The HARD truth about Helix

  • Why did the "Line 6 Helix - next gen guitarist's wet dream..?" thread get closed?
    We aren't allowed to discuss competing products in the "other gear" section?

    I suspect that because one user was talking about selling his Kemper to get a Helix that Kemper people couldn't cope with that or the title.

    This is crazy in that it's extremely unlikely the Helix will compete with the Kemper in terms of accurate tube guitar tones and response and it's designed to work well with a tube preamp or kemper so surely it could be complimentary. It certainly puts the Kemper remote to shame.... :/

  • I opened a thread on the Helix recently... 178 replies without any censorship so far. I think it was more the tone of the debate rather than the subject matter that got the other thread closed!
    I'm not sure what you mean by the term 'competing products'? I wasn't aware there were any ;)

    Suhr Classic Pro, Fender deluxe Strat & Baja Tele, Gibson ES335, Ibanez S Prestige 2170FW, Eastman AR371CE, Variax JTV > KPA > Patch bay inc. Strymons (Mobius, Timeline, Blue Sky), H9 Max, TC Triple Delay, & POD HD500 > Adam A7Xs

    Edited once, last by Brattcave (September 18, 2015 at 12:43 AM).

  • And there is another one on the Bias Head, and one on the Yamaha THR.
    I don't think Kemper has anything to fear about these products and is better off leaving those threads opened, as these will demonstrate the superiority of the Kemper :)

  • I suspect that because one user was talking about selling his Kemper to get a Helix that Kemper people couldn't cope with that or the title.

    are you serious? :D
    if a thread gets locked or even deleted it is because
    a) it went way, way off topic
    b) personal attacks

    there is no censorship here, all we do is trying to keep the tone of posts above a certain (although somewhat subjective) level and to protect our members from verbal abuse.

    if we had other motives, like you suggest, why would we even create a subforum called 'Other Gear'? ;)


  • You thinking of getting a Helix ASG ?

    Yeah mate I have one but probably selling it cuz it's basically a low resolution modeller! The amps, at a casual listen, to the good demos by Paul & Sean sound at first like a good valve amp. Rounded an harmonically rich but particularly on the overdrive sounds on closer listening you will hear many rough digital edges buried amongst the rounded curves in the shape of valve tone. Strip the effects and EQ away and listen.

    Sounds like you want an honest review ..... ok here it goes because there is none out there ... everyone who has one wants to believe its great including me but.......

    Well lots of things are sexy ...and exactly as I want but turned out the midi implementation and quality of the effects is way less than`I expected so even ditching the digital amp models it's not much of a replacement for a G System even! The models if you listen to them without effects through studio headphones are very disappointing. "5 Years of work" really? What were they doing ....wanking all that time? But then I don't like the Axe much.... they all sound digital fake to me. I am currently using a Triaxis with a Mesa Simulclass 395 power amp, insane creamy power amp class a overdrive even! :) Had a G System but that is sold now.

    Bottomline good controller with great UI LCD and ok effects..... I thought I will use 4 cable method with Triaxis and use the Helix to control it ... and later replace the Triaxis with a Kemper. The amp sounds in the Kemper are believable but the effects are limited and midi expression pedal control etc is shit.has been out for years and still little progress on that. ...The kemper pedal is over priced considering it has limited functionality. Maybe I will still take the dive to Kemperland but maybe I will stay in analog land with some digital outboard?

    Then I get tempted again by the Helix's sexy look, LCD pedals etc and I thought maybe I can use the effects but even the chorus can't come close to replacing a TC chorus ... I could cope with a close digital approximation live but I used to use a TC1210. 90% there would be Ok but their chorus is way worse than a 1978 Boss pedal! It's such a shame really the build quality is awesome... the UI is to die for but at the end of the day the sounds are not professional. They are mediocre models of the real thing. If you had never had a real girl maybe you would think one of those Fleshlight things are a happening thang?

    Yeah some guys like Paul Hindmarsh and Sean have tweaked specific patches and pulled some good sounds..... but they dont ship with those patches and I havent found them online yet.
    But even if I spent ages and made patches like that, then ran it through a tube amp, to make it more alive than a dead cat, at the end of the day it would be a shit sound tweaked to sound decent. I want a great sound that then is tweaked to sound mind blowing .......or why spend the money?

    I am sure many guys that never had a decent tube (or is that lube) amp would be happy in Line 6 model land but Kemper guys should look elsewhere. Maybe add an Eventide H9 or two but to me even those sound too digital on the chorus and flanges for example. Maybe I am an analog anal retentive prick I dunno ... I wanted to be happy with Felix the Cat ... its so sexy, but reminds me of my model ex. gf .......looks great but in the end she's so flucking disappointing when the heat is on!

    Edited 4 times, last by AlienSexGod (October 13, 2015 at 5:42 PM).

  • are you serious? :D
    if a thread gets locked or even deleted it is because
    a) it went way, way off topic
    b) personal attacks

    there is no censorship here, all we do is trying to keep the tone of posts above a certain (although somewhat subjective) level and to protect our members from verbal abuse.

    if we had other motives, like you suggest, why would we even create a subforum called 'Other Gear'? ;)


    All cool Don it was a suspicion and bringing it up it ipublically is posing it as a question. I appreciate and believe your clarification.

    By the way if my tone above is too naughty and suggestive I will edit it but please know as the AlienSexGod persona I am bound to be naughty and risqué by Cosmic decree! Additionally I hate most reviews that sugar coat everything and basically are like paid ads.
    Also sorry for the off topic of the AX 8 but I will review that in no BS style when I get my hot little hands on it! For now Felix the Cat is the only "pro" all in one system that isn't vapourware. Sadly it is Flashware hiding some insecurities!

  • Good Post ASG !

    I have a Triaxis , 2:90 and a G-System sitting here unused since I got the Kemper.Great sound , but heavy as hell ! I really like the KPA though with the Remote and the Mission expression pedal. I'm not much of an effects user though ....comp , reverb , bit of delay and some harmonising every now and then does me

  • Good Post ASG !

    I have a Triaxis , 2:90 and a G-System sitting here unused since I got the Kemper.Great sound , but heavy as hell ! I really like the KPA though with the Remote and the Mission expression pedal. I'm not much of an effects user though ....comp , reverb , bit of delay and some harmonising every now and then does me

    I updated my review from a single swear word to clarify what that word really means in more specific terms:

    "basically the Helix is a low resolution modeller! The amps, at a casual listen, to the good demos by Paul & Sean sound at first like a good valve amp. Rounded an harmonically rich but particularly on the overdrive sounds on closer listening you will hear many rough digital edges buried amongst the rounded curves in the shape of valve tone. Get a Helix, Strip the effects and EQ away and listen."

    I would like to go Kemper but I am late to the party .... it's due for an update , still high price and still lacking some effects, even enough delays and midi implementation.

  • ASG

    I am sad to hear this.You seemed verys enthusiastic about the Helix.I dont want to sound like a "smartass" but L6 had never a good rock sound neither did their FX ever came close to professional standards.

    I have an old Axsys212 and tried some weeks ago to get more info about the speakers..all I found were some guys in the L6-forum who tried the same but they got no answers but comments like "we dont know what kind of speakers have been used..sorry"..and some very angry comments from the users.THis is no good support.Imagine this with a Kemper here in the forum;Or even in the Fractal-blog;

    L6 is on the best way to become irrelevant.Support and "drect talk" with the customers are now part of the game.Let alone that flashy lights and supa dupa UIs are ofcourse not enough in making music.I am very sad about the fact that a lots of kids will pay a lots of money for an inferior product and some of them will be even so dissapointed that they will play less guitar..

  • It sounds pretty decent if I'm being honest. I don't need one, but how anyone can say that the Helix is this inferior product is beyond me. I've heard Axe vs Helix comparisons and in all honesty, I think the Helix sounded better in quite a few samples.

    Whether it's better or fully up to the standard of the Axe/Kemper is still up for debate, but its definitely not some vastly inferior product, it's obviously very capable.

    I don't get the EQ comment. Every amp, modeller requires EQing. Every profile I have bought, downloaded for my Kemper has an EQ slot loaded, it sounds lacking without it.