALITY PROFILES: Does this need to be said? You can tell me all you want how your profiles are the best. Best for who? "Best" is such a subjective term. You know what "best" means to me? A profile that sounds good to me in both live and studio situations, that feels good to play, and captures the dynamics and clarity of a good tube amp.

    I personally get all of the above and more from Michael Britt's profiles. The guy has a ton of experience in the studio and his profiles prove it. And his profiles speak for themselves which is evident by the fact that he never shows up here to bump his thread.

    Husband, Father, Pajama Enthusiast

  • I don't think that it is at all too strict.
    They are doing this for profit. That is the bottom line.
    Many do it for free. Quality is hit miss on either side of the fence.
    Trust me I know. I paid $50 a few times left quite underwhelmed yet find myself playing with the free rigs more.

    If, from the word go, advertising would not have been allowed on the forum the sellers would have found their way. Easy money always finds its way.

    I am sure this was allowed by Kemper from the beginning to get this thing out there and show what it can do.
    I truly feel in the future commercial rig sellers will diminish down to about nothing. It will become over saturated. it's already happening. Everybody vying for attention. I am not sure when it will finally hit the wall but I am sure it will happen. It is inevitible.

    I sure wouldn't quit my day job to become a profile maker/ seller. Definitely wouldn't put all of my eggs in this basket. How many rigs can be made? How many variations? How many amps are there?

    It gets to a point of when do you settle down with your go to rigs. If you can't find a set even now you are close to incorrigible.

    It has/ will become a money grab because it will sometime circle the drain.

    I stick with my opinion. I am sure many understand and appreciate what they have been given. Others I feel, feel entitled.

  • What I'd want will never happen.. but I think it will work well.

    Each seller has its own "subforum" - inside there, the seller can post new threads/announcements etc. - this will avoid clutter, and people wont need to search, they can simply go to there seller of choice and freely talk about profiles.

    Thats my 2cents, avoid the clutter, avoid the use of unwanted threads appearing for those that don't want them, avoid unnecessary bumping of threads to keep them in top of page.

    A subforum per each seller, bam.. off you go!.

    Exactly. Your sub forum could be your website with a single link from a thread on this forum. Problem solved.

  • I am not against anybody getting noticed using this forum. Hell, I took advantage of it selling my monitors.
    But did so without trashing the place up. One post. If they wanted them, they knew where to find me.

    With profilers, your name will travel if it is any good.

  • All true I think, but for me another discussion :) .
    This thread is about the structure and so far the sellers are a part of this forum, so why shouldn't they be allowed to bring in thoughts and ideas? And yes, different opinions?
    From the number of entries in the commercial forum I can see that there is obviously interest in commercial profiles. If someone puts time and effort in profiling, he might consider this a small business for himself and request money for it. There are people out there, that do synthesizer programming and sell presets. No need to buy though^^. I just think that too long (annoying, my opinion, too) titles is yet no reason to turn this thread around and be highly critical of these guys. I just don't see why. If I somehow got you wrong, I apologize.

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band:[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...

  • Not being critical at all. I am not saying they shouldn't make money on what they are doing. Of course they can if they choose. They spend the time and have the equipment.

    I am just commenting/ giving an opinion on my reasoning in regards to their methods of advertising on this forum. I am not judge or jury. Nor do I have any interest in being so. In the end this is up to the Kemper team, not me. I am but an observer with an opinion.

    I also don't have any ill will towards the commercial guys. Some do a nice job. Others are wasting space and should bury their stuff in the ocean of free rigs.

  • If advertising on this forum would go to the point of even being banned, would the commercial rigs die right off?
    I think not. They will adjust. Trust me. If there is money to be made it will happen.

    But I guarantee the lesser rig makers would die off quick.

  • Here is my but.......:) Yes I have a but.
    I was typing this as an edit but my previous post was commented on.

    Once again, yes it does sound a bit harsh I agree. Guess I could have worded it a bit nicer.

    But the way I see it they did not create the technology or the hardware.
    Thus on the back of Kemper. I do understand it is how the Kemper works.This is what it is for.

    Was it intended to go where it is now? Was it more for profiling your own amp for yourself and or to share?
    Or was the micro industry planned.

    Either way.
    I still think Kemper should have hired/ created a very talented audio engineering group just to create all of the Profiles.
    No Profiling capabilities on the unit itself. Their jump above the competition is still the fact that the rigs are profiled, not emulated.
    They could have rented or leased the amps to be profiled. Kept it all in house.This being more for a sound business decision. In my opinion.
    OR sold KPAs with profiling capabilities for a much higher price for the commercial guys.

    This probably would have kept the quality of profiles to their max and avoided the mess that is the exchange. It is not getting any smaller or more refined.

    Done correctly, even nicer profits for Kemper. This could have been done while charging less for the profiles because all profiles would be funneled through them.

    Either way, the cat is out of the bag. There is no going back. There are tons of these things out there.
    Hold on to your KPA because if something was to change and they would change their business model and not offer the profiling ability in future hardware, these things would become priceless.

    Still sticking to the one time link to their website idea though.

    Edited once, last by Inthrutheout (January 8, 2016 at 8:25 PM).

  • What I'd want will never happen.. but I think it will work well.

    Each seller has its own "subforum" - inside there, the seller can post new threads/announcements etc. - this will avoid clutter, and people wont need to search, they can simply go to there seller of choice and freely talk about profiles.

    Thats my 2cents, avoid the clutter, avoid the use of unwanted threads appearing for those that don't want them, avoid unnecessary bumping of threads to keep them in top of page.

    A subforum per each seller, bam.. off you go!.

    This is the best solution/suggestion I've come across yet!

    ...Forum space wouldn't be crowded by thread titles this way but you would still be able to view all the different sellers without the 'bumping' seeming like it's fighting for attention - as (potential) customers can view each seller and their structure within... PLUS, sellers are free to post their own content within their own respective sub-forum deeming what is high priority to go to the top)

    kudos TAF!

  • You know what makes me want to buy profiles? Hint: it's not aggressive marketing or overly arrogant sellers who just happen to own some equipment.

    • Quality demos: Pete Thorn's YouTube video demo of the MBritt pack sold me on the profiles AND the Kemper simultaneously.
    • Uniqueness: The market is saturated with high gain profiles of common amplifiers. Thankfully some profilers out there have taken the time to profile unique, moderate gain amps.
    • Reputation: Post some pictures of the gear you're using to profile. You can tell me all you want that you're using some high end boutique equipment. But how about some evidence. Also, all the gear in the world doesn't replace a professional ear and experience behind the board. Tell me why I should trust your ears.
    • And obviously, QUALITY PROFILES: Does this need to be said? You can tell me all you want how your profiles are the best. Best for who? "Best" is such a subjective term. You know what "best" means to me? A profile that sounds good to me in both live and studio situations, that feels good to play, and captures the dynamics and clarity of a good tube amp.

    Well said. I second that.