The HARD truth about Helix

  • I think that this thread is just another sad example of something that began as a simple gear discussion and ended up in pure demagogy... Identifying ourself to gears, or even to our opinions about gears is suicidal because all of this is impermanent. If you do so, you miss the great fun to be free of using what you want at the moment you want and change your mind as soon as you realize that something else work better for you.

    Because yes, you can change your opinion and nothing will happen! NOTHING! And it's certainly not the end of the world! :)


  • I used to think that I'd never fully understand why people argue about gear. But I'm starting to get it.

    I suppose on some subconscious level, there may be a desire to justify our actions. Personally, after spending several thousand dollars on a piece of gear it would be devastating to hear people bad mouth it and tell me I wasted my money.

    Immediately after buying the Kemper it felt like everywhere I turned there were Fractal fanatics coming out of the woodwork telling me the Axe was "way better" and "higher quality" and "more deserving of my money" - yes, these are actual quotes from people I know. Here I had thought I did enough research, but now I was doubting myself. At that point I still had thirty days to return the Kemper so I started doing more research. And you know what I found???

    That's right... Nothing new. I made the right call the first time. But, had I gone with the Axe, I probably would be telling myself the same thing. Only I'd be writing about it somewhere else.

    Now I'm an entrenched Kemper user. But I don't feel the need to defend my position. A very good friend of mine who is also a phenomenal guitar player just got on the waiting list for the AX-8. After hearing all the Kemper clips I was sending him, he decided this new wave of digital wizardry was good enough to take the plunge.

    Was I upset that he chose the Axe? No.

    When his Axe comes I am sure he and I will get together and compare tones and features. There will be things about both products that will make the other one jealous. And maybe we will tell each other that OUR product sounds better than the other. But we will still be friends.

    Husband, Father, Pajama Enthusiast

  • I used to think that I'd never fully understand why people argue about gear. But I'm starting to get it.

    I suppose on some subconscious level, there may be a desire to justify our actions. Personally, after spending several thousand dollars on a piece of gear it would be devastating to hear people bad mouth it and tell me I wasted my money.

    the trick is to not to give a shit in regards of what other people say and think and ouse our ears. Problem solved.

  • I used to think that I'd never fully understand why people argue about gear. But I'm starting to get it.

    I suppose on some subconscious level, there may be a desire to justify our actions. ???


    What you state here is almost exact to what market research has shown to almost be a universal fact. Consumers generally purchase based more on an emotional level, then they justify the purchase afterwards. We're not as rational as we like to think when we make purchases. If you google the topic you will get tons of information how companies who knowledge this and use it to their advantage when trying to build a brand name.

  • Agreed sir.

    Just trying to point out that buyers remorse is a real thing, especially when it pertains to large purchases. None of us wants to feel taken advantage of.

    Especially those of us that have to work for the money spent buying that large purchase. You are so right @mightypudge :thumbup: . For me anyway, the larger the purchase the more research, even worse when you pull the trigger on something like the KPA and can't even test it in person first. After hearing it in person, I definitely wasn't taken advantage of :D

  • I've had the Kemper, Axe-FX II XL+, and Helix.

    All are excellent in their own way.
    All have short-comings (compared to the others).
    All can be effectively used to play live gigs and record.

    IMO, You can't make a bad choice with any of the three.

    Just like DAW software, you're going to make some compromise no matter which unit you choose.
    Do your research... and chose the unit that best fits your needs/scenario.
    Know up front that there will be some feature/s that you'll miss from the others.

    I get the passion for music gear... but in the end they're all just tools.
    A means of expression...

    Call me crazy... but I like them all ;)

    Edited once, last by JimRoseberry (November 7, 2015 at 8:17 PM).

  • I like you ASG and hope that you'll take the plunge at some point. It's always people that aren't afraid to state their honest opinion that ruffle most feathers, but also force change and progression. I honestly think that you and PhilUK have just got your wires crossed somewhere.

    Cool Sam thanks

    That would he a pity. Seriously, I have enjoyed your post and verdict about the Helix and found your statements completey valid and at the same time balanced (and fun to read, too).
    Now do yourself a big favor and come to Kemperland.
    You're most welcome.

    Thanks Ingolf I have enjoyed some of the many posts of yours that I have read. I imagine there are many more inside the closed forum. I find the lockout a bit weird but made the over the top religious zest from some of the Fractal guys necessitated that?

    Hang in there, ASG! This really is an outstanding forum overall, and the Kemper is an amazing piece of gear ;)

    Thanks Zap

    Lol, this guy. Amazing.

    I know you don't mean it really Phil you just tried to have a last word right? Maybe I didn't illustrate enough my preference for you to retire from my thread? Obviously people making there own decision and checking it out for themselves, that really doesn't need to be said it is redundant. I gave a hands on review of my experience when they were very few in the wild. I am happy for someone to disagree or criticise me if there is some justification and/or a more effective direction being pointed out however much of your "feedback" was merely abuse based on your dislike for my outrageous name and presentation, though you have covered your tracks now to some degree with multiple deletions and edits. This latest "last word " from you is meant to be another undermine. So please let me be clear I would much prefer if you didn't post in my thread. I imagine your mother would have asked you to hold your tongue more than once. If you don't have anything productive to say.....


    Anyway cheers guys .... I'll probably try Kemperland soon <3

  • I can't believe I'm saying this, I thought I was sensitive, but take it with a sense of humor. If someone says "amazing guy" I'd laugh about it. People say that a lot in New York and it's not really meant in to be bad. :)