Weird that no-one mentioned it yet...

  • The added volume and some tonal differences are more precent in some of these clips.
    It's always impossible to compare something correctly with even the slightest volume difference. More volume = always better.…p-shootout.html

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  • I recently tested 2 guitar sims against the Kemper.

    I got all 3 to sound good. The Kemper was hundreds of miles ahead in feel. So much so that I had to play the part monitoring through the Kemper to reamp with the software as it was difficult for my mind to connect with the sims.

    So, yes, I believe that the improved feel for the Axe II can be a big deal.

  • From my readings and scouring the net, I'd have to say, the AXE FX fan boys are, sadly, supported by and encouraged by Fractal. I'm new to Kemper , Just bought it a few days ago so I've been researching extensively for the last couple of months.

    Every time I went to the gear page to research The AXE FX and Kemper and found any discussions where someone is stating some negative impression of the AXE FX, somehow when I come back to find the thread, the thread has disappeared. Even the member has disappeared also.

    I don't know who owns that forum but deleting content that has no profanity or offensive language merely because someone says that AXE FX sound harsh is indicitive of deeply troubled individuals and this should be discouraged by Fractal if Fractal truly didn't approve of this absurd marketing agenda that they use in their website themselves also!

    Regardless, the reason why I'm keeping the Kemper is because I profiled one of my amps and I couldn't tell the difference so I know for amp tone, you can't get more accurate, period. The AXE does sound good, but compared to Kemper it's definitely not as natural or musical.

    Edited once, last by Dean_R (September 3, 2015 at 10:21 PM).

  • Quote

    And you will never hear that from any of the music equipment manufacturers. Sometimes I think, we all forget about music and playing. Instead we are searching for the holy grail of tone and even better instruments. But why?

    Could tell you a thousand reasons.The most important may be because we were educated "to consume".Then we are educated to "survive" in a world of contest.Higher,faster,better,bigger,more awesome...

    But as you said.Music is NOT about that.Maybe if you´re 20 years old and you´re testosterone makes you want to the "hottest,fastest gun around".I guess all of us beyond their 30´s have gone through this.
    I also see this with my students and most other teachers say the same.This is fine.Should be like this.

    But...The Kids cant concentrate on music anymore.They skip 100 songs in 60 seconds on youtube "to show me" what they want.This is okay.But it is not okay when they hear music also like this when they all alone.I have seen a lot which makes me worry.Even grown up,expirienced musicians,producers and sound enginiers starting to behave like little children.You can see this since years also in the mastering.The "loudness-war" anyone;All "louder",more bass,more violent..the kids got beaten up their ears since they were born.No sense for "details" anymore.Unable to hear a 3 minute song without skipping it.Let alone a 10-20 minute jam or a pink floyd epos..

    Actually this is the reason I "dont trust nerds".These kids wait permanently to "upgrade their life" without leaving the house.But when you dont have a life with expiriences (love,sex,worries,parties,problems) what kind of MUSIC will you make;What kind of INSPIRATION will you have;And last but not least:How can you express yourself;Which "upgrade" or programme will tell anyone else that you are lonely,glad,desperate etc..

    Technology should be something whoch helps us.Not the "holy grail" which gives us new shiny attractions every few minutes,hours,days and weeks just to forget about everything just feeding our vanity and egos.

    Anyway.Anything/anyone claiming that this or that product is "better than the original" my ass.I bought the KPA because it is a tool to "copy" the originals to make my life as a musician easier.Not to replace "the original" as such.

    Sorry for the rant.Sorry for sounding like an old fart.

  • Do not sorry , you are right 101 % :thumbup:

    1988 Branko Radulovic Hand Made Strat in Macedonia (SFRJ)

    2006 Steve Vai vwh moded with SS frets and Sustainac 2006 (Japan)

    2008 Fender YJM , moded (USA)

    2010 Tom Andersons Drop Top 2010 (made in California)

    2017 Charvel GG sig Caramelised Ash (USA)

    2022 Gibson ES 335 2011 Custom Shop Cherry of course ( Memphis)

  • I'm not surprised it wasn't mentioned here - it really only matters to people who own the product, or are interested in getting one of them.

    Unfortunately, If someone owns both a KPA and an Axe, they would be even less likely to mention it online, because of the way too many other people behave.

    i will agree with these statements paul made. i dont know why this thread was even started. i own both kemper and fractal and both have good points and bad for my use. theres the fanboy crap on both forums and its just silly. they are both excellent tools . as someone posted earlier...its more in your playing and touch that makes the sound. ive heard a pod sound great. use the tools and enjoy making music. ive got some killer tube amps sitting idle just because im enjoying this the technology of the modelers and seeing what each one can offer up with tones. its pretty amazing i think in all camps. fun stuff for sure.

  • There's no reason to be offended by whatever anyone says in the course of discussing equipment except for personal attacks. If people approach the whole thing with a sense of humor, I don't see an issue. Sarcasm is a form of comedy, so what if someone made a joke about Kemperl, Line 6, Fractal , etc. It's not like a cancer joke, and even those are nowadays acceptable, I personally don't like them, but people need to laugh here and there.

    It's cheap entertainment when the fan boys argue, but it's certainly not malice or Evil. On there other hand, deleting content and users is extreme in my opinion because they have negative things to say about a product. I read many forums in my spare time and I've never seen the kind of censorship that exists in the gearpage or fractal website. It's clear that their insecurities are way larger than their sense of humor. if they have any.

    Edited once, last by Dean_R (September 4, 2015 at 2:24 AM).

  • Absolutelly agreed.
    Stupid fanboy comments on both sides ruins both forums.
    Both units are amazing, and both can with ease be set to sound as good as ( maybe even better and deff more consistent ) any tube amp.

    Personally, I have absolutely nothing against any musician using any tool in order to make music. OTOH I
    1. Can't stand people who feel the need to bash others' units because they are committed with a "mine is bigger than yours" war.
    2. Can't stand business owners who feel free to criticize other products with false "technical" and "neutral" considerations, but then copy exactly the things they had just bashed.
    3. Can't stand frum managers who delete threads when they attack or put in a bad light certain products or brands.
    4. Can't stand forum managers who delete your membership because you write things "against" their products on other forums (it has happened to me and others).


    i dont know why this thread was even started.

    It was started by me, because I find the "now it sounds like the real thing!" statement irresistible, specially since this has been going on since Fw 1.0. And because I like to have fun of people behaving like in the points I have specified above.
    Finally, it has been started because this is the "other gear" section!

    But, most important than all, because I want to celebrate a forum where no matter what criticisms you express towards the main business of the forum owner, you will never be banned as long as you are good mannered and don't offend anybody.


  • I read a post by cliff chase himself where he said that he knew from the start that the Kemper Method was more accurate but he chose the algorithmic approach.

    you think these fellows singing the praises of the new firmware without knowing anything about it except for the name "Quantum" would drink the Kool Aid if the leader said to them "after you wake up, you'll ride in a magnificent spaceship that will take us all to a new planet"? :D You gotta admit, what's going on over there is really funny in some way.

    Edited once, last by Dean_R (September 4, 2015 at 5:25 AM).

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    I think "Quantum" does sound more tube-like for sure. The name and announcement was completely ridiculous though. Didn't bother reading through the fanboy forum, as every FW release is met with "OMG this is the best - it's so spot on now". But these are people not A/B'ing it to a real rig, or they would have heard the inaccuracy in the first place, possibly mentioned it on the forum, and be censored and banned. unlike the KPA which is based on nailing the sound of real rigs, like actual 100% real ones.

  • I don't see the point of this clip ??
    What author want to achieve ? What is the target?
    dum dum dum on guitar's 3 bottom strings ? I cannot hear how the guitar actually sound and breath .
    Everything under heavy compressed distortion , not -musical and not - harmonic distortion .
    I can achieve that ugly distortion with cheapest pedal and cheapest modeller or any of those guitar processors from the past in a second .

    Even if KPA, not Axe, was captured on that clip I will say the same.

    What is the point of this clip ,someone highlight me please ????

    When the guys will start creating songs and actually playing a music using guitar ,instead to produce awful noise?

    Disaster ! :D8o=O:thumbdown:

    1988 Branko Radulovic Hand Made Strat in Macedonia (SFRJ)

    2006 Steve Vai vwh moded with SS frets and Sustainac 2006 (Japan)

    2008 Fender YJM , moded (USA)

    2010 Tom Andersons Drop Top 2010 (made in California)

    2017 Charvel GG sig Caramelised Ash (USA)

    2022 Gibson ES 335 2011 Custom Shop Cherry of course ( Memphis)

  • What is the point of this clip ,someone highlight me please ????

    When the guys will start creating songs and actually playing a music using guitar ,instead to produce awful noise?

    Disaster ! :D8o=O:thumbdown:

    Agreed on this! Would love to hear clip like this:

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    Although I repeat - I am not bashing AXE as a device. And I believe if this demo would be recorded in parralel on Kemper and AXE, than we could have clearer clarification and how they compare.

  • Although I repeat - I am not bashing AXE as a device. And I believe if this demo would be recorded in parralel on Kemper and AXE, than we could have clearer clarification and how they compare.

    Skoczy , agree as well .
    This is not about Axe vs KPA ,this is music vc artificial, digital noise and killing the guitar as a musical instrument.

    in this SounLAb thread ,one can find lots of amazing clips ,showing how the electrical guitar can breath and have that "air" in the sound even if heavily distorted and compressed.

    SoundLab KPA Tones - September month is SALE month! 1st week 35% off, 2nd week 25% off, 3rd week 15% off, 4th week 10% off!!!

    Almost each clip does have the message , does have guitar sound target and little song line idea packed in specific music style , so the users can really get a clue about expected sound from the package.

    The bottom line is that SounLab (and also 99.999 % of another KPA commercial /good free profiles ) do not sound artificial and digital .

    I would like to see anyone who can find a piece of that ugly digital sound in SoundLab clips .

    They simply sound 100 % real , valve, tube, analogue ,organic ,alive, dynamic, responsive , you name it .

    Digital modellers will never ever achieve that sound , do not be naive .

    On the end,for misinformed guys or those who forgot it , KPA is a Profiler AMP .

    End of story .

    1988 Branko Radulovic Hand Made Strat in Macedonia (SFRJ)

    2006 Steve Vai vwh moded with SS frets and Sustainac 2006 (Japan)

    2008 Fender YJM , moded (USA)

    2010 Tom Andersons Drop Top 2010 (made in California)

    2017 Charvel GG sig Caramelised Ash (USA)

    2022 Gibson ES 335 2011 Custom Shop Cherry of course ( Memphis)

    Edited 4 times, last by Rescator (September 4, 2015 at 12:31 PM).

  • Am i being attacked for posting the first clip i found that a/b'ed the new axe fw against the old one? I didnt make the clip. Go fuss at Clark Kent. Whats the point of even complaining about it?

    And fyi, some people like heavy distortion. If you cant hear the difference between the two, maybe you are the problem, not the clip.

    EDIT: at least we are both SoundLab fans. Agree that his profiles are clean and clear representations of the amps, even the high gain ones ;)

  • Nobody attack you Meambobbo , especially not me :D
    I was talking about the clip which is not yours ,not about one who posted it . .
    And thanks for your effort to put that clip anyway .
    I like distortion a lot, but natural one .

    1988 Branko Radulovic Hand Made Strat in Macedonia (SFRJ)

    2006 Steve Vai vwh moded with SS frets and Sustainac 2006 (Japan)

    2008 Fender YJM , moded (USA)

    2010 Tom Andersons Drop Top 2010 (made in California)

    2017 Charvel GG sig Caramelised Ash (USA)

    2022 Gibson ES 335 2011 Custom Shop Cherry of course ( Memphis)

    Edited once, last by Rescator (September 4, 2015 at 6:20 PM).

  • I will tell you one big reason why I choosed the KPA and not anything else.I will make things short and then I will wish you all a nice weekend;

    1.Go to youtube
    2.Search for "Kemper Blues".
    3.Search for any other modeler with the "Blues" in the search engine.
    4.Compare numbers of entries and quality of players/played music of the clips.

    The blues never lies.. 8)

    Nice weekend folks.