[Solved]Same old problems!! Using Just arragned some new performances. Different sound in performance mode!!!!!!

  • I cant say how concerned i have been. After switching back from beta to 3.0.2. because of sound changing in performance mode (bug reported)
    shit happend again.t's not the first time i reported that!!!!). The rigs sound good in browse mode. When i switch to performance mode all rig are sounding different to the same ones that are stored in browser mode. Some of them harsch and some muffeld. Lost a lot of fun with this shit. What the heg is it? Can't hear the comments any longer, last time when i had reported it, the first answer was: There is a bug in the fw. Next time when a changed to the beta: There is a bug in the fw. Next time: Dont use the beta, so i switched back to 3.0.2. This wil work. Mates, i can say i dont work!!!! The sounds are different. Switched off and on. problem solved ( for 5 minutes) same shit arrived (sorry for this hard words, but i am not amused. Everytime when i mean everything is ok, another bug arrived. All i want is to store a rig in a performance slot and it have to sound like the one in browse mode. What can i do? I have resetted the kpa several times, i changed the fw, i have send it to the mothership ( they have changed the front panels because
    therewas a "Jitter", parameters have moved with out a hand on it). This problem is solved with the new frontpanel, but the soundchanging in performance mode is back again.
    Help needed, i am just seconds away from a point to throw it out of the window.


  • Sorry to hear about your plight, mate.

    Please forgive the silly question:

    Do you do any editing in Performance mode? If you save any rig edits you've made there, they'll not be reflected in Browser mode as the preset slots are independent.

    It's a long shot, but if you've dabbled in a bit of editing, this could be the explanation IMHO.

  • Sorry to hear about your plight, mate.

    Please forgive the silly question:

    Do you do any editing in Performance mode? If you save any rig edits you've made there, they'll not be reflected in Browser mode as the preset slots are independent.

    I am in contact wirh the servive

    It's a long shot, but if you've dabbled in a bit of editing, this could be the explanation IMHO.

    I am in contact with the service from mothership.
    They try to solve the problem.
    Looks like a software problem. I dont tweak in performance mode.

  • as it turns out the problem was that in perform mode several stomps and the cab module in Eltzeljupps backup were locked. This will of course lead to sound differences between the browse version of a rig and the perform version. If you deactivate the locks the rigs sound the same in browse and perform mode.

  • as it turns out the problem was that in perform mode several stomps and the cab module in Eltzeljupps backup were locked. This will of course lead to sound differences between the browse version of a rig and the perform version. If you deactivate the locks the rigs sound the same in browse and perform mode.

    Yes, thats right. Hans Jörg saved my day. Only one of the rigs in my browser mode have had a locked cab, a locked wah and a locked eq.
    So i have created a performance with rigs that have no locks and this one rig with locks . For example: in slot 1 there was a rig with no locks not in browser mode and not in performance mode. In slot 2 there was this shitty rig with the locks, in 3 no locks ind 4 no locks and in 5 no locks.
    This rig in slot 2 created the sound differences in the other rigs. And this is a thing that is not so logical for me because when i have an unlocked rig in browser mode and i put it in a slot of a performance i thought that nothing could touch this rig exepet i begin to tweak in performance mode. So for me the performance slot is not a 1 to 1 closed area as i expected.
    Whatever, the problem is solved and 10000 thx to Hans Jörg who checked my backup file and found this mistake from me.


  • Yes, thats right. Hans Jörg saved my day. Only one of the rigs in my browser mode have had a locked cab, a locked wah and a locked eq.
    So i have created a performance with rigs that have no locks and this one rig with locks . For example: in slot 1 there was a rig with no locks not in browser mode and not in performance mode. In slot 2 there was this shitty rig with the locks, in 3 no locks ind 4 no locks and in 5 no locks.
    This rig in slot 2 created the sound differences in the other rigs. And this is a thing that is not so logical for me because when i have an unlocked rig in browser mode and i put it in a slot of a performance i thought that nothing could touch this rig exepet i begin to tweak in performance mode. So for me the performance slot is not a 1 to 1 closed area as i expected.
    Whatever, the problem is solved and 10000 thx to Hans Jörg who checked my backup file and found this mistake from me.


    Und nochmal in Deutsch
    Gott sei Dank hat Hans Jörg den Fehler gefunden . So richtig logisch ist es für mich nicht wenn ich eine Performance erstelle in der 4 slots mit rigs belegt sind bei denen nichts gelockt ist und eines war gelocked dazwischen. Dieses Mistding hat alle sounds beeinflusst . Das hatte ich im Leben nicht auf dem Schirm, weil ich dachte der Performance mode ist nur eine Organisationsplattform in der ich zwar auch tweaken kann, aber wenn ich ein ungelocktes rig vom browser mode in den slot 1 einer performanceauswahl setze, sollte ein Nachbarrig keinerlei Einfluss auf mein slot 1 rig haben. Jetzt weiß ich, dass es das sehr wohl hat.Egal, Problem weg, Spass wieder da.

    100000 Dank an Hans Jörg
    Der Kemper Service verdient höchste Anerkennung und ich liege im Staub vor Ehrfurcht (im Ernst) ;)

  • Und nochmal in Deutsch
    Gott sei Dank hat Hans Jörg den Fehler gefunden . So richtig logisch ist es für mich nicht wenn ich eine Performance erstelle in der 4 slots mit rigs belegt sind bei denen nichts gelockt ist und eines war gelocked dazwischen. Dieses Mistding hat alle sounds beeinflusst . Das hatte ich im Leben nicht auf dem Schirm, weil ich dachte der Performance mode ist nur eine Organisationsplattform in der ich zwar auch tweaken kann, aber wenn ich ein ungelocktes rig vom browser mode in den slot 1 einer performanceauswahl setze, sollte ein Nachbarrig keinerlei Einfluss auf mein slot 1 rig haben. Jetzt weiß ich, dass es das sehr wohl hat.Egal, Problem weg, Spass wieder da.

    100000 Dank an Hans Jörg
    Der Kemper Service verdient höchste Anerkennung und ich liege im Staub vor Ehrfurcht (im Ernst) ;)

    danke für die Blumen aber das Lob möchte ich gerne an Burkhard weitergeben der die Stomp Locks als erstes gesehen hat-ich hab im zweiten Anlauf dann noch das Cab Lock entdeckt. Thank you for the flowers but it was my colleague Burkhard who spotted the locked stomps immediately. I detected the locked cab a while later. Anyways-glad it was such an easy fix! Please note that the whole purpose of locking is to make certain things global. It offfers a lot of flexibilioty but also puts the burden on the users shoulder to be aware of what is locked and what is not, especially since the browse mode and the perform mode each have their own locking setup.

  • A lock is technically an edit, IMHO, because it's a "state change". At the very least it's a tweak. It is precisely what first came to mind whilst providing my answer.

    Scott at Toaster Tips TV encountered this very same issue, and his solution was to "not edit in Performance Mode".

  • A lock is technically an edit, IMHO, because it's a "state change". At the very least it's a tweak. It is precisely what first came to mind whilst providing my answer.

    Scott at Toaster Tips TV encountered this very same issue, and his solution was to "not edit in Performance Mode".

    that is a rather odd solution. The whole purpose of the perform mode is to tweak rigs from the browse mode so they fit a certain song. There is nothing wrong with doing that-you just should be aware of whatever you are doing in particular when using the lock function.

  • that is a rather odd solution. The whole purpose of the perform mode is to tweak rigs from the browse mode so they fit a certain song. There is nothing wrong with doing that-you just should be aware of whatever you are doing in particular when using the lock function.

    Thank you for trying to clarify this for me, HJ; I do appreciate it.

    I've not even used Performance mode yet; I was going by what Scott said. I'm confused now as it looks like you're saying what I said - to edit rigs in Browser mode.

    No matter, mate. I'll figure it out if and when the time comes to use Performance Mode one day. Thank you again.

  • So as I understand it, the opposite is also true?

    A performance rig is a "snapshot" created of a browser rig. A change in a performance rig does not affect the browse rig. Any subsequent change to the original browse rig is not reflected on the performance rig created from it.

    I'm just trying to be as truthful to my experience and personal opinion that I'm clearly presenting only as a personal opinion no more no less in an honest and truthful discussion about equipment.

  • I wish he would have read the manual.....

    Many thx for the kind words. I hope you never make a mistake.
    Maybe someone likes this answer.
    I hope also that the many others who have reportet a sound changing problem between the modes are as stupid as me and they have set no lock.
    More comments like read the manual are very welcome :thumbdown:
    Nobodys perfect and in future for me its better to post a problem direct to the service.

  • Many thx for the kind words. I hope you never make a mistake.
    Maybe someone likes this answer.

    Sure I do make mistakes and rtfm is not an answer, but if I would start a youtube channel about something I would try to be better prepared. At least 6 issues of his (scott's) series cover basic things that easily could have been cleared if he at least would have taken a quick look into any documentation or forum or just by checking it out. My answer was not meant to be rude.

  • Yes, I'm sure Timo didn't mean to be rude.

    As I've said before, I've complete faith in the team's competency and intentions.

    The rigs in perform mode are physical copies of the browse rigs. Tweaking them in perform mode leaves the originals in browse mode untouched.

    Thank you, HJ.

    Funny, that's what I've always thought; I seem to recall that when the mode was introduced this was extensively canvassed.

    Guess it does come down to some folks' not having foreseen / thought of / checked the lock settings of all slots. I'm sure I would probably have made that oversight too had I tried the mode.