a studio customer of mine is seeking for guitar sound, but does not remember the exact name of the Kemper profile. It must be something like "Beye med". Is there a profile named “med“ or “mid“ or something similar in your BEye-Pack?
Thanks for your help!
(Btw: There is no contact info in the contact tab of your website)
The effects are included in the profiles. Just hit the corresponding button in the stomp sections or the X stomp slot. Not every profile has stomp effects, as Eddie may not have used them on that particular album.
Hi, Sorry, haven't gotten to it yet. I think I'll bump it up to the next amp in the queue. Working on a Friedman Brown Eye right now -- taking a while to get it done. Thanks for you patience.
How great is that!!! Normal channel with the volume above 4-5, treble tone stack above 6, bass not above 2 and presence dimed???? Can't wait.... Big thanks from Stuttgart / Germany
Hi, Sorry, haven't gotten to it yet. I think I'll bump it up to the next amp in the queue. Working on a Friedman Brown Eye right now -- taking a while to get it done. Thanks for you patience.
Profiled the Bassman over the weekend with Vintage 30's and 20W Greenbacks. Some cool Setzer tones to be sure! Need to work on a demo and then will put up on the site.
Hi, I will be able to download your profile 1974 Lee Jackson Marshall Profiles (Version 2) ? I have now stands Operating System 4.0.6 Public Beta. Thx.
Hi, i was never dissapointed after buying rigs and i bought a lot from sinmix or deadlightstudios. I must say that the rigs i have bought from you are all sounding very bad. No rig sounds good with your cabs. When i change the cab and tweak the amp a litte its a bit better, but i wont use one of these rigs as a favorit. I have bought the YJM100 and the AFD100 pack. Checked them out today because of no time since i have bought them. Never again! Sorry, but its not my cup of tea to buy rigs and wont use them.
Hi Jimi, How open are you to profiling one of my amps for a future release? I have a Mesa Boogie Electra Dyne that I think would sound awesome with your profiling skills. I would be willing to ship the amp to you. Thoughts? Let me know! Chad