The HARD truth about Helix

  • Check out some demos for Strymon Mobius and Timeline stomps. The range of modulation and delay effects is pretty broad - even just the variety of trem effects is quite impressive. I don't mind the FX on the KPA - and use them a lot but there is definitely some scope to develop them further.

    If the KPA eventually gets a proper computer based editor there are some interesting possibilities. You could have dedicated GUIs for individual FX - just like we use for VST or AU plugins in DAWs. So, instead of paging through 12 pages of parameters as we do on the KPA you could have a large well designed GUI for delays or verbs with the various models (eg room, spring, plate etc) and parameters all in one easily viewable display. You might be able to switch models and retain your basic parameters - eg reverb time etc.

    This last is possibly a stretch but, given that GUIs like these and DSP code have been developed by many plugin developers already, perhaps they could be adapted to the KPA. ie some third party involvement/licensing of algorithms so that not all of is has to be done in house. Of course, if CK and the guys can do it better there is no need. Coding for Intel processors is obviously not going to be instantly translatable to DSP chips either.

  • The other side of the argument is along the lines of the saying..."there is no pleasing some people".

    Or similarly,
    "You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”. -- Abraham Lincoln

    The KPA should be considered, first and foremost, as a device which records a digital snapshot of a tube amplifier. Effectively, "capturing the soul" of an amp, and making a digital clone. The fact that it also incorporates world class effects, is simply proverbial icing on the cake.

    Whenever you have such a powerful, sophisticated device, there always is a strong temptation to look for what is missing. I think it is a testament to the Kemper Profiling Amp, that even vocal critics (and fan-boys of a competing product) concede the fidelity of the amp profiling...instead focusing on either missing effects (e.g. dual delays), or a perceived limitation with a few effects here or there.

    Yes, there are certain big "feature requests" that are highly requested, and hopefully will be addressed...such as dual delays, a true spring reverb, etc. However, the fundamental principle will always remain...there is no pleasing some people.

    In any event, this post if firmly tongue in cheek. ;)

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    EDIT: Sorry for the multiple edits. I tried a bazillion different ways to embed this YouTube video such that it would selectively begin the playback (start time) at time stamp 01:06, en lieu of playing the full clip. Nothing worked.

    Edited 26 times, last by Tritium (October 22, 2015 at 8:59 PM).

  • The post Tritium responded to used dedicated FX boxes as a comparison, which is simply not fair.

    Of course there'd be deeper editing and more FX on offer if the KPA was just a whopping-big multi-FX unit, but it's not. Nor does it pretend or need to be.

    That said, it's obvious that over time we'll see incremental enhancements to both the range and editability of FX, Antipodes, so I wouldn't worry too much. It'd be nice to have it all now, but then there'd be nothing to look forward to, no? LOL

  • You might be able to switch models and retain your basic parameters - eg reverb time etc.
    This last is possibly a stretch but, given that GUIs like these and DSP code have been developed by many plugin developers already, perhaps they could be adapted to the KPA.

    If I'm getting you right, this is already implemented: when you switch between different incarnations of the same effect the shared parameters' values are kept.

  • Check out some demos for Strymon Mobius and Timeline stomps. The range of modulation and delay effects is pretty broad - even just the variety of trem effects is quite impressive. I don't mind the FX on the KPA - and use them a lot but there is definitely some scope to develop them further.....

    But you have to admit that these effect boxes are extremely limited, you might even want to say they're crippled, because they don't have amp models, drives, good Graphic or studio equalizers etc. :D

  • But you have to admit that these effect boxes are extremely limited, you might even want to say they're crippled, because they don't have amp models, drives, good Graphic or studio equalizers etc. :D

    Of course you are correct. I don't suggest these as substitutes for the KPA - just as examples of some of the other DSP based FX programming around the traps. I would much prefer to keep the whole shebang in one box and in one patch - ie would prefer not to use FX boxes in the FX loop.

  • No. Again, I'm saying we should make our own minds up and not listen to anyone else.

    Lol well then people should go into a cave read nothing, listen to no one? That's just a ridiculous statement!
    Early you basically reiterated my perspective that a lot of the reviewers have not much playing experience and therefore their perspective should be somewhat diminished in argumentative weight it should be given. I highlight many years of experience and my background yet you dismiss and disparage based largely on my outrageous name and appearance. At the end of the day it's best if people make their own judgment via direct experience and testing is very obvious and doesn't really need to be stated. Nor is it an argument to dismiss someone else experience.

    More delay and modulation potential for two?
    Proper expression pedal EFX control via the Kemper pedal ports?

    [quote='HCarlH','']What effects is the Kemper missing that are so important? It has every effect I want plus additional effects I probably won't use.

    It seems you don't use much effects. Delay and modulation is a big area not covered so well but then you can add and Eventide pedal however the the total package price is u there!

  • Are you still going on about this?

    Again, I believe that the only opinion that matters is your own.

    Are you going to accept that I just don't agree or like your 'review' or are you going to make me repeat this until the end of time?

    Appearance? I've never seen you before in my life.

    Edited 4 times, last by PhilUK84 (October 24, 2015 at 7:39 AM).

  • @ AlienSexGod: You should buy a Kemper and try it first hand if you're looking for the best amp modeling by a huge margin. Some try to be politically correct when comparing gear, I personally don't think political correctness should apply to comparing gear.

    If you buy the KPA and try it first hand, you will hear and feel the huge upgrade over every single modeler out there. I tried almost every single one of them except the Helix and I hear a staggering difference. Many will tell you AXE this, ELeven that etc just to be politically correct. To be politically correct we can all say that even POD 2.0 comes close, but the actual facts that you will realize after first hand trying that Even the AXE FX II doesn't even come close. An experienced producer might get a good useable sound with Amplitube, POD, AXE FX II, but you give that producer a KPA and he might no longer want to bury those guitar tracks in the Mix.

    I completely understand where you're coming from and I know that anything can be argued and discussed ad nauseam, but I want to finish by saying, you don't have to buy the KPA, but you owe it to yourself to try it for a good week and play around with it to know what the fuss is all about and why all the other competing companies are trying so hard to copy it, even its rotary knob with leds are copied in a future product by a company that shall remain anonymous.

    Actually let me finish by quoting an independent review from Sound-on-sound that sums up why many still buy the KPA:

    "There are plenty of amp simulators around in both hardware and software, but when it comes to doing what the Profiling Amplifier can do, the KPA is out there on its own."

    That comes under the heading "Alternatives" in this link below :what they're saying is that there's NO alternative for Kemper, before you accuse me of being a fan boy in a honey moon stage.…ofiling-amp.htm

    Edited 6 times, last by Dean_R (October 24, 2015 at 2:05 PM).

  • Appearance? I've never seen you before in my life.

    Yet you abused and undermined me based on my username here and made shallow judgements. Maybe you are the one who should stop not me since I am the OP?

    best to be a little humble, many of our users here have quite impressive professional backgrounds.

    Actually my eGo is in check,... clearly I was giving references, including vast experience with high end tube amps and guitars because many people giving reviews on the Helix have been largely by bedroom players with only a few years learning experience like Chad Boston with zero exposure to high end tube amps and since I am no ta Kemper owner I cannot PM or see the background of the other participants. Frankly I believe I have been unfairly judged and/or abused by shallow depth perspectives. This smarts particularly as I attempted to contribute with some depth to some guys who seemed interested in my experience of the Helix at a time when virtually no one outside of Line 6 had any extensive experience with the unit. Not really a warm fuzzy community vibe here..

  • :D

    Yet you abused and undermined me based on my username here and made shallow judgements. Maybe you are the one who should stop not me since I am the OP?

    ....... Helix have been largely by bedroom players with only a few years learning experience like Chad Boston with zero exposure to high end tube amps and since I am no ta Kemper owner I cannot PM or see the background of the other participants. Frankly I believe I have been unfairly judged...

    It's conversations my friend, no one is judging you and you're not judging anyone. It's conversation about digital devices.

    Don't underestimate the market segment of "Bedroom Players" or their listening skills either!

    Bedroom Players generally might have more disposable income than many professional working musicians :D no offense to either side.

    The KPA wisely realized this and added a special feature that Bedroom Players benefit tremendously from, it's an effect called space and it can also be set globally to make playing through headphone more pleasurable. I'm telling you, you really need to try the Kemper, if you're in the market for a digital amp simulator, you can't ignore the KPA, I highly recommend that you get one as one of the additional fringe benefits, you will be able to PM and check out everyone's profile in this forum :D

  • If you buy the KPA and try it first hand, you will hear and feel the huge upgrade over every single modeler out there. I tried almost every single one of them except the Helix and I hear a staggering difference. Many will tell you AXE this, ELeven that etc just to be politically correct. To be politically correct we can all say that even POD 2.0 comes close,

    No, we can not. :rolleyes:


    but the actual facts that you will realize after first hand trying that Even the AXE FX II doesn't even come close.

    It does. I own both the AXE FX II and KPA, and I honestly can't say one is "better" than the other. Both can produce great tones.

  • It's nice to see that you're still proving me right. :thumbup:

    You proved nothing Phil except that you have shallow judgements are antagonistic & hypocritical. Ironically it's you who can't leave it and have to have the last say in someone else's thread.


    It's conversations my friend, no one is judging you and you're not judging anyone. It's conversation about digital devices.

    Don't underestimate the market segment of "Bedroom Players" or their listening skills either!

    Bedroom Players generally might have more disposable income than many professional working musicians no offense to either side.

    The KPA wisely realized this and added a special feature that Bedroom Players benefit tremendously from, it's an effect called space and it can also be set globally to make playing through headphone more pleasurable. I'm telling you, you really need to try the Kemper, if you're in the market for a digital amp simulator, you can't ignore the KPA, I highly recommend that you get one as one of the additional fringe benefits, you will be able to PM and check out everyone's profile in this forum :D

    Yeah well I am thinking about it..... I sold the Helix though at the end I pulled a really good marshall sound ..... the marshall model sounded like rubbish through quality models since all the presets have a Shure 57 mic on them .... just changing the mic to a ribbon made a vast improvement. I just can't afford to buy all of them lol. Kemper is due for a major update in my opinion though.

    No, we can not.

    It does. I own both the AXE FX II and KPA, and I honestly can't say one is "better" than the other. Both can produce great tones.

    Yeah there are a few guys around that used to use a similar rig to me a Triaxis with a Mesa power amp and now swear that their Axe or Kemper has those sounds down pat now. The Helix Mesa amp was horrible nothing like the real deal. The AX8, whilst being decades behind the Helix in UI and display might be a great sounding machine for the bucks.

    Edited 2 times, last by AlienSexGod (November 1, 2015 at 11:48 PM).

  • No, we can not. :rolleyes:


    Well. other long time users of AXE FX II could hear the clear huge upgrade in the amp modeling when using the Kemper and couldn't come up or point anywhere that the AXE FX came even close based on sound clips alone in another thread where I pointed this comparison as an example.

    If you have the AXE II and can honestly say that the AXE II Bognar is anywhere near this one in the kemper, then you got my interest and I will consider buying an AXE FX II,

    Just point me to any clip of anyone that demonstrates the AXE II Bognar, so far I believe everyone can clearly hear the massive difference and advantage of the Kemper (Heck the AXE II Bognar sounds like a toy in comparison). If you still can't hear it, that's fine too.....For AXE II Bogar go to 4:59.

    I look forward to hearing any clips from the AXE FX II , HElix or any other modeler that can get this close.

    Kemper Bogner XTC

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    AXE FX II, XTC go to 4:59
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    Edited 3 times, last by Dean_R (November 1, 2015 at 3:01 PM).

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    Any time I hear a power chord in this clip, it shows how far off from a Bognar due the harshness that can't even be masked with loads of reverb. Does this really sound like a Bognar for anyone who actually owned the amp. Sorry but the reverb can't mask how sterile and harsh it sounds and how it doesn't respond realistically specially to hard strumming!

    I've heard more natural sounding clips from the Eleven Rack which to me still confirms that the AXE FX II is in the same league as the Eleven Rack and Pod HD in terms of modeling but at 5 times the price.