• In many cases you would indeed use an expression pedal (or the guitar's volume pot), coordinated with your playing, to make your notes fade in, eliminating the plucked string attack and creating a cello-like sound. But some effect units have a dedicated "auto swell" setting that does this automatically for each note (by detecting the attack).

    It's a useful tool to create synth pad-like effects without the risk of dislocating your ankle or falling over from too much pedal pivoting. :D

  • now , there's a possible request ( you saw it here folks !!! ) ...........

    'AUTO MORPHING'.....

    could be useful!

    Already requested this before and will request it again. The Kemper should have some standard LFO's for controlling all "pedal" options, would also come in real handy to extend the Tremelo effect too (desperately want a square gate option there).

  • So the new 5.0 beta has brought a new way to accomplish this. Still a workaround (in that it isn't a dedicated Swell stomp), but for now it works quite well:

    Share your new delay settings

    It's not a workaround anymore.
    Your settings effectively make for a great auto swell effect and should be included as an FX preset by Kemper IMO

  • I've been clamoring for this, and so far I haven't been able to produce this using the new delay effects. The Kemper is coming very close to being able to eliminate my need for external effects, especially with the talk of more reverbs in the future. However, even my versatile Eventide H9 cannot produce a good autoswell. For that I have to use my Line 6 m5, which I'm otherwise dying to remove from my pedalboard, but it's auto swell is perfect. It is midi capable but lacks the ability to turn off with a midi PC message. As a workaround, I have a preset with the mix set to zero, so that it effectively adds nothing to the sound. Even the new Helix for some odd reason didn't think it worthwhile to include autoswell, even though the Helix includes virtually every other effect made in their former products such as the M5. The only other thing that produces autoswell out there that's midi controllable in the Stymon products.

  • We actually have autoswell! And it can be used in any of the slots! I discovered this tip Ingolf had posted a while back and initially I thought it didn't work, because I incorrectly had the mix set at 100/100 and didn't keep turning past that until it was set to 100% wet. It seems to function identically to my line6 m5 autoswell. The key is, to put this in the mod slot, x slot, or even one of the stomp slots, as the delays starting being able to be placed in any slot with the update before 5.0 I think. That leaves the dedicated delay slot free for one of the new ambient delays. With these settings, the auto swell effect doesn't produce any discernible delay, so just set a delay and/or reverb combo in the delay and reverb slots.

    From Ingolf's post in another thread:
    @Robrecht made a great swell preset which I modified slightly.
    Choose the DUAL DELAY, mix 100%, Delay 1 time 0 ms, Delay 2 time 0 ms, Delay Balance -50%, feedback 1 0%, Feedback sync = checked, Low Cut = 20.6 Hz, High Cut = 33488.1 Hz, Reverse Mix = 0%, Stereo = 0%, Chorus 0.0, Cross Feedback 0.0, Modulation 0.0, Flutter 0.0, Flutter Rate 0.0, Grit 0.0, Swell 60%, Smear 0%, Ducking 0.0

    Here's a playing tip that allows autoswell to function better: If you want to swell chords, the most obvious use, don't strum the chord, as if you rake too slow, the notes on the higher strings will ring after the gate is open and you'll hear the pick attack. Instead, pluck the chord simultaneously with your pick, middle, ring, and pinkie. Obviously, you could also drop your pick, but for live purposes (the very reason I'm using autoswell over the volume pedal) I hold on to the pick. With this method, I find that I have much more control than using a volume pedal, as I don't have to pluck a half beat early in order to get the chord ringing prior to pressing the volume pedal down, over and over again.