What video/clip made you buy Kemper?

  • Hi girls & boys! Simple thread - if any YouTube video made you buy Profiler - please share/paste it here ;)

    In my case, it was this:

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    Edited once, last by skoczy (September 11, 2015 at 12:37 PM).

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    Tom Hemby and a Bad Cat was the one that pushed me over the edge.

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    Tom Hemby and a Bad Cat was the one that pushed me over the edge.

    Yeah, that was also impressive! Remember that one gooooooood! ;)

  • This might sound a bit crazy, but I hadn't heard, watched or played through a Kemper before I bought mine. I'd read a few reviews on the 'net, not least Sound on Sound's rather glowing review. I'd just had enough of lugging my AC30 TB around and couldn't wait to invest in something lighter, more flexible and eclectic, so I waited until the powered versions were available and bought a Power Rack as soon as I could. Then came the unpowered toaster, too. Can't get enough Kemper love!

  • I watched ton of videos, this was one of them:

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  • I was only sold on it the moment I bought it and compared it to my Axe II.
    I had tried the prototype at the Musikmesse 2011 (nearly one year before the profiler became readily available) and found it great then, but I played it in a non- competitive setting there so there was no real comparison possible for me..

  • Great post ... for me was this video ... I know a lot better was done after, but it was at the very beginning (we are talking about Jan 2012) and I will never thanks enough that man ...
    After 2 weeks talking with him, I buyed the toaster, never come back ;)

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  • I first heard this and became obsessed with finding out more about the KPA:

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    Then I saw a few more including this one from our friend Maurizio70 and then I got one - best music gear I ever purchased!

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    Edited 4 times, last by mwinter77 (September 12, 2015 at 6:14 AM).

  • This one!

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  • I did not watch any specific videos that convinced me to buy a Kemper. In fact for years I was extremely skeptical of the entire idea of profiling. But the time came when I grew tired of the Line6 gear and wanted to invest in one of the better modelers, and at that time the choices were the Axe FX II and the Kemper. I then attended a concert where Dave Cleveland was performing, and he was using a Kemper, and it sounded great. After the concert he was kind enough to discuss the Kemper at length with me, and mainly due to his recommendation I was convinced to buy one. He not only convinced me about the accuracy of profiling and how well it worked, along with the wonderful dynamics and smoothness of his tones in his performance, he mentioned how reliable his toaster had been after taking around the world a few times over several years.

    After about 6 months of use the Kemper has turned out to be one of the best purchases I have ever made.

    If Dave reads this, I'd like to thank him for his recommendation. I'm the guy at the Steve Green/Twila Paris concert in Tennessee that mentioned Midget Sloatman.

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    Edited once, last by MKB (September 12, 2015 at 2:41 PM).

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    Sadly, I can't seem to make that profile sound nearly as good as it does in the video.

  • I don't have a particular video, but when the Axe FX II came out, someone posted a video of all the new presets using song examples that were perfect for the tones. At that time, I was giving up using my Eleven Rack and going back to tube amps because the tubes just sounded better. I was ready to give new technology one more shot. I came very close to buying the Axe II, until I started watching videos of the Kemper,

    It blew me away how much it sounded like a tube amp unlike the Axe which sounded like a very expensive POD (artificial and harsh as another forum-ite put it. Not just like an amp, but all approximations.)
    The Kemper profile/compare videos were especially convincing. I never tried one in person.

    When I got if home, the very first thing I did was pull up a squeaky clean rig through my K10 and could not believe the same warmth I experienced with my Rivera. I had a huge smile on my face and knew this was it.
    I've since made profiles of my Mesa Mark V, did the A/B and it sounded exactly like it. Wow.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • :)

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  • I first heard this and became obsessed with finding out more about the KPA:

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    Then I saw a few more including this one from our friend Maurizio70 and then I got one - best music gear I ever purchased!

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    ls Maurizio70's rig/profile available on rig exchange? I couldn't find it with a quick look. Would love to have that first U2 rig so I could demo the Kemper to my friends. (I'm still a noob with it so it would take me a long time to figure out how to create it at the moment...but i'm getting there...)

  • ls Maurizio70's rig/profile available on rig exchange? I couldn't find it with a quick look. Would love to have that first U2 rig so I could demo the Kemper to my friends. (I'm still a noob with it so it would take me a long time to figure out how to create it at the moment...but i'm getting there...)

    The description under the clip on youtube has a dropbox link which will give you the profile set. Click the youtube icon on the bottom of the embedded window in my post to open the clip in youtube and then click the 'show more' on the description and you will find the dropbox linik.

    Edited once, last by mwinter77 (September 13, 2015 at 6:10 AM).

  • The description under the clip on youtube has a dropbox link which will give you the profile set. Click the youtube icon on the bottom of the embedded window in my post to open the clip in youtube and then click the 'show more' on the description and you will find the dropbox linik.

    Ahh - thanks. Watched the video embedded. Will check it out now. Thank you.