The HARD truth about Helix

  • Guys I don't get it what are you fighting for. The most important thing for us is, that if we find any modeler to sound good, we can simply profile it with KPA. KPA doesn't have it's sound. You can make it sound like anything you like, be it Axe, Helix or even POD. Recently I tried to profile some of the VST plugins (TH2, Amplitube, ReValver, Lepou's plugins) and I came to conclusion, that it is not worth my time. I can find much better sounding profiles in RE. No matter how good will AXE sound, KPA can sound the same. Or am I wrong? I don't have AXE, but from profiling VSTs I could tell I am right. :)

    PS. If other modelers sounded so good, the RE would be full of profiles of them, don't you think? But it's not. ;)

  • Hmm. I really don't agree that the Axe and the 11R are in the same league. The Axe sounds pretty awesome.

    The 11R sounds pretty good in this clip. He even gets confused which is the amp and which is the 11R.
    (Around the 6:30 mark) I went from 11R to Kemper. No regrets or GAS for anything else.

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    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • Not really a warm fuzzy community vibe here..

    it's somewhat judgemental posts like this (and from a newbie) that are irritating people.

    this is a great, user driven community, peolple are respectful and mind their manners. the mods and many users make sure we uphold these standards in a friendly, uncomplicated manner.
    I will not stand by idly when someone talks badly about this forum.
    especially if this member has only recently joined.

    take a hint, be civil, be cool.

    thanks :)

  • Well. other long time users of AXE FX II could hear the clear huge upgrade in the amp modeling when using the Kemper and couldn't come up or point anywhere that the AXE FX came even close based on sound clips alone in another thread where I pointed this comparison as an example.

    If you have the AXE II and can honestly say that the AXE II Bognar is anywhere near this one in the kemper, then you got my interest and I will consider buying an AXE FX II,

    Just point me to any clip of anyone that demonstrates the AXE II Bognar, so far I believe everyone can clearly hear the massive difference and advantage of the Kemper (Heck the AXE II Bognar sounds like a toy in comparison). If you still can't hear it, that's fine too.....For AXE II Bogar go to 4:59.

    Those KPA clips sound mightily impressive, I will give you that, in face, I may have to buy that profile pack.

    But I'm sure you could find some better AXE clips.

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    Edited once, last by fredrikn (November 3, 2015 at 12:48 AM).

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  • ..... I may have to buy that profile pack.


    If you buy these profiles, I don't think you will regret it, they sound amazing using any of my single coils or humbuckers. I found many good free profiles and I had made a decision not to buy professional profiles, but these Bognars profiles were the first ones I bought . They are unbelievable and worth every penny, so now I see professional profiles as an advantage, time saving, production ready, and these Bognar profiles, don't even need any eq of any sort and they're so inspiring to play..

    Getting back to AXE II, I'm sure there can be some very good sounds, but I honestly couldn't find anything that was compelling to spend the $2500.

    I actually followed very closely the AXE II , Pod and Eleven and from what I heard they were almost in the same ball park. The kemper instantly sounded like it was in a league of its own. Let me give you an example lest you think I just simply bash the AXE FX II because it's very expensive:

    I followed this thread at the gear page where Scott Peterson posted an AXE FX II Bongar Shiva clip and practically challenged anyone to even come close. This guy with an eleven Rack, before the Xpansion Pack, posted a Clip using some other amp since Eleven Didn't have a Shiva and sounded better than the AXE II (it wasn't his playing, it was the actual tone), Few days after, Scott removed his clip and the one that remained was this of the Eleven Rack. I wished Scott would have left his clip, but he didn't because even he himself, the biggest AXE FX fan, realized that Eleven, at a fraction of the price, had the edge, so he removed his clip.

    I went out and bought an Eleven Rack, not only because of this clip alone, but it was a tipping point for me and I clearly realized that the AXE II was simply overpriced due to hype based on what I heard and what everyone heard in that thread (in the link to the clip this cool guy using the Eleven Rack references the gearpage thread). POD , Eleven, AXE II, all require time and skills and you get similar tones.…&songID=9520313

    Edited 4 times, last by Dean_R (November 3, 2015 at 3:09 AM).

  • The same here about Vaisatchatrucci !!

    I was very implicated in the 11R forum awhile back. Also a great forum !! X-Mann and other guys are really nice ! I had really great tones from 11R. For the price, it is simply the best ! I sold mine mine because I was frustrated of the lack of interest in upgrading from Avid team. Moreover, all the original development team left AVID (Chris Townsend, and so on). And finally, I had no spillover in the delay/verb !!! :)

  • The 11R sounds pretty good in this clip. He even gets confused which is the amp and which is the 11R.
    (Around the 6:30 mark) I went from 11R to Kemper. No regrets or GAS for anything else.

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    It's hard to tell because it's recorded through a poor mic. I don't give too much credence to these kinds of videos unless I can listen to them mic'ed properly.

    BUT - I had one, and I know that when you 'eventually' get there, it can do some great stuff. It's underrated, definitely. I had a great Twin and Plexi, but they were all community settings, I found it very difficult to dial in the sound I wanted with ease, it took a very long time. Also there wasn't an abundance of stuff on the Avid forums to fall back on. I felt very much on my own and it didn't give me the joy that the Kemper does, where I turn it on and have 500 profiles that are useable and give me Plexi, Twin, Black/SIlver face sounds whenever I want them.

    But again, a cool modeller.

  • Thank you for the review, ASG. Much appreciated, especially your frankness.

    Good Post ASG !

    It really makes me wonder about the credentials of all these people buying all these products and whether or not we should really bother listening to any of their opinions. 600 page threads of people who don't play in any bands, have never been in a studio, never played live and can barely play saying 'AMAZING!', declaring their love for some really bad playing that really does the product a disservice, mainly because in reality it's playing that they look up to.

    I'm probably one of them too. :D

    Ironically this one one of my major points and reasons I went into some of my pro background and your final admission undermines your credibility in make judgements of which you have made many and a lot of them against me. Also time for you to be cool in my thread mate ... I believe I have held back a LOT considering the undermining you gave me!

    please get back to topic and discuss the Helix here.

    best to be a little humble, many of our users here have quite impressive professional backgrounds.

    it's somewhat judgemental posts like this (and from a newbie) that are irritating people.

    I will not stand by idly when someone talks badly about this forum.
    especially if this member has only recently joined.

    take a hint, be civil, be cool.

    thanks :)

    Again I have been misjudged by you .... firstly that it was my eGo that went into some of my pro background and gear experience rather than the truth that it was a reference of level of expertise in making an valid assessment in pro live & studio environments. Now you sound like you are threatening me for uncivil behaviour and criticising the forum..... things I have not done (questioning if something happened is NOT criticising I explained this earlier!) Maybe, like Phil, you can't see past my outrageous forum name and see me through coloured glasses? I will criticise you NOW as a moderator for not asking PhilUK to tone down his undermining and character assassination of me which clear he did though he had edited the worst bits out now yet you call on me to be "civil and cool". Also for not calling him out for consistently coming back to MY thread , rubbishing me and trying to having the last word and then crying out in amazement when I address his shallow judgements and disinformation!

    I have earlier shared that I sold the Helix and and in the market for a machine. Seriously it partly makes me NOT want to buy a Kemper if a head admin harasses me and supports a guy like that! Kemper guys criticise the Fractal forums voraciously yet I have had a far worse experience here after I spent time to share my independent experience with the Helix when virtually no one else in the world owned one, some members were interested and they found my posts valuable as evidenced by the quotes from Rob & Monkey above. There is no doubt that considering all this I have been respectful, civil and cool!

    Anyway on with the Helix, Axe, Kemper discussions please!


    Edited 2 times, last by AlienSexGod (November 5, 2015 at 10:43 AM).

  • I like you ASG and hope that you'll take the plunge at some point. It's always people that aren't afraid to state their honest opinion that ruffle most feathers, but also force change and progression. I honestly think that you and PhilUK have just got your wires crossed somewhere.

  • .... Seriously it partly makes me NOT want to buy a Kemper ....

    That would he a pity. Seriously, I have enjoyed your post and verdict about the Helix and found your statements completey valid and at the same time balanced (and fun to read, too).
    Now do yourself a big favor and come to Kemperland.
    You're most welcome.

  • I have earlier shared that I sold the Helix and and in the market for a machine. Seriously it partly makes me NOT want to buy a Kemper if a head admin harasses me and supports a guy like that! Kemper guys criticise the Fractal forums voraciously yet I have had a far worse experience here after I spent time to share my independent experience with the Helix when virtually no one else in the world owned one, some members were interested and they found my posts valuable as evidenced by the quotes from Rob & Monkey above. There is no doubt that considering all this I have been respectful, civil and cool!

    Hang in there, ASG! This really is an outstanding forum overall, and the Kemper is an amazing piece of gear ;)

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer