Weird that no-one mentioned it yet...

  • They could sound ok but not really good specifically because of the lack of accuracy. Ear fatigue while making patches on all modelers will easily fool someone to believe that what they just dialed sounds incredible until they come back to it the next day or in a few hours, and to their surprise it sounds terrible. The only modeler that doesn't suffer from that based on my personal experience is the KPA. You find the profile and your 99.9% there and the rest is dialing the reverb and delay to your liking.

    Having a real amp around as a reference when making patches could help modelers other than the KPA that doesn't need that for obvious reasons, unless the user is intentionally going to extreme levels of editing.

    The best patches for top of the line highest price modeler (AX FX II) with top of the line A -List performer , Metallica sounded nothing near as good a $500 tube amp with a mic. This is the AXE II in action, and how can anyone say anything but how terrible and lifeless the guitars sounded in this performance by Metallica!! I bet if they profiled their amps, they were guaranteed to have had better results, but I also bet they will stay away from modeling for years to come due to the epic failure of the AXE FX II to deliver.

    I hope you don't think I'm being harsh, I'm just trying to be as truthful to my experience and personal opinion that I'm clearly presenting only as a personal opinion no more no less in an honest and truthful discussion about equipment.

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    Terrible mix, partially the result of trying to add a grand piano to a electric-guitar-centric mix. Piano just sounds awful blended with this song. It annoys me when heavy acts decide that orchestras or other weird arrangements/instrumentation will add value to great songs. It takes a weird kind of hubris to decide your great thrash song should be presented with an accompanying orchestra... kind of makes me throw up in my mouth, a little. That being said, I love Metallica... at least up through the Black Album, but I think every band jumps the shark when they decide they are suddenly ready to blend their sound with classical instruments. It lies on some point of the same continuum where Pat Boone decided to release an album of metal covers, but an inversion of the Pat Boone thing.

    Edited once, last by Section8 (September 22, 2015 at 7:11 PM).

  • Anathema can do orchestra. Others cannot

    Some rock/metal bands (like Anathema) compose music that was intentionally designed to mix nicely together with this type of arrangement/instrumentation and blend together nicely... compliment each other. A grand piano or orchestra blended with songs from something like the "...And Justice for All" album, for example, sounds about as good as someone attempting to improve the Carmina Burana by adding big sections of slide whistle-ists, trashcan-lid-smashers and kazoo players to the arrangement.

  • Terrible mix, partially the result of trying to add a grand piano to a electric-guitar-centric mix. Piano just sounds awful blended with this song. It annoys me when heavy acts decide that orchestras or other weird arrangements/instrumentation will add value to great songs. It takes a weird kind of hubris to decide your great thrash song should be presented with an accompanying orchestra... kind of makes me throw up in my mouth, a little. That being said, I love Metallica... at least up through the Black Album, but I think every band jumps the shark when they decide they are suddenly ready to blend their sound with classical instruments. It lies on some point of the same continuum where Pat Boone decided to release an album of metal covers, but an inversion of the Pat Boone thing.

    That's true but regardless of the Piano the guitar sounds were terrible in the parts where there was no Piano. It's easy to dismiss and blame the mix, the sound guy, but why can't it be simply because the AXE FX isn't up to the task of hanging with a drummer and bass or in a band situation all together.

    I've heard from most who went back to using amps after switching from the AXE FX stating the reason being that the AXE FX doesn't sit well in a MIX specifically in a Live situations. What if the AXE FX II really sucks in live situations, but sound wonderful on its own. I happen to think it's the case, because to my ear when I played the AXE FX, I couldn't bond with it for the life of me, it just sounded overly hi fi and unnatural. What came to mind was harsh, brittle and unmusical and that's how it sounds in this video.

  • That's true but regardless of the Piano the guitar sounds were terrible in the parts where there was no Piano. It's easy to dismiss and blame the mix, the sound guy, but why can't it be simply because the AXE FX isn't up to the task of hanging with a drummer and bass or in a band situation all together.

    I've heard plenty of clips where the Axe-FX sounded great, and I've heard plenty that I personally didn't care for. I don't think it's fair to judge the Fractal based solely on one clip any more than it would be to judge the Kemper on one questionable profile.

  • I've heard plenty of clips where the Axe-FX sounded great, and I've heard plenty that I personally didn't care for. I don't think it's fair to judge the Fractal based solely on one clip any more than it would be to judge the Kemper on one questionable profile.

    That's also what I think, but for one reason or another the AX FX got so hyped that it became almost unthinkable for many that it could possibly sound bad. Even what you just wrote is considered offensive to some who own the AXE FX...Of course anything can sound bad including Kemper , real tube amps etc, but the difference is that you don't offend anyone by saying that Kemper can sound bad, even though it clearly models amps way more accurately than the AXE FX..

  • Anything can sound bad including the real amps for that matter. So this is really moot - anything can sound bad but can everything sound great? Hmm I guess the real question is can it sound great most of the time and for what you particularly desire? For me with the KPA I can answer the last question as resoundingly YES!

  • That's also what I think, but for one reason or another the AX FX got so hyped that it became almost unthinkable for many that it could possibly sound bad. Even what you just wrote is considered offensive to some who own the AXE FX...Of course anything can sound bad including Kemper , real tube amps etc, but the difference is that you don't offend anyone by saying that Kemper can sound bad, even though it clearly models amps way more accurately than the AXE FX..

    To be fair, plenty of people on this board too get all pissy and start calling "TROLL" as soon as someone with a divergent opinion speaks up here. Not everybody, but more than I'd like, personally.

  • To be fair, plenty of people on this board too get all pissy and start calling "TROLL" as soon as someone with a divergent opinion speaks up here. Not everybody, but more than I'd like, personally.

    Sure, some might be offended also, but not in the way that the crazy AXE FX Fans act. I've been following digital modeling since POD 2.0 and I've never seen anyone behave like those who are die hard AXE FX fan boys.

    I'll be frank when I say, that when reading the Gearpage and seeing how those fan boys act and watching people get banned from that website for merely questioning the AXE FX, the AXE FX to me no longer represented music, rock and roll, Jaz or whatever., It became to represent this over-hyped infalible machine in the minds of fanatic-cult-like following,geeky middle age men rocking out in their headphones while their kids/or wives are asleep meanwhile they know nothing about how the AXE really sounds in a live situation with a real band with drums and bass, they all insisted that it' actually better than tube amps in sound quality. I had a mindset that despised the AXE FX based on that image and I would probably never buy anything that Fractal makes.

    Who knows probably that image some how influenced my perception when I played the AXE FX II in person to consider buying it about a month ago. My thoughts were, crap! This think sounds nothing like those gearpage geeks made it out to be, it sounded like my Pod Hd could get similar tones and even more true to the amps it modeled than the over glorified AXE FX II. Who knows, I guess we're all emotional creatures and Line 6 in my mind has a very professional image while Fractal has the complete opposite with image mismanagement , specifically the disservice that the Gearpage is causing them with nothing to see except fan boys going gaga. Who knows maybe the AXE FX will never be relevant due to that image, that I'm sure many has observed and will probably never buy anything Fractal due to not wanting to associate with that cult like mentality that prevails over at the gear page and the fractal website. Then again, it might never be relevant due to Epic fail in the Metallica Video above.

    Edited once, last by Dean_R (September 23, 2015 at 12:53 PM).

  • "Sure, some might be offended also, but not in the way that the crazy AXE FX Fans act."I've been following digital modeling since POD 2.0 and I've never seen anyone behave like those who are die hard AXE FX fan boys.

    Says the guy with 35 of his 69 posts in a thread where he does nothing but trash Fractal and anyone who owns one. LMAO. Let go of the owie Dean, put a band aid on it and move on with your little life.You're embarrassing yourself and lowering the dignity of these forum.

    Oh, and just to clarify something Dean mispoke a bit, here's pages of LIVE, Metallica videos from PACKED ARENAS over the last two years world wide with both guitars and bass being Fractal. Chasing away fans by the millions ;):

    Edited once, last by skankenstein (September 23, 2015 at 3:34 PM).

  • Anything can sound bad including the real amps for that matter. So this is really moot - anything can sound bad but can everything sound great? Hmm I guess the real question is can it sound great most of the time and for what you particularly desire? For me with the KPA I can answer the last question as resoundingly YES!

    +1... The finest guitars, boutique amps and effects available can be dialed-in to a horrible-tone state.

  • Oh, and just to clarify something Dean mispoke a bit, here's pages of LIVE, Metallica videos from PACKED ARENAS over the last two years world wide with both guitars and bass being Fractal. Chasing away fans by the millions ;):

    ok, we all got it that you are a die hard metallica fan. can we move to another topic now?